• 90岁斯登·鲁德霍尔姆一名瑞典法学家,同时也是瑞典皇家科学院成员

    Sten Rudholm, 90, is Swedish jurist, member of the Swedish Academy.


  • 瑞典警方逮捕了第五名男子,他突尼斯出生瑞典公民,据他卷入这起阴谋

    Police in Sweden arrested a fifth man, a Swedish citizen of Tunisian origin believed to be part of the plot.


  • 北欧国家英语好的一个主要原因瑞典以外的地方瑞典语?

    This is one reason Scandinavians do so well: what use is Swedish outside Sweden?


  • 事实上,瑞典承诺瑞典最高法院提出上诉

    As it is the four Swedes have promised to appeal to Sweden's highest courts.


  • 采用这种测量瑞典英国平等因为更少瑞典私人退休金

    By this measure, Sweden is less equal than Britain, since fewer Swedes have private pensions.


  • 它是这样一个工作可以支付5.50瑞典克朗(大约相当于70美分),信放在邮筒里,第二封信就已经到达了基律纳(瑞典北端的城市)。

    That it works. That you can pay 5.50 [Swedish] kronor [about 70 cents], put it in a mailbox, and the next day the letter arrives in Kiruna [the northernmost city in Sweden].


  • 戴尔瑞典打算这样做:瑞典认为要做出所有人都接受长期决定最好办法求得一致意见。

    But that is not Sweden's plan, says Mr Odell: Swedes believe that consensus is the best way to take long-term decisions that all can live with.


  • 瑞典秋季,醉醺醺麋鹿常见。因为秋天瑞典花园里大量苹果地上或者枝头

    Drunken elk are common in Sweden during the autumn season when there are plenty of apples lying around on the ground and hanging from branches in Swedish gardens.


  • 表示尽管预计漫长法律程序甚至想到阿桑奇会瑞典监狱待时间瑞典指控方并未阻止出版商此次与阿桑奇的签约。

    Mr. Bogaards said the Swedish allegations, with the prospect of lengthy legal proceedings and even prison time in Sweden, had not given the publishers pause before a deal was completed.


  • 挪威女性瑞典男性容易接纳入会同样巴西和丹麦男性也很受欢迎还有瑞典和冰岛的女性都不错。

    He said Norwegian women and Swedish men have the greatest chance of being accepted into the club, while Brazilian and Danish men are also popular - along with women from Sweden and Iceland.


  • 瑞典它的纳税人不会拥有汽车工厂,”瑞典工业部长茂德·欧乐福森(MaudOlofsson2009年通用公司努力寻找买家时说,“我们没有这方面的专家,也没有钱。”

    "The Swedish state and taxpayers in Sweden will not own car factories," Maud Olofsson, the industry minister, said in 2009, as GM struggled to find a buyer.


  • 些小钢铁公司则会专注一些利基市场瑞典瑞典钢铁集团专著于生产高强度钢板具有很高的利润率

    Some small producers with a focus on a niche in the market, such as Sweden's SSAB, a company specialising in high-strength steel, are very profitable.


  • 去年沃尔沃汽车中国吉利汽车收购,瑞典人都担扰这此的交易瑞典的汽车行业将会造成什么样的影响.

    When Volvo Cars was acquired by Geely of China last year, there was nervousness about what the deal would mean for the Swedish car industry.


  • 德国集中企业所有制已经刻意摧毁了,但是瑞典不同瑞典可以说拥有世界最为集中的企业所有制。

    Unlike in Germany, where concentrated corporate ownership has been deliberately destroyed, Sweden has arguably the most concentrated corporate ownership in the world.


  • 评级C虽然处在一个竞争很激烈小组但是瑞典同希腊队,俄罗斯队具有一样出现机会。甚至在俄罗斯队相遇的时候瑞典队还是稍占优势的。

    Grade: C. It was a tough group but Sweden had as good a chance of qualification as Greece and Russia and they were ahead of Russia when the two teams met.


  • 勒海峡大桥就到了瑞典马尔默还有瑞典其它一些地方,都短途休假的好去处。

    Malmo, across the Oresund Bridge, and other parts of Sweden are also popular for a quick getaway for a couple of days.


  • 出生于巴格达,童年随父母姐妹们移居瑞典一个小镇上接受了普通教育并获得瑞典国籍

    Born in Baghdad, as a child he emigrated, with his parents and sisters, to Sweden, where he enjoyed an unremarkable upbringing in a small provincial town, acquiring citizenship along the way.


  • 第三部则与瑞典名称完全分道扬镳,我们是《直捣蜂窝女孩》,瑞典那儿爆炸空中楼阁》。

    The third in the series - "the Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest", to us-is completely divorced from Swedish (" the air castle that exploded ").


  • 瑞典50个最大的公司只有1个1970年后建立瑞典的个体经营OECD中也是最低

    Only one of Sweden's 50 biggest companies was founded after 1970;and Sweden has the lowest rate of self-employment in the OECD.


  • 瑞典50个最大的公司只有1个1970年后建立瑞典的个体经营OECD中也是最低

    Only one of Sweden's 50 biggest companies was founded after 1970; and Sweden has the lowest rate of self-employment in the OECD.


  • 1699年,彼得联合瑞典其他敌人丹麦萨克森次年向瑞典宣战

    In 1699 Peter allied himself with Sweden's other enemies, Denmark and Saxony, and the following year he declared war.


  • 瑞典研究查看了1995年到2000年间200万瑞典家庭数据资料

    The Swedish study looked at statistical data from two million Swedish households between 1995 and 2000.


  • 主场瑞典地盘,对阵双方室内作战的能人(纳尔班迪安技高一筹,瑞典状态)。

    The tie will be held in Sweden on an indoor hard surface (again) and both of these guys are great indoor players (Nalbandian is more accomplished but the Swede is in better form).


  • 瑞典丹麦默许税率激怒大部分美国人瑞典最高税率57%,丹麦55%。

    Swedes and Danes acquiesce to tax rates that would outrage many Americans: Sweden's top rate is 57% and Denmark's is 55%.


  • 漂浮在梅拉伦湖的阿特旅馆瑞典艺术家的作品,这个旅馆位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市西边,到首都需要一个小时。旅馆看起来像是栖息跳台上的小屋

    Created by a Swedish artist, the Utter Inn floats on Lake Malaren, an hour west of Stockholm and looks like a small shed perched atop a diving platform.


  • 漂浮在梅拉伦湖的阿特旅馆瑞典艺术家的作品,这个旅馆位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市西边,到首都需要一个小时。旅馆看起来像是栖息跳台上的小屋

    Created by a Swedish artist, the Utter Inn floats on Lake Malaren, an hour west of Stockholm and looks like a small shed perched atop a diving platform.


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