• 地下乐团”这个名词有隐藏意味甚至可以说是暗中进行就是为什么它仍然被定义一种音乐理念的根本原因。

    The word 'underground' connotes a sense of concealment, even of contraband, and this is at the heart of what still defines it as a musical philosophy.


  • 并且尽管卡梅伦先生“社会理念保持一致偶尔下放了一些权利国家根本还是保持原来形态几乎同样

    And, despite occasional attempts to devolve power in line with Mr Cameron's "Big Society", the state will still fundamentally be the same shape, trying to do virtually all the same things.


  • 如果正确情况中选择正确的理念,那么释者便能完整地或是部分地解释根本无需梦者辅助说明

    Provided one hits on the right idea on the right occasion, one may solve dreams of this kind, either completely or in part, independently of any statements made by the dreamer.


  • 担心理论根本缺陷可能导致这整个优美的理念最终毁弃。

    He was afraid this was a fundamental blemish in his theory and that probably the whole beautiful idea would have to be given up.


  • 我们展示世界的过程中,爱登为我们贯通了深刻、永恒以及根本超越个体的理念

    In showing us the world, Attenborough connected us with something profound and lasting and fundamentally bigger than ourselves.


  • 许多保守派仍然厌恶麦凯恩罗姆至少目前看来信仰大多数保守学说根本理念

    Many conservatives still loathe MrMcCain, and Mr Romney at least currently pretends to believe most of thecornerstone conservative dogmas.


  • 于是,美的普遍抽象理念美丽个体有着根本区别

    The general or abstract idea of beauty is thus a radically different kind of thing than an individual beautiful object.


  • 作为一款免费软件writer一些word根本无法比拟优点——理念价格容易获得经常更新

    As free software, Writer has advantages that Word is unlikely to matchits philosophy, its price, its easy availability, and its frequent updates.


  • 制鞋订单通常提前个月早的时候就下达了——此时一个时装系列理念刚刚确定根本没有布料或样衣供参考。

    Orders typically are placed three months or more in advancewhen the concept for a collection has been decided but no fabrics or samples are in hand.


  • 影响法制经济,影响企业法制管理理念一个根本问题人们公平效率认识。

    People's view of equity and efficiency is a fundamental issue affecting economy ruled by law and legal management of modern enterprises.


  • 设计理念对设计根本指导作用,正确的设计理念成功,错误的设计理念将导致设计的失败。

    Design concept plays a fundamental role to guide the design, the right design concepts will lead to success, the wrong design concept will lead to the design failure.


  • 事实表明,只有变革实践方式,倡导新型实践理念才是解决问题根本所在。

    In fact, only to reform practice, advocating new practice philosophy is the root of the problem.


  • 必须树立“以病人为中心”的理念采取有效措施才能缓解日益严重的医患矛盾根本改善医患关系

    Therefore, setting up "patient-based" idea and taking effective measures, can gradually alleviate medicine trouble contradiction and fundamentally improve the medical trouble relation.


  • 自从弗里德曼提出“教育理念以来,发达国家教育投资体制发生了根本变化

    The systems of investment in education in developed nations have changed basically since Freidman brought out the concept of"education voucher".


  • 牢固树立并全面实施职业谨慎职业怀疑理念加强受托责任意识,是防范职业风险根本

    The most effective precautions against professional risks are to acquire and apply the concepts of professional prudence and dubiety to enhance the awareness of accountability.


  • 根本东亚区域合作理念共有文化缺失重要因素

    Studying carefully his base, the regional cooperation ideas in East Asia or the shared culture educated disappearance is an important factor.


  • 小额诉讼基本理念除了诉讼效率之外,其更加关注当事人程序保障程序利益的保护,根本目的在于正义实现

    Except for procedural efficiency, small claims' basic ideal is more concerned with the protection of parties and procedural interests. The ultimate aim of small claim is to achieve justice.


  • 认为本身事物之所以美的根本原因,艺术是以美本身为原型的现实世界摹本,美与艺术分属理念世界和艺术世界,彼此分离

    He thought that beauty itself was the reason to create beauty, and art was the copy of realistic world modeled by beauty itself and that beauty and art belonged to two separated world.


  • 一个根本原因这样理念中体现出来:即在线交流语言本质期望能促进语言学习

    One rationale is found in the belief that the linguistic nature of online communication is desirable for promoting language learning.


  • 课程课程根本区别在于理念

    The essential differences between old courses and new courses lie in the concept.


  • 图书馆理念人们理性思考和亲身体验基础形成关于图书馆本身及其价值和价值实现途径根本判断看法

    Library idea is the basic judgment and opinion on library and the realization of its values based on theoretical thinking and practical experience.


  • 只有提高全民族科学理性素质,才是邪的根本,因此,应弘扬珍视每一个生命价值理念

    The fundamental way to break up the heretical religion is to improve the scientific quality of the whole nation.


  • 先进办学理念全新管理模式良好教学环境雄厚师资力量我们立足根本

    "The advanced school idea, the brand-new management pattern, the good teaching environment, the abundant teachers strength" are the bases which we base.


  • 武汉唐城服装商贸有限公司成立多年来始终坚持设计灵魂品质根本”的经营理念

    Wuhan Chinatown garment trading company was established more than 10 years, always adhere to the "design is the soul, quality is the fundamental" business philosophy.


  • 利差风险管理思想根本改变寿险公司经营理念经营策略并贯穿于日常经营活动

    The thought of Interest rate Spread Risk management can change principles of management and operation strategy for the life insurance company.


  • 伟达公司在全球范围内拥有2,200多项专利其中涵盖了关乎现代计算根本的诸多理念

    The company holds more than 2,200 patents worldwide, including ones covering ideas essential to modern computing.


  • 伟达公司在全球范围内拥有2,200多项专利其中涵盖了关乎现代计算根本的诸多理念

    The company holds more than 2,200 patents worldwide, including ones covering ideas essential to modern computing.


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