• 实验结果来看,极限碳酸盐硬度简便、捷、现性好,可信度高

    The results of the experiment sh ow that the limited carbonate hardness method is simple, quick and effective.


  • 相信艺术偏好时间文化现性递增的。不是所有的文化都会在某一点相交

    I do not believe the artistic preference timeline is linear across time and cultures and that all cultures pass through the same points.


  • 文章分析了影响裁判客观主要因素并提出提高甘肃省武术套路裁判评分客现性主要途径

    The paper analyzes the the main factors impacting the objectivity of referees 'judgement, advances the main ways to improve the objectivity of Wushu routine referees in Gansu.


  • 位点基因突变异质水平亲缘关系抽搐发作的早现性血浆乳酸检测值等临床表型存在相关

    The mutant heteroplasmy levels are positively associated with genetic relationship, seizure anticipation, plasma lactate data and other clinical features.


  • Tice,很大一部分通过开车降温这一使开车时更具防御

    Tice found that a large proportion of men cool down by going for a drive—a finding that inspired her to drive more defensively.


  • 如果国会采取强硬的规则要求新的税收预算削减来抵消增加支付供应商的费用,这种情况发生可能就会小得多。

    That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong "pay-go" rules requiring that any increase in payments to providers be offset by new taxes or budget cuts.


  • 这项工作詹姆斯·查德威克爵士中子铺平了道路,尤其是为伊莲娜弗雷德里克·约里奥特·居里1934年发人工放射奠定了基础。

    This work prepared the way for the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick and, above all, for the discovery in 1934 by Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie of artificial radioactivity.


  • 一名足月新生儿出生的第二全身水肿蛋白尿高脂血症

    A female term neonate presented with generalized edema, heavy proteinuria and hyperlipidemia in the second week of life.


  • 历史在时一般在时

    The case of Historic Present is the presentation of present-connectiveness.


  • 为了避免新的一年流动危机付出如此高昂代价完全值得的:对弱小银行来说,能够以与强大的银行相同利率借款完全不到不知好上多少。

    It is worth paying a high price to stave off a liquidity crisis over New Year: better that weak Banks are able to borrow at the same rates as strong ones than that they are not able to borrow at all.


  • 青蛙蝌蚪能够发出声音提高许多其他水生动物幼仔以同样方式沟通可能

    The discovery that frog tadpoles can make sounds also raises the possibility that a host of aquatic larvae communicate in a similar way.


  • 科学家一发提醒人们体育锻炼心脏健康何等重要

    They say that the findings emphasise the importance of exercising for a healthy heart.


  • 如果他们看好公司,很可能忽略它进步将其季度的增长看作昙花一不是一种改变趋势

    If they view a company unfavourably, they may dismiss an improvement in quarterly profits as a blip, rather than a change in trend.


  • 这种阻止血管生成,阻碍维持转移血管生成年前他们月刊癌症研究》上发表了一发

    The peptide also blocks angiogenesis, the creation of blood vessels that sustain metastatic tumors, they reported six years ago in the journal Cancer Research.


  • 事实上一发表明几乎所有哺乳动物至少进化可能

    Indeed, the finding suggests nearly all mammals haveat least the potential to evolve it too.


  • 了解这一重要急于寻求更多头骨

    He knew what he had discovered and was eagerly seeking more of these skulls.


  • 提出了一种可能奥尔梅克金字塔可能包含文塔尤其是著名网站类似墓葬

    The find raised the possibility that Olmec pyramids might contain similar tombs of dignitaries, especially at well-known sites like la Venta.


  • 专家表示奥米加- 3可以减去老年黄斑病变三分之一机会,而今次这项研究显示,脂肪酸对于患上眼疾的病人同样奏效。

    Experts have already suggested omega-3 may cut the risk of getting AMD by a third, and now this latest work suggests these fats also benefit patients who already have the disease.


  • 所得出了并且一旦下定概括结论,就作为学习研究指导原则总结如下。

    The general conclusion at which I arrived and which, once reached, became the guiding principle of my studies can be summarized as follows.


  • 切利荷兰研究人员《新英格兰医学期刊》公布一发带来了从褐色脂肪着手进行非药物治疗可能

    The findings of Dutch researchers published in the NEJM raise the possibility of nondrug treatments related to brown fat, Dr. Celi said.


  • 周六适宜天气可能为40%,周日为50%。

    There is a 40% chance of favourable weather on Saturday and a 50% chance on Sunday.


  • 沥青沥青铀矿矿中提炼测量各种各样物质工作非常繁重肮脏单调乏味的,但是玛丽1898年两个新的放射元素:其中的个,根据祖国波兰名称,称此元素为命名第二个所发的元素为镭。

    It was heavy, dirty, and tedious work to separate and measure the various substances, but Marie was able to discover two in 1898. She named one substance polonium, after her motherland of Poland.


  • 他们祈祷好运能在这最后一次任务降临,天气也能突然转好。天气预报显示,暴风雨天气可能阻止周五发射可能仍为70%。

    Forecasters believe there is a 70% chance now that stormy weather will prevent the shuttle getting away on Friday.


  • 上世纪八十年代达到顶峰后,人工流产呈逐年下降1000位女的人工流产数已低于20

    Since a peak in the early 1980s, the rate has dropped steadily: there are now less than 20 abortions for every 1,000 women.


  • 一旦出这种局面,对日本政坛来说则灾难即使最近日本政坛改弦更张的频率算(过去44位首相)。

    That would be a disaster, even by the sorry standards of recent Japanese politics, in which four prime ministers have come and gone in the past four years.


  • Brasier教授提出增多了在世界各地早期生命可能

    Professor Brasier suggested that the findings open the possibility of finding early life elsewhere.


  • Brasier教授提出增多了在世界各地早期生命可能

    Professor Brasier suggested that the findings open the possibility of finding early life elsewhere.


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