• 这个电声乐队电子

    He is the keyboard player in this electronic band.


  • 课程只是提倡阅读指法而且推动创意即兴演绎就是一个专业琴手核心要素。

    The course is not just about reading and fingering, but also encourages creativity and improvisation, which are the core value of a pro player.


  • 乐则大提为了完成父亲梦想而致力于,但却缺乏生活历练而在音乐选拔赛上落选。

    Yule is a cellist and is only learning it to fulfill his father's wishes. Due to a lack of experience, he fails to qualify got a competition.


  • 得到了一些不是很主流朋友帮助绿发的加利西亚风笛斯蒂娜·帕托曼陀林克里·斯蒂勒。

    Ma also enlists help from friends who are less mainstream such as the green-haired Galician bagpiper Cristina Pato and mandolin player Chris Thiele.


  • 如果这个学生成为一个卓越小提就会观察模仿一个出色琴手技巧另外个人可能影响接近书籍

    If the pupil wants to be good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players; while some other person may most influence his approach to books.


  • 认为只是母亲退休后用来打发时间的,母亲说起目标练好,等有一可以一起联弹峰温和地表示了反对

    He had thought the piano was merely a retirement pastime for his mother, and had protested mildly when she mentioned that her goal was to be good enough one day to play four-hand with him.


  • 调音时,吉他旋紧调整螺旋来修正所对应弹簧位置,以此改变杠杆角度获得正确的张力

    To tune up, the guitarist tightens an adjustor screw at the bridge that alters the position of its corresponding spring, changing its leverage to obtain the right tension.


  • 吉他理查德·汤普森贝斯戴夫·佩吉戴夫·马特克斯一并带来,并仍担任一张专辑的中演奏角色同时约翰·卡尔提供了金属键的演奏。

    Reprising his role on the first album, guitarist Richard Thompson roped in bassist Dave Pegg and drummer Dave Mattacks, while John Cale provided both piano and celeste.


  • 帕拉第奥父亲磨坊主,安德烈亚很小时候就去给当地一位精湛的石匠当学徒

    Palladio's father was a miller who settled in Vicenza, where the young Andrea was apprenticed to a skilled stonemason.


  • 这个男孩说着嘴流利的英语,为了仰光哈利波特零售价50美元)得一美国西方知识求知若渴

    saves his money in order to buy Harry Potter books in Yangon, which retail for $50; plays piano brilliantly; and has an insatiable thirst for knowledge about America and the West.


  • 公明古代一位很有名音乐家得一

    Gong Mingyi was a famous musician in ancient times, who played the lute very well.


  • 整个(左)依靠停留在指板支撑悬挂下,指力等同于自重而非附加施力。

    Meaning hanging the whole arm with the support of the finger resting on the fingerboard. this is the natural weight not the negative weight from the hand or finger.


  • 因此照了一张X光照片显示中的胳是如何组合在一起的。

    So Rontgen made the first X-ray picture of a hand showing just how the bones in the hand fit together.


  • 朋友戴逵得一

    My friend Dai Kui plays the zither so well.


  • 舍瓦扮演着移动进球嗅觉灵敏的前锋角色,但的跑动要中锋积极。舍甫攻击可以任何人搭档

    His role is that of a moving attacking who has a great sense of goal, a first striker moves less than Sheva, who is still an attacker who can play with anyone.


  • 所以我们自己非常自然能力,三维立体围绕泰勒明电子实时移动我们操控音调音量,来得到合成的电声

    So we had a very natural performance of us moving our hands three-dimensionally around the Theremin in real time to manipulate pitch and volume, to create a really synthetic electronic sound.


  • 戴维得一

    David plays the piano so well.


  • 别人作业的时候,早已作业,坐在拿亲,一着键子,仔细研究着;

    Someone to write my homework, I had already finished the homework, was sitting near the piano, in one hand and spectrum, one hand holding the keys, careful study;


  • 刚看中一个小提女孩美丽自信关键

    I was really impressed by a gorgeous fiddler, a very pretty girl who's quite sure of herself. And she plays so well, which is the key.


  • 刚看中一个小提女孩美丽自信关键

    I was really impressed by a gorgeous fiddler, a very pretty girl who's quite sure of herself. And she plays so well, which is the key.


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