• 厨房壁炉边上!

    Griselda: You must sleep in the kitchens, by the fire.


  • 北京办公设备有限公司一家开展打印耗材回收生产销售公司

    Beijing Rui Secco office equipment co., Ltd. is a recovery in the printing supplies, production and sale of the company.


  • 如果有所准备一旦机会出现,你就抓住获得更丰富经历的机会。”(埃利诺·尔特)。

    "If you prepare yourself... You will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears" (Eleanor Roosevelt).


  • 加娜甚至训练了宠物腾跃啤酒箱障碍,就骑手们在障碍里面做的那样。

    She has even trained her bovine pet to soar over a beer-crate hurdle like a regular show jumper.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维克,研究生·安德恩•特着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 首先,特别感谢妻子伊娃还有我的孩子们鲁、贾斯汀恩、玛雅、诺埃。 我他们每一个人。

    I am deeply grateful for my wife, Eva, and my kids (Chloe, Justin, Rain, Maia, Seth and Noelle) … I love them all, overwhelmingly.


  • 首先,特别感谢妻子伊娃还有我的孩子们鲁、贾斯汀恩、玛雅、诺埃。 我他们每一个人。

    I am deeply grateful for my wife, Eva, and my kids (Chloe, Justin, Rain, Maia, Seth and Noelle) …I love them all, overwhelmingly.


  • 《汉娜·蒙塔纳》这部非常流行迪士尼电视剧由当红的青少年偶像麦莉·主演的,虽然日前有宣布该剧即将季,官方表示距今还有之遥的2011年春季之前不会安排播映该剧的剧终季。

    The popular Disney series starring teen sensation Miley Cyrus is reportedly ending, but studio officials say the series finale isn't scheduled to air until Spring 2011 - more than a year away.


  • 来自加州圣地亚哥的广告员,潘妮·桑到哪儿的黑手机。所以手机来生,并不奇怪

    Penny Sansevieri, a 44-year-old publicist from San Diego, Calif., says she already takes her BlackBerry with her everywhere, so taking it with her into the great beyond doesn’t seem that strange.


  • 第九位:贱女孩——·洛翰·麦克亚当斯,莱西·沙伯特阿曼达·里德。

    Mean Girls - Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert and Amanda seyfried.


  • 属哥伦比亚大学门?大学位于温哥华,区内尚有许多具有特色的渔村或农村开车只要几个钟头就可到达。

    The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University are located in the greater Vancouver area, as are many small and quaint farming and fishing villages within a few hours' drive.


  • 属哥伦比亚大学·佛大学位于温哥华,区内尚有许多具有特色的渔村或农村开车只要几个钟头就可到达。

    The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University are located in the greater Vancouver area, as are many small and quaint farming and fishing villages within a few hours' drive.


  • 取得2010极限帆船系列胜利之后尼克•哈卡哈米斯•阿尔•安莫重返浪潮-马斯喀特队。

    This year will see Kamis AI Anbouri and Nick Hutton return to crew the The Wave, Muscat after their 2010 Extreme Sailing Series victory.


  • 最后倒数计时:再球季剩下最后场比时,最后一周的时间后在开打主力球员休息

    Final countdown: With three games remaining in the regular season, Torre has one last weekend to get his players a day off before the postseason begins.


  • 但是对布拉德布说,再次变得更加糟糕,尽管最终成功爬升第三位,差一点进入资格

    The competition took a turn for the worse for Bradbury who, however, managed to climb up to the third spot, nearly making it to the qualifying rounds.


  • 职业保龄球员协会1997首场布伦世界冠军在内华达诺拉开帷幕。

    The Professional Bowlers Association opens its 1997 season in Reno, Nevada, with the Brunswick World Tournament of Champions.


  • 娜,有事

    Oh, S, I have to tell you something.


  • 诺贝尔博士美国国家过敏性传染病学会研究领导者马里兰州斯达:“我们这些结果兴奋。

    Dr. Gary Nabel, the study leader from the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, said:"We are excited by these results. ""


  • 参加巡回,我成为世界排名10球员,创造了一个令人难以置信

    When I joined the Tour I was in the top 10 in the World Ranking and Rickie has had an unbelievable season.


  • 沙漠食人妖东南棵仙人掌搜索克希索朋居所东南

    There's a "Cactus" in the Ironsand Desert area se of the Troll village. To find it, search a short way se of Sethrc Thistlebone's home.


  • 吉山美蓉霞多丽白诗南干白葡萄酒既有新鲜水果浓郁芬芳,又有清幽的柠檬、酸橙猕猴桃的芳香。

    This Ranger Hill Semillon Chardonnay Chenin Blanc displays intense aromas of fresh fruit which are complemented by hints of lemon, lime and kiwifruit.


  • 酒店旁边只有1000多人威茨小镇从那里可以搭乘登山火车吉山观赏卢以及雪山美景

    Near the hotel, there is a small Viznau town with a population of over 1000, where you can take railway up to Mount Rigi for a breathtaking view of the Lake Lucerna and snow-capped mountain.


  • 北京科贸有限公司成立于1997年,由军工企业转制而来。

    Beijing Rebcell Sci-Trade Co., Ltd. was established in 1997, which is reformed from a military-industrial enterprise.


  • ·诺贝尔博士美国国家过敏性传染病学会研究领导者马里兰州斯达:“我们这些结果兴奋。”

    Dr Gary Nabel, the study leader from the us National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, said: "We are excited by these results."


  • ·诺贝尔博士美国国家过敏性传染病学会研究领导者马里兰州斯达:“我们这些结果兴奋。”

    Dr Gary Nabel, the study leader from the us National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, said: "We are excited by these results."


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