• 感到遗憾瓦多城的人们不信任警察

    He laments that people in Villa El Salvador are suspicious of the police.


  • 建筑师舞台设计师乔瓦尼·塞多尼巴黎设计了大型展览,以色彩鲜艳寺庙凯旋门著称

    The architect and stage designer Giovanni Servandoni composed grand displays in Paris, featuring colourfully painted temples and triumphal arches.


  • 一只淡水来自波多黎各大学亚圭斯校区生物系显微镜中心何塞·r·阿曼多瓦拍摄。

    The head and eye of a freshwater shrimp, observed by Jose R. Almodovar of the Microscopy Center, Biology Department, UPR Mayaguez Campus, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.


  • 最后时光家中度过的,是一座位于法国多多涅地区14世纪城堡

    Wack’s last years were spent at his home, a 14th century chateau, in the Dordogne region of France.


  • 最后时光家中度过的,是一座位于法国多多涅地区14世纪城堡

    Wack's last years were spent at his home, a 14th century chateau, in the Dordogne region of France.


  • 帕内·拉斯出发,瓦多旅客们要去往著名纪念碑,可以通过乘坐火车来完成这一段路程。

    At Paineiras, visitors to Corcovado would board a train to continue the rest of the way up to the famous monument.


  • 马克城市攻读博士学位,父母频频向施压,让拉夫的家父亲汤姆料理农场。

    Now Mark is struggling to finish a PhD in the city, but he endures continual pressure from his parents to be back in Dorvaragh helping his father, Tom, on the farm.


  • 费奥多·瓦西耶维(1707-1782),俄罗斯亚城农民他自己不是一个值得纪录的人,但是妻子瓦伦蒂娜-瓦西耶娃却创造了孩子最多世界纪录。

    Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), was a peasant from Shuya, Russia. Though not noteworthy himself, his first wife, Valentina Vassilyeva, set the record for most children birthed by a single woman.


  • 一些吃惊于佩德罗.莫多瓦爱片《吾栖之得到评委会的肯定。 这部影片由安东尼奥.班德拉斯领衔主演,他其中饰演一位自我毁灭的现代医生

    Some were surprised Pedro Almodovar's much-enjoyed The Skin I Live In, starring Antonio Banderas as a modern-day Doctor Frankenstein, failed to get recognition.


  • 航行了两千多海里了,他看到白色燕鸥飞快地飞过哈古,他知道它们要飞塔希提边上马太瓦环,以此判断出他们到达目的地了。

    More than 2, 000 miles out, a flock of small white terns skimmed past the Hokule 'a heading for the still invisible Mataiva Atoll, next to Tahiti. Mau knew then that the voyage was almost over.


  • 航行了两千多海里了,他看到白色燕鸥飞快地飞过哈古,他知道它们要飞塔希提边上马太瓦环,以此判断出他们到达目的地了。

    More than 2,000 miles out, a flock of small white terns skimmed past the Hokule 'a heading for the still invisible Mataiva Atoll, next to Tahiti. Mau knew then that the voyage was almost over.


  • 赫勒及其商业伙伴富有秘鲁白人合伙人埃德瓦多·尼坎德一道,二十多岁时便利用朋友亲人那里筹来的资金涉足生态旅游生意

    Holle and his business partner, a fellow well-to-do white Peruvian named Eduardo Nycander, got into the ecotourism business in their early 20s using start-up money from friends and family.


  • 德国瑞士城市生活质量排行上表现相当抢眼,苏黎世慕尼黑杜塞多夫法兰克福日内瓦以及均位列

    German and Swiss cities also performed especially well in the quality of living rankings, with Zurich, Munich, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Geneva and Bern in the top 10.


  • 靠近拉梅斯基瓜达基维河边上的雕塑(科多瓦,西班牙

    Statue in the Guadalquivir river, near La Mezquita, (Cordoba, Spain)


  • 同时多伦多伦敦上市的鹦鹉螺公司宣布继续申请索瓦拉-1号项目的采矿权,同时继续进行各种工程试验活动。

    The Toronto and London-listed company said it would continue to move forward with permitting for its Solwara-1 project, as well as with various engineering and testing activities.


  • ·纳蛋糕爷爷了一邮购均匀儿童喜欢这么拒绝赶走

    According to Wagenaar, Cupcake's grandfather bought him a mail-order uniform and the Kid loved it so much he refused to take it off.


  • 圣萨瓦多,升米格维森特安娜的区域办事处。

    Regional Offices at San Salvador, San Miguel, San Vincente and Santa Ana.


  • 飞利浦诺瓦雷,睿智法国老兵扮演·弗雷多导师这个“托托狄维托的人生故事,萨瓦托·卡肖扮演一个被刻画孩子的不得志的导演。”

    Philippe Noiret, the sagacious French veteran, plays the mentor Alfredo in this life story of Salvatore "Toto" di Vitto, a director manque 'depicted as a child by Salvatore Cascio.


  • ·吉尼奥周一接受扫描检查米兰-今天上午米兰队医阿曼多·格兹尼·吉尼奥前往大学外科诊所这位球员接受一些检查

    Milan - This morning Milan doctor Armando Gozzini went with Serginho to an orthopaedic clinic at the Varese University where the player underwent some tests.


  • 搜索者瓦多附近发现军官尸体警察在那里绑架,蒙雷

    Searchers found the bodies of two officers near el Revelado, the community where the police group was kidnapped, Monreal said.


  • 莫多瓦资本艺术之间找到了平衡点取得了商业电影和艺术电影两个维度上成功

    Almodovar found a balance point between the capital and the art, made great success on the two dimensions of commercial films and art films.


  • 查斯,21岁移民瓦多女儿西方学校毕业在那里已经了德雷教授课程十几岁女孩一起工作

    Dare Chicest, 21, the daughter of Salvadoran immigrants, is a graduating senior at Occidental, where she has taken Professor Dreier's course and worked with teenage girls.


  • 使英语国家读者机会接触柯塔扎加西亚-马奎兹马里奥- 瓦加斯、洛萨乔治- 亚马多奥柯塔维欧- 派兹在内拉美作家的一些文字艰深的作品。

    He has given Englishspeaking readers access to a formidable roster of Latin American authors, including Cortdzar, Garcia Mdrquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Amado and Octavio Paz.


  • 四个位居国家在这——哥斯达黎加位居榜首其次哥伦比亚排名第三),伯利兹排名第四瓦多排名第五)。

    Four of the top five happiest places are here - with Costa Rica coming top, followed by Colombia', event)">Colombia (third), Belize (fourth) and El Salvador (fifth)."


  • 辛德只有时候瓦尼家的星际游艇坠落到了恩多(Endor)的从林中

    When Cindel was just five years old, the Towani family star cruiser crashed into the forest wilderness of Endor.


  • 施瓦布上周给多表示,美方已经担心中国纺织品生产商获得不公平补贴的问题照会中方。

    In a letter sent last week to Sen. Dole, Ms. Schwab said China has been put on notice about U. s. concerns that Chinese textile producers are receiving unfair subsidies.


  • 广场上凯沃帕多瓦扎哈哈迪德建筑师历史建筑设计座位惊人20长的木桌上。

    Right outside this historic building on Cavour Square in Padua, Zaha Hadid Architects designed an astonishing 20 meter long wooden table with seating.


  • 广场上凯沃帕多瓦扎哈哈迪德建筑师历史建筑设计座位惊人20长的木桌上。

    Right outside this historic building on Cavour Square in Padua, Zaha Hadid Architects designed an astonishing 20 meter long wooden table with seating.


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