• 非常高兴地欢迎你们来到新的工业农村生活博物馆

    It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the new Museum of Industrial and Rural Life.


  • 会后考察内容是迪夫更新项目威尔士生活博物馆

    Post-conference field visits to the Cardiff Bay regeneration project and Welsh Life Museum.


  • 实际上Facebook有望成为我们数字生活剪贴板,有朝一日,它能最终成为我们的生活博物馆

    Expect Facebook, in effect, to become our living digital scrapbook and even, eventually, perhaps our fossil.


  • 大多数艺术博物馆不同,设计博物馆展示展品我们日常生活容易找到比如冰箱洗衣机

    Unlike most art museums, the design museum shows exhibits that are easily found in our daily life, such as fridges and washing machines.


  • 这个博物馆我们提供了关于这个地区工业农业生活独特历史记录

    The museum provides us with a unique historical record of industrial and agricultural life in the area.


  • 博物馆的选择似乎远没有艺术博物馆那么严格,参观者也可以在参观这些展品时感受到我们社会的幽默部分,这些展品是从我们日常生活中收集的有趣且异常吸引人的玩具。

    The choices open to design museums seem far less strict than those to art museum, and visitors may also sense the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys collected from our everyday life.


  • 在一定程度上是因为设计博物馆清楚地展示了批量产品的工作原理和外观,以及设计如何改善我们的生活

    This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products work and look as they do, and how design has improved our lives.


  • 艺术展现片土地及其生物自然而要想看看现实生活中的这种美丽必须走出博物馆

    This art shows the natural beauty of the land and its creatures. To see this beauty in real life, all you have to do is walk outside the museum.


  • 研究发现,常博物馆音乐会创作艺术品演奏乐器会对他们的生活满意

    People who go to museums and concerts or create art or play an instrument are more satisfied with their lives, a study finds.


  • 但是那些博物馆艺术馆拉拢捐款人可以选择任何国家生活缴税捐助慈善市场全球化的。

    But many of the donors whom museums and galleries want to attract can choose where to live, pay taxes and donate: there is a global market for philanthropists.


  • 我们希望博物馆当地人带来更多收入,“,”逝者已去,我们希望活着的人能过上更好生活。”

    "We hope the museum can bring more revenue to local people," he said. "the dead are dead, but we hope the living can live better lives."


  • 据推测大多数由于博物馆保护美国生活文化成就方面卓越地位而同意宇宙飞船安置史密森学会的博物馆

    Presumably, most would agree to locate one at the Smithsonian, because of the museum's pre-eminence in preserving artifacts of American life, culture and achievement.


  • 歌迷们都聚集鲍勃·马利博物馆,那是一英国式建筑,马利在那里生活创作了一生中的大部分歌曲

    Fans flock to the museum, an English-style building where Marley lived and wrote many of his songs.


  • 不可错过 欢迎来物业博物馆The TenementMuseum)(tenement.org)爱列治(eldridgestreet.org)一览19世纪移民生活

    Don't miss The Tenement Museum (tenement.org) and the Museum at Eldridge Street (eldridgestreet.org) for a look at how immigrants lived in the 19th century.


  • 他们尽力博物馆看起来贴近真实生活墙壁地板台灯...

    They try to make the museum look as true-to-life as possible: walls floor lamps


  • 美国邮局为此发行一张纪念邮票,一些曾经生活城市博物馆分别组织演出阅读其他活动来纪念

    The United States Postal Service is honoring him with a stamp. And several museums in cities where he lived are remembering him with plays, readings and other events.


  • 博物馆展出着许多令人惊叹雕塑同样很多仍是以埃及生活主题特别是埃及乡村生活,当然,也有其他多种多样的主题,包括一些抽象的作品

    There are also some very amazing statues, many of which follow the theme of life in Egypt, especially in rural areas, but others vary, and include a number of abstract works.


  • 我们曾经参观艺术博物馆历史博物馆或者是展示日常生活博物馆

    We are all used to museums of art, history or everyday life.


  • 生活滑板设计博物馆新旧物品展览委托进行的六个项目之一

    Scooter for Life is one of six projects commissioned by the Design Museum for the New Old exhibition.


  • 拒绝这样生活:彷佛禁锢在博物馆高墙之内只能观看不能触碰害怕破坏展品的所谓的“完美”。

    I refuse to live as if I were trapped within the walls of a museum: looking but never touching, afraid to ruin the so-called perfection of the artifacts inside.


  • 因此进入加利欧就像进入一个小型博物馆,你感受到无限创造力在朝你涌来,华盛顿中心亦能感受到西班牙生活方式

    So going into Jaleo is to enter a little museum of overflowing creativity, with pieces of great aesthetic quality that reflect the "Spanish way of life" in the heart of Washington.


  • 博物馆有助于丰富人们生活

    Museums contribute to the enrichment of the lives of people.


  • 乌镇民俗风情浓郁是反映江南水乡生活活化博物馆

    Wuzhen rich folk customs, reflecting the activation of Jiangnan Water Life Museum.


  • 我们不会日常生活觉得这有什么了不起,象征意义让我们如此自信”,有努克国家艺术博物馆工作28岁Peter Lovstrom

    It is nothing that we will feel on a day-to-day basis, but the symbolic value of this gives people so much more confidence, ” said Peter Lovstrom, 28, who works at the national art museum in Nuuk.


  • 这些变化博物馆更为直观,馆里陈列着一系列农民碎石劳作生活破旧房屋的照片。

    That message is reinforced at the village museum, where old propaganda footage shows farmers breaking rocks, labouring in the fields and living in small, unfurnished homes.


  • 有了这座博物馆,以后大家了解布朗族的生活方便

    With this museum, it would be a lot easier for people to know about the Blang people and their lifestyle.


  • 有了这座博物馆,以后大家了解布朗族的生活方便

    With this museum, it would be a lot easier for people to know about the Blang people and their lifestyle.


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