• 他们盛情加入本能现实主义派

    I've been cordially invited to join the visceral realists.


  • 这次运动综合了立体现实主义以前未曾同时出现现代艺术元素

    The movement synthesized elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.


  • 虽然米莱一个现实主义画家梵高是后印象画家,但幅画仍然很多共同特点

    Although Millet was a realist painter, and Van Gogh a post-impressionist, the two paintings still share lots of features.


  • 2002年,《少数报告》相当卖座,究原因是因为它充满了现实主义,十分坦诚,我们设计了一个合情合理的2054年的世界

    What made Minority Report so striking in 2002 was its realistic and quite frankly, reasonable projection of how the world would look in 2054.


  • 巴尔扎克伏脱冷形象审美评价作为现实主义大潮涌动股潜流,对于现代美学原则确立发挥了艺术实践方面的奠基作用

    As an undercurrent of realism, the aesthetic evaluation made on Futaulen by Balzac played a fundamental role in the art practice to the establishment of modern school aesthetic principle.


  • 接下来,安瑟尔的艺术脚步又迈向了非现实主义.远离自己法国德国现代同仁(经常他们发脾气),将自己隔离,创造出一种完全自我的梦幻般的视觉语言.他对比利时文化犀利批评不严肃的。

    Ensor’s artistic leap into unreality is next. Isolated from his modernist peers in France and Germany (and often resentful of them), he managed to create a dreamy visual language all his own.


  • “九叶”将西方现代主义诗歌艺术手法融于当时中国时代背景下的现实主义精神之中

    It applied artistic technique of Western modernist poetry to the spirit of realism of the times of China.


  • 十九世纪四十年代起,“自然批判现实主义取代浪漫主义成为十九世纪俄国文学主流

    From the19th century 30, 40's, "school of nature," the critique realism substituted the romanticism, and became the mainstream of 19th century Russia literature.


  • 现实主义形式正是在叙述描写现实主义表现主义、先锋论争中找到自己的定位而建构起来

    As a form of realism with some debates and discussion formed it's borders and the main features.


  • 他憎恶表现主义现代艺术提倡现实主义

    Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art, but advocates realism.


  • 1918年,再次摆脱现实主义将幻想画的手法(包括抽象飞行物)与立体的风格揉合于作品之中。

    By 1918 he had moved away from realism again and was blending fantasy-including abstract flying figures-and cubism in his work.


  • 传统绘画则现实主义载体现代母体

    Tradition it paints to be carrier of modernism, parent of the modernist.


  • 立体野兽现实主义抽象主义艺术理念形式无一不曾时装设计中有所体现

    From Cubism, Fauvism to Surrealism and Abstractionism, their art concept and pattern all have been embodied in fashion design.


  • 运动综合了立体现实主义以前从未同时出现现代艺术元素

    The movement synthesised elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.


  • 社会剖析中国现实主义文学思潮出现一个重要文学当时及其以后都产生巨大影响

    Social anatomist school is one of the most important literary in the history of Chinese realistic literature, which has exerted great influence on Chinese literature ever since its birth.


  • 坚持现实主义方向,关注时代风云,重大社会历史事件展现人物思想变化脉络,对整个人生小说创作起了有力的推动作用。

    He adhered to realism, paid a good deal of attention to the rapid changes of his age, clearly presented people's changes in their ideology in the important social and historical


  • 琼斯奥尼尔现实主义戏剧现代戏剧转折点表现主义、象征主义现实主义戏剧美学思想为一体。

    The Emperor Jones is the turning point of Onear's realist and modern dramas integrating expressionism impressionism and aesthetics of realist dramas.


  • 文章依据大量一手资料梳理并论述胡风文学理念以及现实主义文艺思想对七月形成的作用

    This article analyzes his realistic literary theory and the role it plays in the emergence of the July Poetic School.


  • 现代文学十九世纪末二十世纪初诞生欧洲文学流荒诞笔触怪异的写作技法,让习惯于欣赏传统和现实主义的读者颇感陌生。

    The school of modern literature is the one that came into being at the end of nineteen century and in the beginning of twenty century in Europe.


  • 西方美术史上,尤其是在二十世纪西方现代绘画史上,产生过许许多多的画野兽立体、未来达达以及现实主义

    In the western history of art especially in the modern painting history of20th there were many modern painting trends such as fauvism cubism futurism dada and surrealism etc.


  • 近几年来,现实主义受到了不同立场出发又一学者若干强有力抨击……参与这次挑战主要四个

    In the last few years a number of powerful attacks on realism have been mounted by scholars from a diffuse grouping of positions... there are four main groupings involved in this challenge.


  • 1997年,一家美国水平印象风景画家获奖现实主义画家著称著名画廊工作。

    In 1997, I joined an established prestigious gallery, known for its high quality of American impressionist landscape painters and award winning realists.


  • 浪漫主义情调现实主义灵魂作品中和谐地融为一体风格自成

    She fused together the romantic sentiment and the realistic soul harmoniously, and with this fusion, her works had a unique feature.


  • 20世纪视觉传达设计深受现代艺术运动立体、未来达达现实主义各个流的影响。

    Visual convey design in 20th century has been influenced deeply by Cubism, Futureism, Dadaism and super realism.


  • 西方美术史上,尤其是在二十世纪西方现代绘画史上,产生过许许多多的画野兽立体、未来达达以及现实主义

    In the western history of art especially in the modern painting history of20th there were many modern painting trends such as fauvism cubism futurism dada and surreal ism etc.


  • 这个过程中现实主义绘画凭借半个世纪寿命成为现代美术里活动时间最长

    In this process, Surrealism became the genre which acted the longest time in the Western Modern Style Art by right of semicentennial life.


  • 刘炜中国玩世现实主义重要成员画家经历了1990年代动荡不安脱颖而出成为具远见最直观社会观察者

    Lot Notes Liu Wei is considered a member of China's so-called "Cynical Realists", painters who emerged from the malaise of the 1990s as some of China's most insightful and intuitive social observers.


  • 刘炜中国玩世现实主义重要成员画家经历了1990年代动荡不安脱颖而出成为具远见最直观社会观察者

    Lot Notes Liu Wei is considered a member of China's so-called "Cynical Realists", painters who emerged from the malaise of the 1990s as some of China's most insightful and intuitive social observers.


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