• 原始生态环境古朴哲学思想决定侗族一个朴素勤劳善于借鉴、想象和创造民族。

    Primitive ecological environment and plain philosophy thought, have decided the Dong minority is simple, industrious, good at profiting from the imagination and the creation.


  • 价值哲学现代转向中必须加入人性化要求维度,这就是改造关系对待关系,加强人文生态建设

    In the conversation of value philosophy, we must pay more attention to the needs of human, namely change the alteration relation to treat relation and strengthen the construction of human-zoology.


  • 伴随着全球性生态危机,不可避免地主体性哲学为基础实践美学观提出质疑。

    To be based on subjective philosophy the practice aesthetic is oppugned inevitably, when globality entironment have been jeopardizing.


  • 第一度是以植物哲学生活:出生吃饭喝水睡觉繁衍衰老死亡

    You may approach life with the philosophy of the vegetable, in which case your life will consist in being born, eating, drinking, sleeping, mating, growing old and dying.


  • 西方传统哲学中主客二分思想严重对立生态环境危机产生深化的哲学根源

    Serious opposition of the theory between host and guest thought in the western traditional philosophy is philosophy origin of the ecosystem crisis'creation and expansion.


  • 现代生态哲学基础应该追溯到中国传统哲学特别是天人合一”理念

    The philosophical foundation of modern ecology should be traced back to traditional Chinese philosophy and especially the "harmony between man and nature" concept.


  • 寺庙坚持自然农业以及自给自足的经济哲学思想积极参与生态环境问题修复以及气候变暖问题的解决

    The temple adheres to the natural agriculture and self-sufficiency philosophy, and actively participates in repairing and solving climate warming and ecological problems.


  • 我们哲学希望打造生态系统,我们的哲学是协助他人销售、去服务,能他人让他们我们有力量

    And our philosophy is that we want to be an eco-system. Our philosophy is to empower others to sell, empower others to serve, to make sure the other people are more powerful than us.


  • 为了建构发展马克思主义文化哲学我们必要进一步理解分析马克思生态文化哲学观点,以求拓宽视角丰富内涵

    In order to construct and develop the cultural philosophy of Marxism, it is necessary for us to analyze Marx's original cultural philosophy so as to widen its visual Angle, and enrich its intension.


  • 将这种哲学思想渗透在高校体育教学中,有利于创造融洽、和谐教学氛围生态环境实现教学中师生双方互动,提高高校体育教学实效

    It is of great help to create harmonious teaching atmosphere and ecological environment, to realize intercourse between teachers and students and to improve the actual effect of college P. e.


  • 目前中国哲学写作方式一方面使我们隔绝远离了传统中国人生活经验,另一方面也典籍文化的生态造成很大破坏

    The current way of writing "history of Chinese philosophy" is both separated from the life experience of traditional Chinese and damaging to the original forms of Chinese ancient books and records.


  • 生态旅游其实就是这种哲学思想应用于能充实自我探索发现中,而后者正是通过旅游来实现的。

    Ecotourism is really nothing more than the application of this philosophy to the self-enriching discovery made possible through travel.


  • 阿甘单纯自然处世态度,不自觉的应用哲学的奥卡姆剃刀理论。

    His simple attitude towards living and direct approach to life reflects a spontaneous application of Occam's Razor.


  • 本文度、理学关联易经哲学三个方面研究来知德哲学思想。

    This article investigates the philosophy of Lai Zhide from three aspects: his life commitment, his relationship to Neo-Confuciani sm, and his understanding of the Yijing.


  • 反抗人生哲学核心阐明面对荒谬的世界应该具备怎样的人

    The"revolt"is the core of his Philosophy of Life, it makes clearly the positive attitude that man should have when facing such an existence.


  • 我们哲学希望打造生态系统,我们的哲学是赋能其他人,协助他们去销售服务,确保他们能够我们有力量

    And our philosophy is that we want to be an eco - system. Our philosophy is to empower others to sell, empower others to serve, to make sure the other people are more powerful than us.


  • 我们哲学希望打造生态系统,我们的哲学是赋能其他人,协助他们去销售服务,确保他们能够我们有力量

    And our philosophy is that we want to be an eco - system. Our philosophy is to empower others to sell, empower others to serve, to make sure the other people are more powerful than us.


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