• 看电视过多妨碍人际交往,日常生活其它许多方面.关掉电视机,更多时间用于日常生活身心锻炼.

    Television can stand in the way of relationships, life and more. Turn off your TV and spend more time living and exercising your mind and body.


  • 十年或者二十年前,我们生活一个其它主流文化保持联系世界

    One or two decades ago we still lived in a world in which contacts with other cultures were rather peripheral.


  • 我们日常生活经常会面对一些挫折,而其它相比,这些困难就会显得有些微不足道了。

    Often when we face obstacles in our day-to-day life, our hurdles seem very small in comparison to what many others have to face.


  • 迈克尔告诉说,到了2005年底开始觉得自己生活中的一切不对头了:那不伦的关系与其它同志友谊甚至还有致力于鼓舞青年同志士气的杂志

    But by the end of 2005, Michael told me, everything about his life was starting to feel wrong - his unconventional relationship, his gay friendships, even his magazine devoted to lifting up gay youth.


  • 生活来自其它部分:放弃完全控制但是你也令人不解其他人分享你的生活,有些事,从未放弃过。

    This is what comes from having others in your life - you give up complete control, but you also get the wonder of sharing your life with other human beings, something I'd never give up.


  • 研究结果表明孩子们报告精神苦闷程度他们所说长青春痘多少密切关系其它饮食生活方式因素关系不大。

    The results show that the level of mental distress kids reported was strongly associated with how much acne they said they had, independent of other factors like diet or lifestyle.


  • 这样社区学习其它所有王国共同生活融洽统一之中,包括树木王国。

    Such communities will learn to live in harmony and unity side by side with all other kingdoms, including the trees.


  • 希卡镇(Thika工作的卢奥人其它民族和睦生活在一起,他们住城镇边缘地带的供临时居住的房屋里。

    Poorer Luos still working in Thika live harmoniously with other tribes in makeshift settlements on the edge of the town.


  • 结交朋友时间其它志愿者一起生活工作可以很快获得友谊

    Make new friends - Working and living alongside other volunteers for an extended period of time allows you to form friendships that really last.


  • 一旦确认身份带到一个避难所其它大猩猩孤儿一起生活

    Once her identity is certain, she will be brought to a sanctuary to meet other orphan gorillas.


  • 法老征服掠夺族人类后,他们聚集其它头颅的人们其一起生活

    The Pharaohs gathered those with large craniums to live with them as they conquered and pillaged the red nations peoples.


  • 社会生活产物其它的词相比名词社会生活、社会现象关系更为密切。

    Terms are the outcome of society. The relationship between nouns and social life or social phenomena is closer than other kinds of terms.


  • 瑜伽门科学,一种生活方式如果拥有健康身体头脑平静心灵那么着练习一下瑜伽,体会其它健身方式不同之处

    Yoga is a science and a life style. if u want a healthy body, healthy mind and peaceful soul then try to give some time for Yoga practice and feel the difference from the others work outs.


  • 好象是生活其它完全不同的生长环境里。

    He grew up, as it were, in a different growing environment from others.


  • 为了食物其它小狗打架釥……多么愉快生活到处充满新鲜自由空气

    For a piece of food with other dog fight... What a happy life, everywhere is full of fresh air of freedom.


  • 主要探讨老年阶段与其它生命阶段关系老人老年生活不同反应或态度两方面问题。

    The paper discussed the relations of different life periods, and old people's different responses and attitudes toward their senectitude.


  • 当前东方生活方式主要强调简单职能也是亚洲国家区与其它国家固有设计和永恒异国情调。

    Current interest in the eastern lifestyle is in part underlined by the simplicity and function that is inherent in Asian design and an undying thirst for the exotic.


  • 群落生活型谱高位芽植物占优势(68.42%),其它亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林相似

    Phanerophytes (accounted for 68.42%) were dominant in the life-form spectrum, which was similar to that in subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest.


  • 生活垃圾中含有大量塑料制品氯化物垃圾不完全燃烧过程其它物质化合生成二恶英。

    MSW contains a large number of plastic products, chloride, etc., in the process of incomplete combustion of garbage and other substances combine to form dioxins.


  • 生活垃圾中含有大量塑料制品氯化物垃圾不完全燃烧过程其它物质化合生成二恶英。

    MSW contains a large number of plastic products, chloride, etc., in the process of incomplete combustion of garbage and other substances combine to form dioxins.


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