• 弗洛伊德所谓快乐原则有关一种则与所说现实原则有关。

    One is related to what Freud calls the Pleasure Principle, the other to what he calls the Reality Principle.


  • 是按照现实原则运行的。

    And it works on the "Reality Principle."


  • 这种现实原则”能够确保我们在满足需求时,不会自我’发生冲突

    This "reality principle" makes sure we meet the needs of the Id, without conflicting with the laws of the Ego.


  • 问题有着十分复杂历史背景现实原则问题解决需要过程,而且可能是一个曲折的过程。

    The Korean nuclear issue has a very complicated historical background and realistic principle, and the solution to this issue requires a process, most probably a twisted process.


  • 电影批评总体规律表现为主客体的对应、历史原则现实原则统一以及批评主体动态结构

    The general rules of cinematics critique show that the parallelism of subjectivity and objectivity, unification of historical and real principles and dynamic structure of crit...


  • 可以运用思想创造你的现实就是吸引力原则

    With your thoughts, you create your reality. This is the principle of attraction.


  • 原则反对必修课程但是认为外语列为必修课现实的。

    I'm not opposed to a core curriculum in principle, but I think requiring a foreign language is unrealistic.


  • 自我意识运作原则是根据现实

    The ego operates on the reality principle.


  • 现实生活里,‘敏捷SOA面临因不了解而带来恐惧怀疑敏捷和SOA原则实现而言是否是正确的东西

    In real life both 'Agile' and SOA are confronted with fear of the unknown and doubt whether Agile and SOA principles are the right thing to implement.


  • 怀疑论者这个声明反应日常现实柏拉图的理论相矛盾:与第一种方式相矛盾的是不公正原则激发积极性暴君,他可能已经得到了幸福

    The response of the skeptics is to claim that daily reality contradicts Plato, and that contrary to number one, tyrants, motivated by unjust principles, may be found to be happy.


  • 应用程序常常没有嵌入内聚耦合原则原因现实软件开发过程有关

    The reason that applications frequently fail to embody the principles of high cohesion and low coupling relates to real-world software development processes.


  • 一伙坚信普朗克观点人,确信存在着一隐蔽密码用来描述自然物理现实本质基本规律原则

    Another group that would commit to Planck's view are the believers in a hidden code of Nature, a set of fundamental laws and principles that describe the essence of physical reality.


  • 我们认为客户可以运用我们技术敏捷开发方式原则采用更加现实方法去归纳解决问题

    We think customers can apply our technologies, the principles of agile development to architecture problems, take a more real world approach, and see if the result generalizes.


  • 面对现实所作出妥协可能打破僵局的,这种妥协建立人均排放量相等原则”的“严格版本”的基础上。

    A realistic compromise that can break the deadlock is possible, based on a less strict version of the per capita emissions equity principle.


  • 面临现实世界喧嚣繁芜困惑决策者通常求助于最高原则广泛的假设

    Faced with the "blooming, buzzing confusion" of the real world, policymakers often fall back on the highest-order principles and the broadest presumptions.


  • 我会告诉如何简约主义的原则应用科技生活中,这样就能集中精力现实生活。

    I'll teach you how to apply simplicity and minimalism to your tech life so you can focus on your real life.


  • 想要快乐须铭记原则就是感知塑造现实”,谁也不会句话吃惊

    One of the major principles of happiness – and this comes as a shock to no one – is that perception shapes reality.


  • 本报一直提倡现实世界中的自由贸易开放市场积极竞争同样原则网络世界一样适用

    This newspaper has always championed free trade, open markets and vigorous competition in the physical world. The same principles should be applied on the Internet as well.


  • 柯里亚的两件建筑作品表达了印度历史现实同等关注设计原则

    These two projects also reveal another strain in his thinking and design: a concern with Indian history as well as with Indian reality.


  • SOA要是不知道如何利用敏捷原则使目标成为现实,将会浪费时间金钱

    Service oriented architecture without a clear vision how to make it real using agile development principles is a waste of time and money.


  • 他们纯粹理想路线呢还是说‘吧,我会追求原则现实方式’呢?

    Is it going to be about pure ideology, or is it going to be about, 'OK, how do I pursue my principles but do it in a way that can still make progress?'


  • 如果现实世界贫穷遵循原则的人疼痛剧烈

    If real-world poverty follows this principle, those with less money may feel pain more acutely.


  • 为了我们自己有效事,我们构建现实模型形成新的原则

    We construct models of reality and form new principles in order to let ourselves do what works.


  • 这个原则基于怎样一个机构动作现实世界中。

    This principle is based on how a body moves in the real world.


  • 本文医疗设备报废工作中的现实问题进行了分析就适当修正医疗设备报废原则报废标准提出具体建议。

    This paper analysis the realistic problems in the work of scrapping medical devices, and put forward some concrete amendments for scrapping principles and standards of medical devices.


  • 结语部分强调复杂环境中惟有坚持原则面对现实努力提高自己的能力来追求艺术

    In the conclusion partial emphases complex environment, only has persisted the principle faces the reality to sharpen own diligently ability, pursues art.


  • 结语部分强调复杂环境中惟有坚持原则面对现实努力提高自己的能力来追求艺术

    In the conclusion partial emphases complex environment, only has persisted the principle faces the reality to sharpen own diligently ability, pursues art.


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