• 消费者选购决策是不同产品服务所提供的效用理解判断基础做出的。

    Consumers make buying choice based on their perceptions of the value that various products and services deliver.


  • 手势面部表情肢体动作占人际交流组成部分93%,只有7%的理解判断源自口头语言

    Gestures, facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communicationonly seven percent of understanding derives from words.


  • 这种测试判断阅读理解方法吗?

    Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension?


  • 通过法律进行理解反思来提高判断新闻工作者职业生涯所做智力准备应有的组成部分

    Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist's intellectual preparation for his or her career.


  • 不是通过某个人什么或者长的怎么样,来判断一个,我们要做是,理解这个人。

    Instead of judging someone for what he's done or how he looks, try instead to understand the person.


  • 事情发生时,理解他们为什么要这么做没有判断,只是接受他们的本来面貌。

    When things happen, understand why they do, without judgment, and accept them as they are.


  • 应用模式需要思考理解这些问题判断使用这种模式后果以及经验

    Applying patterns requires thought, understanding the problems, judgment about the consequences of using the pattern, and experience.


  • 要说原则大部分来源于常识他们涉及我们天生怀疑判断自由思考质问理解能力锻炼

    The principles presented in this chapter stem mostly from common sense; they involve the exercise of our inherent capacity for skepticism, judgment, free thinking, questioning and understanding.


  • 我们常常只是表面孩子如何宽容,但是我们不能确保孩子们真的理解如何体现道德问题,以正确行为判断以及什么生活中的善行

    In the guise, often, of teaching tolerance, we are failing to ensure that our children understand how to frame moral issues and make judgments about right conduct and about what is good in life.


  • 需要我们不是道德层面理解历史,去判断好坏“,而是要从审美角度去看。”

    And it requires us to understand history not in moral terms, such as "good" and "evil," but rather in aesthetic terms.


  • 我们判断,我们寻求理解——我们已经得到一个结论

    When we judge, we don't seek to understand — we've already come to a conclusion.


  • 高效管理者不会仅仅依赖自己理解假设判断哪些事情有利于他们工作

    An effective manager will not rely solely on his understanding and assumption of what it's like to work for him.


  • 而且需要大家判断原因是什么,重要对于我们理解为什么这些规律仅仅记住这些规律是不够的。

    And I also wanted you to identify why, it's also important to understand why we have these trends, not just to memorize the trend itself.


  • 来说,应聘者提出理解结果导向相关问题可以判断一个灵活性融入环境能力

    Any questions that have to do with understanding my expectations of success and outcomes are, to me, a really good way to judge someone's ability to be flexible and move into a new environment.


  • 人们对于真实自我一般理解似乎包含了一价值判断——判断我们生活方式是否是值得的。

    People's ordinary understanding of the true self appears to involve a kind of value judgment, a judgment about what sorts of lives are really worth living.


  • 分析文章发表心理科学杂志上,社会学家努力研究的一部分为的是更好地理解公众是如何环境问题作出自己的判断的。

    Published in the journal Psychological Science, the analysis is part of a broader effort by social scientists to understand how people make decisions about environmental issues.


  • 了解更多关于语言的知识有助于判断语言什么情况下工作最有好处,并且有助于理解在什么情况下将XQuerySQL相结合比较有用。

    Learning more about the language helps you determine when it can be most beneficial to your work, as well as help you understand when it can be useful to combine XQuery with SQL.


  • 可以这样理解无需调用Rails框架可以判断用户是否登录。

    Just understand that I can now tell if a user is logged in, without invoking the Rails framework.


  • BigMemory关键之处在怎样判断某个对象不再使用关联的内存被释放了,这也是很多开始最难理解的地方。

    The key to BigMemory, and the thing many people find hardest to understand initially, is how we are able to tell when an object is no longer being used and the associated memory freed.


  • 原来教练们也迷信啊! 研究显示,教练“比赛时场外穿着可以直接影响场内球员他们个人能力的理解判断,是真的,足球中章鱼保罗不是传说,足球其实也迷信!

    The clothing that coaches wear can have a direct effect on the players' perceptions of his ability, they found.


  • 如果我们停止判断事物好坏,我们允许自己理解然后我们可以聪明做法因为我们通过理解,对它有了一个更好的了解

    If we stop judging, we allow ourselves to try to understand, and then we can take a much smarter course of action, because we're better informed by our understanding.


  • 没有理解这个程度不能判断程序是否能度量要度量的东西

    Without that degree of understanding, you won't be able to tell whether your program measures what you want it to.


  • 通过问问题可以有利于全面理解观点并且判断异议是否与他的观点有所不同

    Ask questions that help you fully understand her point of view and determine whether your disagreement is a function of differing interests or differing perceptions.


  • 如果系统探测异常,将自我判断是否可以理解(例如天气变化节假日)。

    If the system does detect an anomaly, it asks itself if there is likely to be an innocent explanation (a change in the weather, for example, or a public holiday).


  • 或许这些理解帮助判断极限编程是否适合您,并且如果适合的话,还能在您打算尝试之前帮助您对前景有自己想法。

    Perhaps these insights can help you decide whether Extreme Programming is right for you and, if so, help give you an idea of what to expect before you take the plunge.


  • 许多不同类型的同事会软件做出武断判断,他们不能理解认为欺骗的行为。

    Many different people you work with are highly opinionated about your software, and a failure to recognize and acknowledge this is foolhardy.


  • 浦西卡尔教授智慧的很注重常识真正使他们与众不同的地方在于他们对于问题有自己理解判断

    Pushkar says wise people often highlight common sense -- but what makes them different than most is how they follow their own advice.


  • 浦西卡尔教授智慧的很注重常识真正使他们与众不同的地方在于他们对于问题有自己理解判断

    Pushkar says wise people often highlight common sense -- but what makes them different than most is how they follow their own advice.


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