• 受损反应堆现在还没有达到可以关机状态

    The damaged reactors have yet to be brought to a cold shutdown state.


  • 垄断检察官发现市场占有率低于40%、且这种方式搞垄断的企业几乎天方夜谭。而现在还没有一个投资银行的占有率40%沾上边 ---》在市场占有率低于40%的情况下采取这样的价格主导手段是罕见的。现在没有一家投行的市场占有率达到40%的水平。

    But it is rare for trustbusters to find a single firm that dominates in this way with a market share below 40%. No investment bank comes close to that threshold.


  • 也是现在我用来上课工具,还没有提供所有的其他社交网络附加修饰物,但是达到物品们所要的目的来说已经足够了,它甚至能让我们保持我们东西的私密性。

    It’s what I’m using now forclasses, and while it doesn’t offer all the bells and whistles (yet) of othersocial networks, it works just fine for our purposes, even allowing us to keepthings private.


  • 尽管还没有达到全职收入终极目标经验本身已经给了很多益处不管是现在将来

    Even if I never reached my ultimate goal of a full-time income, the experience itself would have given many benefits, both in the moment and for the future.


  • 虽然最近几个月来人类学研究一直没有停止争论欧洲之间关系但是现在为止,还没有达到史丹福的思想高度如此清楚、公开地阐述一论点。

    Debate over a European connection has dogged anthropology in recent months, though until now no one of Stanford's stature had stated it so un-equivocally and publicly.


  • 感觉没有达到现在逐渐博客商业化表明很大进步迹象

    I don't think I've "made it" yet, but this has been a huge sign for me that I'm making progress toward my goal to make this blog a business.


  • 一般而言,字符unicode支持主要编译器中,但是文本处理工具没有达到标准。

    In general, the wide character and unicode support is mostly there in the compiler, but the text processing tools aren't quite up to par yet.


  • FORTUNE杂志7月份统计最高层企业管理人员妇女用尽全力没有达到1 %一半

    FORTUNE magazine found this past July that in the highest echelons of corporate managers, fewer than one-half of 1% are female. Then there's the exhaustion factor.


  • 好吧目前没有达到从年初现在,我已经减掉三十——在我停止大话开始努力瘦身之前可并没有发生

    Well, I’m not there yet, but I’ve lost over 30 pounds since January 1st — but it didn’t happen until I stopped talking about it and started working hard to make it happen.


  • 必须承认现在为止这个目的没有达到

    It must be acknowledged that as yet this object had not been attained.


  • 但是没有得到机会欧洲赛场上驰骋,认为现在需要达到这个阶段

    But we haven't been getting the opportunities to play in Europe and I think I now need to take that step up.


  • 这些设备价格没有降低但是比起以前小时200400平方英尺喷印速度现在已经达到每小时8000平方英尺了。

    The prices of these machines have not come down, but instead of printing 200 to 400 square feet per hour, they can now print more than 8,000 square feet per hour.


  • 现在我们没有达到目的,因为现在我们两个2拷贝最后指明。

    Now, we're not quite there because now we have two copies *b=temp of 2 so the last line of code says *b gets temp.


  • 我们现在状态还没有达到最佳,我们本应该达成进入前四的计划我们缺乏一些注意力:我们丢了一些可以避免失球影响到了我们表现

    We are not doing things at hundred percent, we have found the game plan and quality back, but we lacked attention: we have suffered goals we could have avoided, which have influenced our games.


  • 因为本小说现在已经畅销到世界几十国家翻译成了四十多种文字销售量达到了惊人的两千册,这种趋势没有任何减弱的势头。

    Just because it is a novel, now it sold well in dozens of countries, translated into over 40 languages, sold more than 20 millions copies unbelievably, and it looks like no any subdued trend.


  • 因为本小说现在已经畅销到世界几十国家翻译成了四十多种文字销售量达到了惊人的两千册,这种趋势没有任何减弱的势头。

    Just because it is a novel, now it sold well in dozens of countries, translated into over 40 languages, sold more than 20 millions copies unbelievably, and it looks like no any subdued trend.


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