• 不仅自己写词作曲,编曲、乐器演奏、和声甚至歌曲制作都样样精通。 …

    Not only can she compose, # arrange music #, play instruments and sing in harmony, she is also a song producer.


  • 他们甚至会包中国饺子中国歌曲

    They can even make Chinese dumplings and sing Chinese songs.


  • 这个乐队现在已经不再害怕偶尔节奏变化一些歌曲里面鼓手 WillChampion甚至电子刷换成真实的鼓槌

    The group is now unafraid of the occasional tempo shift, and on some songs, drummer Will Champion even trades in his brushes for real live drumsticks!


  • 甚至卡车上印大字名字都不是的,而是所有流行歌曲笑料中占有重要地位的艾迪•斯托巴特

    The huge-lettered name on the lorries, EDDIE STOBART, the one that featured in all the pop songs and the jokes, wasn’t even his.


  • 1968年在芝加哥召开的那次代表大会糟糕至极,代表们甚至连唱何歌曲争论不休

    In the disastrous 1968 convention in Chicago the delegates could not even agree on which songs to sing.


  • 梁咏琪说道,“在大陆一首歌可能流行好几年,而不是一个季度甚至有些歌曲经历更长的时间才能一些偏远地区人们所熟知。”

    Leung. "China is so vast that a pop song can be on heavy rotation for years, not just a season." And it takes even longer for some songs to seep into the villages of the hinterland.


  • 这位英国男高音巨星曼联狂热粉丝甚至1999年冠军联赛决赛演唱了一整组歌曲(当时他就是穿着这件T恤登场的)。

    The English superstar tenor is an avid Manchester United fan and even got to sing a full set of songs at the 1999 Champion's League Final (in which he debuted this fine, fine shirt).


  • 首经典圣诞歌曲被翻唱成各类音乐包括流行乐,朋克甚至重金属音乐。

    The classic Christmas song has spawned a wide variety of covers, including pop, punk and even heavy metal versions.


  • 列侬所有翻唱歌曲中,我们找出一个积极点的名单- - -或者甚至少数愚蠢的。

    We want to strike a positive note as well-or even a few silly ones-with a collection of Lennon covers.


  • 甚至巴基斯坦葛兰学校学生获益于窗明几亮的科学实验室之余土耳其歌曲

    Even in Pakistan, pupils at Gulen schools learn Turkish songs, as well as benefiting from gleaming science LABS.


  • 甚至记得电视使用歌曲:‘螺旋桨头’的《带上加州》。

    I can even remember the song used in the first TV spot: Take California by the Propellerheads.


  • 嗓子可能完美专业甚至其他人称为不要这些阻止心爱歌曲

    Your voice may not be perfect, professional or even what others may call "on pitch" but don t let that stop you from singing your heart s song.


  • 我见人们通过歌曲相识调情甚至和解

    I've seen people bond, flirt, and even reconcile with one another through song choices.


  • 甚至可以在 “爱情空间”里添加喜欢的浪漫音乐,这样一来,她每次访问时,都听到自己最爱的歌曲

    That way she will get to listen to her favorite song whenever she visits the page!


  • Rush仍然沿续了这种演奏风格,但是这个团体现在已经不再害怕偶尔节奏漂移甚至一些歌曲里面,鼓手WillChampion电子刷换成真实的鼓槌

    Rush still hovers more than it grinds, but the group is now unafraid of the occasional tempo shift, and on some songs drummer Will Champion even trades in his brushes for real live drumsticks!


  • 二十出头年轻人(几个人脸上长青春痘),表演小时鲜活素描喜剧混合有口头上动作上的搞笑方式,还有歌曲甚至杂耍

    A five-piece group in their early 20s (some still with acne on their faces) perform an hour of sketches that incorporate verbal and physical gags as well as song and even acrobatics.


  • 苹果使付费程序的使用变得十分简单,就像iTunes商店里点击付费歌曲那样——甚至要更容易。

    And I'm guessing that Apple will make paying for the for-fee programs effortless, like clicking BUY SONG on the iTunes store-even fewer barriers to entry.


  • 毫不意外导致出现大量以此为题材笑话甚至意大利网络电视上还流传一首Shakira的《Waka Waka 》(本届世界杯主题曲)为曲调的改编歌曲

    Unsurprisingly, this has led to any number of jokes and even a song performed on Italian network television to the tune of Shakira’s Waka Waka World Cup anthem.


  • 赞助商可以要求歌手们穿上公司服装甚至以公司的名字命名他们的歌曲。 一支名为RascallFlatts乡村音乐队与“美国生活”(彭尼百货旗下的公司)签订的赞助合同就包括了以上两

    Sponsorship can lead to musicians wearing a company’s clothes and naming songs after it: Rascall Flatts, a country music band, has done both for American Living, a label carried by JCPenney.


  • 它与Pandora不同之处在于,可以选择艺术家歌曲放到播放列表中,甚至可以保存起来,就算离线也可以欣赏音乐Pandora只提供美国地区的在音乐流媒体服务

    Unlike Pandora, the US-only music streaming service, you can actually choose an artist and track, and organize music into playlists, even saving them for offline listening.


  • 狱卒连续极大音量播放重金属摇滚饶舌甚至儿歌歌曲使囚犯精神极度痛苦。

    Detainees were reportedly subjected to extremely loud and persistent music, such as heavy metal, rock, rap and even nursery rhymes, which they claimed inflicted great agony on them.


  • 智者往往尴尬有着反应水平甚至观看自己跟着出低俗汽车城风格的歌曲时也是如此。

    Those with dementia tend to have lowered levels of embarrassment, even when watching themselves sing along to cheesy Motown hits.


  • 对一些戏曲(showTune)的歌词,LyricRat返回甚至不是一首歌曲我们碰到一个奇怪故障。

    A showtune lyric returned something that wasn't even a song, which was a strange glitch to witness


  • 寻觅动听的奇特处在于,不但可以键盘输入音符搜索甚至可以只是哼唱一小旋律就搜索完整歌曲

    The peculiar place that "seek beautiful" lies in is that you can hum little pieces of melody to search for the intact song even.


  • 制片人甚至一张推荐歌曲清单。

    The producer even made a list of suggested songs .


  • 米尔现在3岁半了,很喜欢西班牙歌曲甚至有时回答老师西班牙语不是英语问题更加流利。

    Now, at 3 1/2, Camille loves to sing Spanish songs, and sometimes she even answers questions more quickly when her teachers ask her in Spanish rather than in English.


  • 可能读过关于美国每日新闻看过美国好莱坞电影美国歌曲、看过美国音乐电视甚至美国交谈过。

    You have read about the USA every day in the news, watched Hollywood films, listened to US songs and music videos and talked to people from the USA.


  • 甚至卡车上印大字名字不是的,而是所有流行歌曲笑料中占有重要地位的艾迪•斯托巴特

    The huge-lettered name on the lorries, EDDIE STOBART, the one that featured in all the pop songs and the jokes, wasn't even his.


  • 灵感也许源于绘制幅图画,也许来自于你喜爱的一首歌曲,又或者电视节目书籍甚至一次朋友无关紧要的调侃

    Your idea might come from a drawing you've created, a song you heard, something you've seen on TV, a book you may have read or a conversation with a friends.


  • 灵感也许源于绘制幅图画,也许来自于你喜爱的一首歌曲,又或者电视节目书籍甚至一次朋友无关紧要的调侃

    Your idea might come from a drawing you've created, a song you heard, something you've seen on TV, a book you may have read or a conversation with a friends.


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