• 看来无法更长期税收,把取得的现金另一退休金计划里。

    There seems to be no way to spread out the tax or roll over the cash into another pension plan.


  • 此之前唯一分析因果关系研究传统观点表示支持,其基于墨西哥一个设立条件性现金转移支付(CCT)政策的地区

    The only previous study analyzing causality, based on an area in Mexico that had instituted CCTs, supported the traditional view.


  • 消费者研究期刊研究发现杂货店现金代替信用卡进行支付使消费更加谨慎,有利于消费者做出更加健康食物选择

    Paying with cash instead of plastic at the grocery store leads to more careful spending and healthier food choices, a study in the Journal of Consumer Research finds.


  • 根据受欢迎设计房主团体获得现金服务性企业提供的技术咨询服务责任关系框架

    Under one popular design, groups of homeowners would receive cash, technical advice from facilitators, and an accountability framework.


  • 然后当然还有花费时间,值多少美元无法估量的研究价值超过出去现金

    And then, of course, there is the time spent, whose dollar figure is incalculable, though one study says it's worth more than the cash laid out.


  • 代表所能够快速地转变现金资产数目

    That's the amount of assets that you can turn into cash fairly quickly.


  • 坚信如果帮助人民最好他们现金不是提供价值无人体谅的服务

    He is convinced that if you want to help people, it is better to give them cash rather than provide a service, whose value nobody understands.


  • 尽管如此现金充裕又渴望海外扩张中国企业崛起大阪府上海代表处带来了任务

    Still, the rise of cash-rich Chinese companies eager to expand abroad has created another role for Osaka Prefecture's Shanghai office.


  • 挑战就是电动汽车到手现金消费者面前就是为什么汽车制造商正在谨慎挑选早期销售市场

    A big challenge will be getting the cars to the cash-in-hand customers, which is why the automakers are carefully selecting their early sales markets.


  • 但是获得现金奖励权利复杂又从未涉足过的业务

    But getting the cash incentives right is a complex and uncharted business.


  • 因为交易会记录出售于是抵押品雷曼的资产负债表消失,雷曼从而可以获取的现金偿还债务

    Because the deal was being recorded as a sale, the collateral disappeared from Lehman's balance-sheet and the bank used the cash it generated to pay down debt.


  • 格塞尔根据瑞士商人乔治·诺德曼的建议认为现金征收“持有就可以防止现金的囤积。

    Gesell, following a suggestion made by Swiss merchant George Nordman, argued that a "carrying tax" on money could prevent hoarding.


  • 墨西哥巴西有条件现金转移支付计划作为努力提高社会安全网成效内容取代瞄准性差的补贴整合规模较小的计划。

    In countries such as Mexico and Brazil, CCT programs were introduced as part of larger efforts to make safety nets more effective, replace badly targeted subsidies, or integrate smaller programs.


  • 电信服务专业技术人员军火库里增加全新技术优势,可以用它来产生新的可观的现金流。

    Telecommunications services add an entire new niche to a technology professional's Arsenal that can generate significant new revenue streams.


  • 可支配收入下降之际,耐用品消费的井喷式增长旧车现金”的计划推动的,这种做法其实是向未来GDP除此之外意义不大。

    The durable goods spurt - even as disposable incomes fell - was powered by a car scrappage scheme that borrowed GDP from the future more than anything else.


  • 欧盟出台颇具争议方案,要求银行家们的奖金制度进行调整,减少现金支付增加证券支付比例。

    The European Union pushed forward with a controversial plan to rejig bankers’ bonuses that would reduce the amount payable in cash and increase the element of shares in bonus schemes.


  • 但是一旦拥有了自己产品(服务),企业计划,一条现金(不论多么),那么你就能开始扩张的企业而去寻找资金了。

    But once you have your product (or service), a business plan, and a cash flow (no matter how small), you can start to look for funds to expand your business.


  • 现金占据主导欺诈屡见不鲜甚至连基本细节难以核实国度里,判断信用可靠度棘手的工作

    But judging creditworthiness is tricky in a country where cash reigns, fraud is rife and even the most basic details can be difficult to verify.


  • 根据MIT商学院教授们研究那些信用卡支付花费的钱是现金支付花费的倍。

    According to a study by professors at MIT's business school, people who charged their purchases spent more than twice as much for the exact same things as people who paid with cash.


  • 解说预算各种功能如何现金流向分析以及如何制作有用的预算。

    Explains the functions of a budget, how to do a cash flow analysis, and how to create a workable budget.


  • 由于一原因有价证券通常被认为仅次于现金流动资产,并作为流动资产的第二资产负债表上。

    For this reason, marketable securities are usually listed in the balance sheet second among current assets, immediately after cash.


  • 欧盟出台新的法律强制旅行者声明其携带现金的有效期

    A new European Union (EU) law obliging travellers to declare cash comes into force in one month's time.


  • 现金股利,在宣布减少保留盈利成为流动负债

    Cash dividends, reduce retained earnings and become a current liability when declared.


  • 所有资产中,现金具有流动性因此作为流动资产的第一示于资产负债表上。

    Cash is listed first in the balance sheet, because it is the most liquid of all current assets.


  • 由于公司之应付美元人民币支付,现金储存则加元为主,故需承受若干货币风险

    The Company is exposed to currency risk to the extent that certain cash deposits are denominated in Canadian Dollars whereas accounts payable are denominated in US Dollars and RMB.


  • 危机发生AZBB流动负债经营现金保障系数)、BC指标构成模型误判为14.52%。

    While in two year before the crisis, the model composed by AZ, BC and BB (current liability coverage ratio by the operational cash) shows an errordifferentiation ratio at 14.52%.


  • 投资者为进行交易支付一定比例现金按一定的利率经济商借贷其余的款

    An investor pays a certain amount of cash to fund a transaction and borrows the remainder from a broker at a rate of interest.


  • 另外,应收账款和应付账款没有反应现金流量表里面,对一家公司而言其中的每可能非常巨大。

    In the year that it sold the equipment, the company would end up with a strong positive cash flow, but its current and future earnings potential would be fairly bleak.


  • 金融顾问公司Longview Economics克里斯·沃林(Chris Watling)指出估值方法收益率实际现金回报率之间关系

    Chris Watling of Longview Economics points to another measure, the relation between the earnings yield and the real return on cash.


  • 金融顾问公司Longview Economics克里斯·沃林(Chris Watling)指出估值方法收益率实际现金回报率之间关系

    Chris Watling of Longview Economics points to another measure, the relation between the earnings yield and the real return on cash.


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