• 吃苦

    He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is.


  • 带苦,可以说兼有美感与伤感

    It's almost beautifully sad, in a kind of bittersweet way.


  • 接着一道未尝过的菜:略微过的螃蟹,辅以李子

    Then a dish I had never tasted: lightly steamed crab served in a slightly piquant sweet sauce of plums.


  • 苏式话梅风味口含粒,爽口生津而且回味受旅游者喜爱

    Soviet-style plum flavor is sweet with a tart, with a mouth, refreshing fluid, and a long aftertaste, like most tourists.


  • 香气特征具有弗吉尼亚地区烟草特殊香气气味浓厚伴有

    Odor Characteristics: District of Virginia tobacco with special aromas, sweet, strong odor associated with slightly acidic mellow, round and moderate smoke.


  • 没有苦,哪来甜中?不要玻璃那样脆弱应像水晶一样透明太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强

    Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.


  • 果实椭圆形直径3至6厘米内部容易剥皮,撕开后,发现果肉柔软,吃起来

    The fruit is an oval shape and about 3-6 cm in diameter. Inside the slightly hard, but easily peal able skin, you can find a soft fruit that tastes slightly sweet, with a possible sour tinge.


  • 演员约翰古德曼电影饰演美拉尼•格里菲斯

    Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith's sugar daddy in the film.


  • 苹果起来跟记忆完全一样–味道十足,

    The apple tasted just as I remembered – sharp, sour, yet sweet.


  • 阿斯巴(也叫做纽口糖,出现可口可乐百事可乐的减肥产品)引起了人们对食用健康担心正如四十年前首次生产出来一样。

    Aspartame (which is marketed as NutraSweet or Equal and appears in products such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi) has aroused similar health concerns since it was first produced more than 40 years ago.


  • 事实上500多对情侣调查他们几乎所有人都认为充满热情体验

    Indeed, in a survey of over 500 lovers, almost all of them assumed that passionate love is a bittersweet experience.


  • 这种水果变味剂”独领风骚,这种浆果或者含有神秘果蛋白的药片柠檬这样的食物起来柠檬一样

    The fruit has caught on among “flavor trippers,” who pop the berryor a tablet containing miraculin—to make foods like lemons taste as sweet as lemon pie.


  • 事实上如果发酵过程细菌杀死酵母,那么最终得到的产品可能口感过

    Indeed, if the bacteria killed the yeast during the fermentation period, the finished product could be overly sweet.


  • 坐在幅上了框孩子照片拿出一个装着的塑料袋,与我们谈话的过程她就大声嚼着

    She sat under a framed photograph of her holding her baby and pulled out a Baggie containing sugar-snap peas, which she began munching as we talked.


  • 赫本拍摄姐儿》时,在一个火车头冒烟场景拍摄照片,拍摄时间1956年。

    Hepburn emerges through the smoke of a locomotive in a scene from the film "Funny Face" in 1956.


  • 三者地方外来各种文化力量人们日常生活添加独特的神韵,期间大多有至少城市国际化进程到达顶峰时如此。

    In each of these places, a great array of cultural forces, both local and external, lent a unique, often bittersweet texture to daily life, at least when cosmopolitanism was at its height.


  • 跑步一个好处就是可以日常饮食避免常常其他高热量零食

    One of the benefits of running is that you can get away with eating sweets and other high-calorie snacks in your diet every so often.


  • 一夜一夜,也是恐怖一夜,正如这个感情强烈的过去的生活已经经历过的那两三夜一样。

    It was a night of joy and terror, such as this man of stupendous emotions had already experienced twice or thrice in his lifetime.


  • 这些蔬菜水果商店也会有一特别味道包心菜根菜,萝卜酸黄瓜的味道。

    There was also a special smell inside these stores - smell of cabbage, beetroots, carrot and sour cucumbers.


  • 舌头有味蕾,它们是一小能识别食物化学成分感官细胞,能识别出、酸、咸、苦。

    Taste. The tongue contains small groups of sensory cells called taste buds that react to chemicals in foods.


  • 舌头有味蕾,它们是一小能识别食物化学成分感官细胞,能识别出

    Taste. The tongue contains small groups of sensory cells called taste buds that react to chemicals in foods. Taste buds react to sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.


  • 白薯之所以那么是因为茎块淀粉成熟过程转化成了糖份,而这种粉份在它存储烹饪的过程又有所加剧所以它非常值得被添加节日菜单种食品.

    The “sweetin these potatoes comes from an enzyme that converts most of the tuber's starches to sugars as it matures. This sweetness intensifies during storage and as the potato is cooked.


  • 来自一个人口众多的意大利家族,在这里面食奶油馅煎饼卷是饮食必不可少的一部分。

    I come from a large Italian family where pasta and cannoli are staples in our diet.


  • 此外Publix在佛州居民赢得了部分拥趸,他们热衷于巧克力薯片曲奇潜艇三明治Publix自主品牌商品

    In addition, Publix has gained a cult-like following amongst Floridians for its Publix-brand goods such as chocolate-chip cookies, sub sandwiches and sweet tea.


  • 奇异蛋白一种天然蛋白,发现非洲锡兰度是蔗糖的10万

    Thaumatin is a naturally occurring protein found in the African Serendipity Berry and is 100, 000 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar).


  • 今年BrandKey消费者忠诚度年度研究星巴克在咖啡与领域把交椅让位给了Dunkin' Donuts。

    This year Starbucks lost first place in Brand Key's annual study of consumer loyalty in the coffee-and-doughnuts category to Dunkin 'Donuts.


  • 今年BrandKey消费者忠诚度年度研究星巴克在咖啡与领域把交椅让位给了Dunkin' Donuts。

    This year Starbucks lost first place in Brand Key's annual study of consumer loyalty in the coffee-and-doughnuts category to Dunkin 'Donuts.


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