• 因此这个项目研究范围之间佛罗伦萨罗马进行研究广,之前的项目只是游客现地活动绘制出来

    So the scope of this project was more than the previous research in cities such as Florence and Rome, where only the presence and movements of tourists was mapped.


  • 一些研究人员认为拥有厚厚大气层液态甲烷泰坦太阳系最有可能发现地生命的天体。

    Some researchers think that Titan, with its thick atmosphere and lakes of liquid methane, is the likeliest spot to find extraterrestrial life in our solar system.


  • 第二研究法国的1,410名病人进行了短期观察,结果中海饮食认知功能损害减缓之间有某种相关性

    The second study, a shorter-term observation of 1, 410 patients in France, found some correlation between a Mediterranean-type diet and slower cognitive damage.


  • 为了能重内部热量运动效果研究人员容器两端的盘相连的铁溶液,并搅拌

    To recreate the effect of heat flowing through the planet's interior, the researchers stirred this brew with iron paddles attached to iron discs placed at each end of the tank.


  • 以前有些研究中海饮食大脑有益证据不够充分

    Some previous studies have suggested that the diet has beneficial effects for the brain, but the evidence has not been strong.


  • 第二这次能量巨大的地震影响大规模人群允许这项研究完成足够统计一些例如自杀的罕见事件影响

    Second, the large population size affected by this powerful earthquake allowed this study to achieve a sufficient statistical power to detect the impact of earthquakes on a rare event such as suicide.


  • 如果挖掘大学研究中心所有数据库,你快乐地方丹麦

    He says that if you mine all the databases of universities and research centers, you'll find that the happiest place on Earth is... Denmark!


  • 地图上表现地三维形态地图学研究难点热点

    It is a difficulty and a focus of cartographic research to present three-dimension form of relief on map.


  • 世界天然气水合物地质构造特征研究表明,底构造水合物的形成聚集较为密切关系

    The research on the structure of diapirs in the area of gas hydrates show that there are close relationships between the form and accumulation of gas hydrates and the diapirs.


  • 领域其中一方面研究地震学---只有在板块运动剧烈的时候才会震波产生联动。

    One segment of this field is devoted to seismology, the study of seismic waves that are generated when major geological shifts occur.


  • 研究小组说新技术已经偿清了债务除了日本病人的死亡率下降了12%之外,没有现地差别

    They said the new technology had paid off. Aside from Japan where 12 percent fewer people died, there were no regional differences.


  • 第二研究法国1,410名病人举行了短期的观察结果发中海饮食认知功效侵害减缓之间某种相关性

    The second study, a shorter-term observation of 1,410 patients in France, found some correlation between a Mediterranean-type diet and slower cognitive damage.


  • 研究存在长期漂移周期30的长周期摆动

    The study found that there are still a long-term polar drift and cycle of about 30 years of long-period oscillation.


  • 利用美国俄亥俄大学研制地图分析软件包(map)能够比较容易置分析,城市土地利用空间结构演化等研究领域具有实用价值。

    It is simple to realize the map overlay analysis utilizing the map AnalysisPackage (map) which was researched and produced by Ohio State University of u, s. A. and others.


  • 质体经历长期复杂地质作用形成的,完全真实的再现地质体众多学科领域共同面临研究内容

    Geological objects are effected by long-term and complicated force, so it is hard to rebuild geological objects, which is a research content faced by numerous scientific domain.


  • 研究震波参数空间分布图有效地确定预测地震地点,而地震波参数时序空间图的有机结合将判定地震震级发震时间起到积极作用。

    The author has found the spatial distribution of seismic wave parameters can determine the place of predicting earthquake, and it is useful to determine the magnitude and time.


  • 研究对地层的改造作用改善砂岩层的储集物性。

    It is found that seism process can improve sandstone reservoir quality.


  • 目前科学家没有球上种植大麦太空大麦有什么不同学教授七月份加拿大召开的一个研讨会上提交他的研究结果DNA分析报告。

    As of now, scientists have not detected any differences between Earth-grown and space barley, said Sugimoto, who will present DNA analysis of his findings at a conference in Canada in July.


  • 研究设计地磅系统基础上进行,通过研究设计生产自动化

    The research design is living to be underway on the original weighbridge system, and achieves the weighbridge manufacture automation by means of research and design.


  • 熬头研究纽约的1,880位耆老举行了长期观察,结果中海饮食体育锻炼与罹患老年痴呆症的危害降低相关。

    The first study, a long-term look at 1,880 elderly people in New York City, found that a Mediterranean-type diet and physical activity each were linked to less risk for Alzheimer's disease.


  • 只要坚持实践研究—再实践,反复不断地加深规律认识不断积累探索,就循着渐进式预测之路,逐渐实预测。

    As long as we persist in the process of recognition of practice-research-practice, the experience and knowledge for earthquake prediction can be accumulated gradually and earthquake predi...


  • 只要坚持实践研究—再实践,反复不断地加深规律认识不断积累探索,就循着渐进式预测之路,逐渐实预测。

    As long as we persist in the process of recognition of practice-research-practice, the experience and knowledge for earthquake prediction can be accumulated gradually and earthquake predi...


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