• 过去了,现在回首过去记不清到底是什么原因这些大学显得如此美好

    Looking back now, nine years later, I can't remember exactly what it was about these universities that made them seem so much better.


  • 过去感觉恐怕因为走向纯素食就要放弃这些美味小食,现在因为是纯素食者,它们让我动心了,这种想法有趣。

    It's funny to think that I used tobe afraid of giving up these treats by going vegan and now I'm tempted by thembecause I am vegan.


  • 过去得到台电脑幸福程度如果8的话,那么感到8分幸福,现在只能有4分幸福。

    While in the past getting just a computer would make me happy at the scale of 8 out of 8, now it would be only 4 out of 8.


  • 现在一切过去只想通过的表现和进球所有马德里球迷快乐

    Now all that is behind and I just want to make all Madrid fans happy with my play and goals.


  • 不该电话现在电话,然后再派警察过去不然麻烦了

    You shouldn't be playing on the phone. Now put her on the phone before I send the police out there... and you're going to be in trouble.


  • 过去通过这个网站学习汉语,但是现在主要这个网站作为一部字典了。

    I used to let her study through this website but now she mainly USES it as an dictionary.


  • 过去常常认为自己的文化粗俗落后的”,。“但是现在把家乡的歌唱到了国家大剧院。这让我充满信心,将的民族音乐传播给更多的人。”

    "I used to think my own culture was crude and backward," Guo says. "But now I've sung our mountain songs in our national."


  • 肯恩。麦考雷说:“种植玉米面积的增加过去几年现在在增加,这是采用农业机械,让我能更加轻松地干农活了;

    "The expansion that you're hearing about in agriculture today, or for the past several years, is all about the machinery and the easy of work, " McCauley says.


  • 享受现在那些过去的事就成为过去吧。

    I will enjoy the present and let begones be begones.


  • 所以现在她们家有力气活主动老公过去帮忙别的朋友一场不能不关照她们啊!

    So now they have what effort, I took the initiative to let husband goes to help, not for the other, a friend can't take care of them!


  • 希望现在时刻记得所畏惧地生活,不要纠结后果过去的不快经历影响决定

    I wish my older self could remember more often to live without fears, without over thinking about consequences or let negative past events dictate my decisions.


  • 看来过去经历懂得珍惜现在将来忧虑中蹉跎眼前时光。

    The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.


  • 不会蓄山羊胡过去看起来很邪恶,但是现在你看起来像是X世代不满份子。

    I will not grow a goatee. In the old days they made you look diabolic. Now they just make you look like a disaffected member of Generation X.


  • 不到过去不了现在正中间真的开始崩溃。

    I can't win where I am. I'm stuck in the middle, and it is really starting to get to me.


  • 过去男人同居过认识他们个月内发生现在唯一担心事情。

    The only thing that makes me a little nervous is that in the past, I have been engaged or lived with two other men, both within the first three months of meeting them.


  • 从不回首过去,那会让我分心,不能全神贯注生活在现在

    I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.


  • 过去一切努力就是为了打到自己消失干净一切努力目的现在开始逐步改变

    The past, is my all efforts in order to hit myself, I let him disappear every effort to clean are my purpose, and now I began to change gradually.


  • 承认知道是什么现在这么狼狈过去思想飞飞,原则上信仰风雨飘摇,知道黑夜里风雨兼程。

    I admit but don't know what cut me in a so sorry figure now! The previous thoughts have gone; the belief in principle is in brink of collapse. But who know that I am running in the raining night.


  • 现在没有得到充分负载经过长期时间一次开始安装冻结了现在只是似乎无法获得它在过去一点

    Now, I did get it to fully load after a LONG time of letting it sit once, and I started installing it but it froze, and now I just can't seem to get it past this point.


  • 察觉我过去欠缺的也是社会现在所欠缺的:颗卑微的大量同胞之爱。

    My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood.


  • 周先生现在正在通话可以待会儿过去吗?。

    Mr. Zhou's line is busy, may I have him call you back?


  • 再平静重复遍:除去的不幸,我过去现在仍然是一个英健出众男性

    Let me repeat with quiet force: I was, and still am, despite mes malheurs, an exceptionally handsome male;


  • 再平静重复遍:除去的不幸,我过去现在仍然是一个英健出众男性

    Let me repeat with quiet force: I was, and still am, despite mes malheurs, an exceptionally handsome male;


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