• 工厂里面生产线安安静静的作业;一点都不传说恐怖富士康

    When inside, I observed that the lines ran at a reasonable pace; nothing like the horror stories out of Foxconn.


  • 支持部门帮助下定义批准生产线工作标准监督操作工按照作业标准进行操作,任何违背标准的给予纠正指导。

    Define and approve the standard of production line with the help of supporting department, control the standard in the operation, give correction if there is any action different with standard.


  • 公司拥有多条自动化流水作业线以及先进生产检测设备具有很强生产销售能力

    The company has more than assembly-line automation line, as well as advanced production and testing equipment, has a strong production and sales capacity.


  • 掌控生产线进度品质人员的动态,随时纠正稽核员工作业

    Line leader shall have a good control of the production process, quality and staff situation as well as correct and audit operator's work at any moment.


  • 生产线编制改善作业指导书培训指导工人按照正确的方法关键生产过程中进行操作

    Create and improve SOP for production line. Train and instruct workers on correct operations, key manufacturing process.


  • 作业班次维护之前之后的每条生产线产品分别抽取数据以便包括典型过程来源

    From each work school grade order, maintenance and theater each production line product separately extracts the data, in order to changes the difference origin including the model process.


  • 其次通过作业改善优化平衡生产线使员工平均利用率76%提高88%左右。

    Second, it increases the average usage of operators from 76% to 88% through optimizing operations and balancing assembly lines.


  • 传统方式有效作业方法发现使得生产线发生了重要变革

    The discovery of more efficient methods than the traditional ones brought about major changes on the production line.


  • 通过标准化作业时间线平衡提升生产能力。

    To identity the productivity improvement opportunities by standardizing the process cycle time for each station and line balance.


  • 典型工业机器人例如焊接机器人喷漆机器人、装配机器人等大多固定生产线加工设备旁边作业的,本论文作者在参考大量文献资料的基础上。

    Most typical industrial robots such as welding robot, painting robot and assembly robot are all fixed on the product line or near the machining equipment when they are working.


  • 本文论述流水装配生产线系统设计装配要素作业时间决定方法以及生产线平衡和缓冲问题的系统设计方法。

    This paper deals with the system design method of assembly flow line, including determination of the work element time and the balancing problem of the assembly line and buffer storage capacity, etc.


  • 实验结果表明铣刀铣削性能稳定可靠,满足自动生产线连续作业要求

    According to experimental result, the milling performance of mill is steady, which satisfies the demand of continuous work of auto-production line.


  • 本文研究范围包括产品工艺设备选择作业区布局生产线设计人员配置等内容。

    The main scope of this article include: production manufacturing technics and equipments choice, work area layout, product line design, worker configuration.


  • 单独作业,亦可设计衔接成为一贯作业生产线

    Either independent work or integrated production line can be designed as required.


  • 工业工程中,生产线平衡衡量生产线工序作业时间平均化状况以及生产线生产效率指标

    In engineering, line Balancing Rate is the quota that measures the average situation of every cycle time in working procedure and the production efficiency on processing line.


  • 生产蝶型口罩机器原材料料到嵌入鼻梁线裁切成品的操作均一条线自动化作业。

    This machine produces butterfly mask with overall automation from raw material feeding to inserting, sealing inside the nose wire to finished mask.


  • 流水线作业现代生产线常用技术,流水线调度问题具有很强工程背景典型NP完全问题。

    The technology of pipeline is the most frequently used in modern product line. Pipeline problem is a typical NP-complexity problem with a solid background of the project.


  • 改造结果显示装配线工作站作业负荷趋于均衡整体生产效率得以提高,改造效果明显

    According to the results of improvement, workload of the stations becomes more balanced and productivity gets improved, the effect of the improvement is evident.


  • 装配线装配工作站作业时间是否相近、节拍是否和谐直接影响装配生产

    In the assemble line, the assemblage has a direct influence on assemble productivity, which depends on whether work time and beat of the assemble stations are harmonious or not.


  • 好的生产线布局高效率作业从根本上打下良好基础因此设计一个良好的生产线布局至关重要。

    A well-designed layout line will fundamentally lay a good foundation for efficient operating production, so designing a good layout of production lines is essential.


  • 主要职责包括生产线布局设备规格工装夹具作业指导书以及员工的培训

    Responsibilities include working with others to develop line layout, equipment specifications, tooling and fixtures, working instructions, and providing training to operators.


  • 实际生产作业说明钢丝热处理、酸洗、磷化连续作业线,可以实现金属制品大盘重周转加工高速化、连续化生产产品质量符合国家标准规定

    The practice shows the production line realizes the large size circulating processing and high speed and continuous production of wire products. The quality of product reaches the national standard.


  • 、层瓦楞纸板生产线是一自动连续作业生产线,适合大批量生产制造优质瓦楞纸板。

    The five and three layer producing line of corruated paperboard paperboard works continuous, it is fit for big batch process and made high quality corrugated paperboard.


  • 生产线自动手动两种操作方式,可实现联动分段运转作业

    The production line divide into two operations: automatic &handle. It can work with linkage and subsection .


  • 国内外生产轿车挡风玻璃厂家其涂作业采用不同类型、各具特点的自动设备或生产线

    Different auto-equipment and line are used to spray glue for car glass at home and abroad.


  • 生产线开始作业成品非常容易清洗废塑料制品

    The crushing, washing & drying line can easily wash waste plastic products from beginning to finished products.


  • 生产线采用PLC编程器集中控制、流水作业、自动化生产

    The whole line has been controlled by PLC program realizing line process and automatic production.


  • 生产线采用PLC编程器集中控制、流水作业、自动化生产

    The whole line has been controlled by PLC program realizing line process and automatic production.


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