• 真是一个生僻的词汇

    This is a really esoteric word.


  • 财务困境确财务金融领域相对生僻课题

    However, finance distress is really uncommon topic in the financial realm.


  • 可以告诉我们是否缺少或者是否存在生僻值。

    It can tell us whether or not values are missing or outlying.


  • 不幸的是,里边抓住一个:难以理解的口音生僻词汇掩盖一切

    Unfortunately, I catch one word in ten: an impenetrable accent and unfamiliar vocabulary obscure the rest.


  • 作家为了行文优雅用一个生僻希腊时候,应该正确地使用

    When writers reach for an unfamiliar Greek word for the sake of elegance, it is fair to ask that they get it right.


  • 这本书里,竭力避开不必要的行话,在行文的时候,解释了全部生僻术语

    In this book I have tried to avoid unnecessary jargon and have explained all unfamiliar terms as I go along.


  • 几个同义词并不奇怪,怪生僻同义词你想下来几乎成了负担。

    It takes it for granted to have a few synonyms in any language, but there are too many uncommon synonyms in such a strange language to be able to remember them in for life at all.


  • 一封电子邮件里面回答提问时说:“使用生僻名字避免重复或者突显个性并不。”

    Using obscure names to avoid duplication of names or to be unique is not good, ” he wrote in an e-mail response to questions.


  • 5年后交换生身份前往德国哥廷根大学深造,主修梵文极为生僻的巴利语等古代语言

    Five years later he went to Gottingen University in Germany as an exchange student, majoring in Sanskrit and lesser-known ancient languages like Pali.


  • 这样倾斜可能正常的(例如产品价格范围中),可能表明生僻情况或者可能存在有效性问题

    Such skews may be normal (as in a range of product prices), may indicate outlier conditions, or may represent issues of validity.


  • 话说,如果90%某个范围内,那么频率分布告诉有什么生僻值,并且可能表明那些生僻的值存在质量问题

    In other words, if you have 90% of your values between a certain range, the frequency distribution would tell you what the outlying values are and may indicate a quality issues in those outliers.


  • 研究专注儿童文学中的生僻领域。

    My research focuses on the byways of children's literature.


  • 马小姐,这个生僻了,谁看到这个都会同时记住名字她本人。

    The character is so rare that once people see it, Miss Ma said, they tend to remember both her and her name.


  • 高中语文成绩出类拔萃,甚至有时老师也会来向请教一些生僻

    His performances in language courses were excellent in high school, and sometimes his teacher would come to him for help when encountering uncommon words.


  • 这点记忆提高程度,看起来也许并不很多但是多年以来大量研究数据而得到的平均值而且记忆测试时候采用的大多一些生僻记的词汇,所以这些已经算是已知的可以大幅提高记忆的良方了。

    That might not sound much, but it is an average over many studies and often for things that are hard to remember.


  • 经过对每一生僻字词细致校对修正后,冷冰冰的提示依旧持续出现

    But after careful proofreading and revision of the odd phrase here and there, that frosty error message continued to appear.


  • 研究主要领头人尼尔戴维斯医生这项调查这个生僻领域里最新综合性数据

    Dr Neal Davis, the study's lead author, said it was the most recent comprehensive data on the little-researched topic.


  • 行文如流水般的流畅而且没有那种自我的陶醉炫耀,因此他的诗中,不会被那些词典中烂掉的生僻所困扰。

    He writes with great fluency and is the least self-consciously obscure of poets: you don't find yourself snagged on a word that has spent most of its life slumbering in a dictionary.


  • 话题生僻语速过快口音熟悉都是学生时会遇到困难

    The topic of uncommon. Speed too fast and are not familiar with the accent in the students will encounter difficulties when listening to music.


  • 实现汉字输入,并且能够输入一些少见又较重要生僻某些特殊机构部门带来了很大的方便

    With this system, we can input Chinese characters that contain some rare but important words, which will bring great convenience to some special organizations and departments.


  • 去年中国一家媒体报道10男孩故事有一个寓意吉祥的名字,使用了一个“龙””组成的生僻字。

    Last year a local Chinese media outlet reported the story of a 10-year-old boy whose auspicious name contained a rare character made up of "dragon" and "sky."


  • 段文字点缀着一些生僻或者一些我们不熟悉的方式使用常用词会吓人的。

    A paragraph peppered with unfamiliar words and familiar words used in unfamiliar ways can be intimidating.


  • 我们接触众多商业计划书常见毛病就是对于产品技术介绍过于专业生僻占用过多篇幅

    Come into contact with in our business plan of many of the problems the book is the most common technology for the product introduction is too professional and rare, taking up too much space.


  • 它们使用生僻古怪术语,往往也带有诉讼威胁

    They use strange words. They carry the inherent threat of suit.


  • 笔者见过google ! 关键词排名,有些店铺名字生僻许多熟悉

    I have seen some shops, the name of the word is uncommon, many people do not know.


  • 是不是在律师函中一定要一些生僻古怪的术语人费解呢?换句话说,律师能不能大家都熟悉词语来表述生意上的问题即将来临的诉讼呢?覂。

    Butt must they use those ancient, strange words and be so hard to understand, or can lawyers express serious business and imminent suit using words everyone knows?


  • 推导不是那些文章蕴含生僻含义或者暗示,而是那些作者间接铺陈的含义或者特别暗示

    The questions do not ask about meanings or implications that are remote from the passage but about meanings that are developed indirectly or implications specifically suggested by the author.


  • 推导不是那些文章蕴含生僻含义或者暗示,而是那些作者间接铺陈的含义或者特别暗示

    The questions do not ask about meanings or implications that are remote from the passage but about meanings that are developed indirectly or implications specifically suggested by the author.


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