• 瑞得学院学生宿舍

    Redman College has five dormitories for students.


  • 这里说的一段明智的话,可以我们所用。

    Here is where Strether says something very clever that I think we can make use of.


  • 发现自己激动几乎不住这种兴奋只有自由人才感受吧。

    Red: I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can fell.


  • 瑞得食品有限公司私营股份制雄厚资金良好设备,良好的服务

    Rui Food Co., Ltd. is a private joint-stock funds have a solid, good equipment, good service.


  • 需要特别强调是,瑞得认为人脑能力大多来源于构成脑细胞单个分子熟练意识模板。

    Specifically, Conrad believes that many of the brain's capabilities stem from the pattern-recognition proficiency of the individual molecules that make up each brain cell. CET-6, 2000.6.


  • 瑞得”“正统品牌雄厚实力配套品质,挤身中国知名品牌行列。热情欢迎客商光临惠顾

    The brands of "Ruide", "Zhengtong" are listed into "China Top brands" for its strong power and corresponding quality, you are warmly welcome to visit us!


  • 回到现实世界瑞得·科恩1986年的博士论文中第一次提出了计算机病毒严治数学定义

    Back in the real world, Fred Cohen presented the first rigorous mathematical definition for a computer virus in his 1986 Ph. D. thesis.


  • 竞争更加激烈,孩子压力剧增,”全国中学联合会负责人梅尔.瑞得尔(MelRiddle)认为。

    "The competition is greater, the pressures on kids have increased dramatically, " said Mel Riddle of the National Association of Secondary School Principals.


  • 但是如果前提(“所有男人很高瑞得是个男人”)成立那么即使论证合情合理富有逻辑结论依然是谬误

    Yet, if the premises (' all men are tall, Fred is a man ') are not true then although the argument is rational and logical, it remains false.


  • 教育心理学副教授——斯文·瑞得博士毕业于斯德哥尔摩大学退休典斯德哥尔摩大学教育心理学系

    Sven Rydberg, Doctor of Stockholm University, worked as Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology of Stockholm University until retired.


  • 然而我们目光单一理论叙述理论论证上(所有男人很高瑞得是个男人因此瑞得很高”)时,这种逻辑作用就显而易见了。

    However, when we look not just at single rational statements, but at rational arguments (such as' all men are tall, Fred is a man, therefore Fred is tall ') we can see that the logic is useful.


  • 前不久女儿竟懂事似的亚先生是不是搬家了

    Recently, their oldest daughter asked Mr. Araya if the family would have to move.


  • 斯派克·(黑人导演)多年来一直针对表现批评来说已经不算什么了来做出回应

    Spike Lee has gone hard against Perry for years, with Perry responding in a way that shows that the criticism has really gotten to him.


  • 肖恩·(26岁新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特人),因为母乳喂养非常疯狂和兴奋,甚至想“兴奋,”最终以无偿帮助邻居打扫房间消耗过多能量

    Shanun Carey, 26, of Manchester, N.H., became so manic while breast-feeding that she was "bouncing off the walls," eventually volunteering to clean her neighbors' apartments to burn off excess energy.


  • 弗雷·克,高提弗雷卡尔彼特人被指控违反版权法因此而获刑并处罚金四百五十万美金。

    Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde were found guilty of breaking copyright law and were sentenced to a year in jail.


  • 集团的数据显示,日本普通工人若想买到一张DV D苦干155分钟左右,与此同时,墨西哥人勤劳不懈地工作280分钟。

    Based on data from UBS, an average worker in Japan needs to toil for around 155 minutes to buy a DVD, whereas Mexicans must put their noses to the grindstone for about 280 minutes.


  • 弗雷·拒绝接受处罚他们表示他们应该承担任何责任,他们也没有任何事情。

    The four men denied the charges throughout the trial, saying that because they did not actually host any files, they were not doing anything wrong.


  • 也许是类似氏症的后更年期综合症

    Maybe she suffered from a post-menopausal syndrome akin to Tourette's.


  • 影音公司对此判决纷纷表示赞同,弗雷·克四表示会对此审理结果进行上诉拒绝上交罚金

    Record companies welcomed the verdict but the men are to appeal and Sunde said they would refuse to pay the fine.


  • 早上晚,打开冰箱点儿饮料忽然感到背后目光过头。“嗨,”拉坐在沙发上微笑,狡黠眼睛眼镜后面审视

    I woke up earlier and opened the frige for some drink when I sensed a pair of eyes fixing in my back, so that turned around to find Larry seated in sofa who were studying me with his canny eyes.


  • 参议院预算委员会共和党最高职务如是说。

    “I don't think it has got a whole lot of legs,” said Judd Gregg, top Republican in the Senate budget committee.


  • 扎克•桑德兰当地时间早上大约10点钟驾着的36英尺长的“勇猛”号的单纵帆船到达了琳娜港。

    Zac Sunderland arrived in Marina Del Rey aboard his 36-foot sloop Intrepid at about 10am local time.


  • 秋的妈妈说:“可能暗暗喜欢着从不承认。她该高兴发疯了吧。”

    "I think she secretly had a crush on him, but she would never admit it," her mom said. "I think she would have been ecstatic."


  • 是美国主要职业棒球队中的一名普通内场手,他进入棒球名人哥哥卡尔·总被媒体包围水泄不通,他却努力伸长脖子招人注意

    But it couldn't have been easy being Billy Ripken either, an unexceptional major league 4 infielder craning his neck for notice while the press swarmed around Hall of Famer and elder brother Cal.


  • 2008年6月14日桑德兰驾船离开了洛杉矶南部琳娜港,途中在非洲好望角附近海上庆祝了自己十七岁的生日

    He left Marina Del Rey, just south of Los Angeles, on June 14, 2008, and celebrated his 17th birthday at sea while off Africa's Cape of Good Hope.


  • 2008年6月14日桑德兰驾船离开了洛杉矶南部琳娜港,途中在非洲好望角附近海上庆祝了自己十七岁的生日

    He left Marina Del Rey, just south of Los Angeles, on June 14, 2008, and celebrated his 17th birthday at sea while off Africa's Cape of Good Hope.


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