• 那个价格获得全套体验看手相,以及用塔罗牌水晶预测未来。

    At that price, she said, I could have the full experience: readings of my palms and her Tarot CARDS and divination crystals.


  • 物理学家则会:“怎么预测出去在哪里呢?”

    Ones in physics say: "How can you predict where the ball you tossed will land?"


  • 物理学家则会说:“怎么预测出去在哪里呢?”

    While ones in physics say: "How can you predict where the ball you tossed will land?"


  • 当前计算机模型预测距离围绕恒星运行的炽热的木星类行星(巨大的气体)只能水星一样后者能反射照射到它上面的大约10%的太阳光线

    Current computer models predict that hot-Jupiter planets-gas giants that orbit very close to their stars-could be only as dark as Mercury, which reflects about 10 percent of the sunlight that hits it.


  • 这个实验关于亚当的,上帝创造出来的第一,当他看到另一个移动的时候,会预测发生什么样的情况呢。

    A thought experiment, in which Adam, the first man newly created by God, sees one billiard ball moving towards another, is asked to predict what is going to happen.


  • 这些被试必须预测方向落地位置后尽快击中键盘上一个

    The subjects had to predict, as fast as possible, the direction of the ball and where it would land, by hitting a keyboard key.


  • 如果必须评估表现,当没有预测小狗来追时,你会因此而惩罚他吗?

    If you had to evaluate the kicker's performance, would you punish him for not predicting that Fluffy would run off with the ball?


  • 很多文化中水晶占卜视为解析过去现在预测未来方式

    Scrying has been used in many cultures as a means of divining the past, present, or future.


  • 克里斯·特尔斯:很显然,是在打完最后一个以后。此前不会预测结果的。

    KIM CLIJSTERS: Until I finished that last shot, obviously, you know, you don't want to think ahead.


  • 情节公司职员摇着水晶这个可以预测免费的多力多抛向了一个自动贩卖机以便让同事们多少就拿多少多力多滋。

    Pitch: An office worker shakes a crystal ball, says it predicts free Doritos, and hurls the ball at a vending machine so co-workers can grab all the Doritos they want.


  • 实验采用功能成像技术,研究员段对手视频剪辑播放给队员然后让他的落地点进行预测

    The researchers used a functional MRI on participants, who were shown video clips of an opposing badminton player striking a shuttlecock and asked to predict where the shot would land.


  • 如果眼睛练习仅仅只需尝试就能好的预测最终方位。

    If you practice kicking a soccer ball with your eyes closed, it takes only a few tries to become quite good at predicting where the ball will end up.


  • 上周日对阵锡耶纳的比赛中上演帽子戏法;过去轮联赛中打进一切都表示,曾两度荣膺世界足先生小罗正在米兰找回自己的巅峰状态。 人们纷纷预测巴西队主帅加会将召回国家队

    Ronaldinho has scored five goals in his last two games going into this Sunday's Derby della Madonnina and many expect Dunga to call him back up for the Brazil squad.


  • 针对这个问题文中采用坐标变换方法,对铜川市产业结构就业结构进行预测

    This paper adopt sphere coordinate changing method to forecast industrial structure and labor structure in Tongchuan on this problem.


  • 工程师希望他们的预测——使用压缩空气乒乓注入管道——也许可以避免此类事故, Giilies 认为。

    But engineers are hoping that their pretestingusing compressed air to fire a ping-pong ball down the pipe, Gillies says—will prevent such a mishap.


  • 大卫拿出可以预测未来水晶他们看到了一个醉汉手里斗篷披上斗篷拿走商店,别人却没有发现。

    When David took out a crystal ball that could be predicted for the future, they saw a drunk, with a cloak in his hand, and he took his cloak and took the money from the shop.


  • 童话魔术师常用一个水晶预测未来

    The magician in the fairytale usually uses a crystal ball to predict the future.


  • 为了预测跌落碰撞栅阵列(BGA)封装中无铅焊点失效采用ABAQUS软件模拟跌落碰撞过程中焊点应力分布

    In order to predict failure location of BGA lead-free solder joints under a drop impact, ABAQUS software is used to analysis stress distribution of the solder joints.


  • 目的运用灰色数学理论预测长效缓释蛋白微体外释过程。

    OBJECTIVE To predict drug release from the extended formulations by grey maths model.


  • 对国内主要精铸钛合金高尔夫头商家及其特点市场现状进行了分析预测

    Majon firms of precision casting titanium alloy golf-club head in the world, their characteristics, and market state were analyzed and predicted.


  • 本文介绍总体设计防止抛锚船首鼻的计算方法预测防止事故发生。

    This paper introduces calculational method and mathematical model to predict and prevent the collision between bow bulb and the anchor during the early design stage.


  • 一些西方国家中,人们水晶可以预测未来

    A crystal ball is said to be able to predict the future in some Western countries.


  • 预测进行模糊调整,即根据状态生成机器人动作

    The error is adjusted with fuzzy logic, that is, the robot moves based on the forecasted condition of the ball.


  • 提出混凝土杨氏模量预测三相复合模型

    A three-phase composite sphere model is presented for the prediction of Young's modulus of concrete.


  • 我们一起凝望代表未来的水晶一起预测2010年,这个错综复杂的世界发生什么

    So, we invite you to gaze into the crystal ball and predict how the year 2010 will bode for a complicated world.


  • 讨论了头铣刀进行曲面加工时共振安定界限的预测方法,重点分析向方向共振安定界限影响

    An algorithm has been developed to predict stability lobes in ball end milling to investigate the influence of normal direction angle at cutting point on the stability.


  • 羽毛规则实施之后,以前积累一整套领先世界经验荡然无存比赛偶然性不可预测明显增加

    After the implementation of the new rules in badminton, a set of leading accumulated before vanished, while the contingency and unpredictability of race increased significantly.


  • 羽毛规则实施之后,以前积累一整套领先世界经验荡然无存比赛偶然性不可预测明显增加

    After the implementation of the new rules in badminton, a set of leading accumulated before vanished, while the contingency and unpredictability of race increased significantly.


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