• 现在研究显示高跟鞋热爱可能遗传自她32岁的母亲凯蒂

    Now research suggests that her passion for heels could be inherited from her 32-year-old mother Katie.


  • 而,一些研究显示了一个严重的问题:现在的青少年缺乏媒体素养。

    However, several studies have shown a serious problem: today's teenagers lack media literacy.


  • 现在一则新的研究显示同样训练帮助大学生提高成绩,打破科学领域女性刻板印象。

    Now, a new study shows that the same exercise can help female college students overcome stereotypes about women in science and improve their performance.


  • 现在一项新的研究显示,切除这么淋巴结没有好处这个发现可能乳癌外科手术带来重大改变

    Now, a new study shows there is no advantage to taking out so many lymph nodes, and the finding could mean major changes in breast cancer surgery.


  • 现在一项新的研究显示,切除这么淋巴结没有好处这个发现可能乳癌外科手术带来重大改变

    Now, a new study shows there is no advantage to taking out so many lymph nodes, and the finding could mean major changes in breast cancer surgery.


  • 根据研究显示随着夫妻关系时间变长,认为一方容易发火自己要求过分,如果现在配偶就让你感到痛苦,你们之间没有未来的。

    If your spouse bugs you now, the future is bleak, according to a study showing that couples view one another as even more irritating and demanding the longer they are together.


  • 现在研究显示人类没有例外

    Now research suggests that humans are no exception.


  • 全世界得更久了现在一项新的研究显示什么可能最长

    People the world over are living longer, and now a new study shows who is likely to live the longest.


  • 现在这项研究显示睡眠困扰晚年抑郁症相关,进步带来相当发病率死亡率危险

    And now, this study shows that sleep disturbance is often related to depressive disorders in late life, which carry further considerable risks for morbidity and mortality.


  • 现在一项研究显示男人只要单独陌生的美女相处分钟就会产生很大压力可能不利于男性的心脏健康

    Now a research has shown that, for men, just five minutes spent alone with a beautiful stranger causes so much stress, it may be bad for the heart.


  • 如果需要其他理由拒绝脂肪食物现在研究显示每天摄入脂肪越多,就不可能晚上觉。

    As if you needed another reason to avoid high-fat foods, research now shows that the more fat you consume during the day, the less likely you will be to have a restful night.


  • 现在一项研究显示红茶可能有助于防癌

    Now, a new study has shown that black tea could help prevent cancer.


  • 加拿大周二发布一项研究显示现在富1%人群总收入三分之二都来自薪水

    A study released Tuesday in Canada shows that the top 1% of earners now get more than two-thirds of their total income from salaries.


  • 研究显示现在美国婴孩100岁的机率超过50%。

    Research shows U.S. babies now have better than 50-50 odds of living to 100.


  • 现在新的研究显示,对貌美还有另外阻碍找工作

    Now new research suggests another barrier faced by some of the beautiful people - applying for a job.


  • 现在一项研究显示这些问题乳腺癌患者中更为常见

    Now a new study suggests these problems are even more common among women who have had breast cancer.


  • 现在大量研究显示人类催产素文明社会情绪支柱的基础——移情信任

    Now a raft of new research in humans suggests that oxytocin underlies the twin emotional pillars of civilized life, our capacity to feel empathy and trust.


  • 稍后德国兄弟GRIMm其他人所作的进一步研究显示大部分欧洲语言一些印度语言有着一个共同起源现在称为印欧语系

    Further research, carried out by the German brothers Grimm and others, later revealed that most European languages and some Indian ones have a common ancestor, now known as Indo-European.


  • 研究显示上班族通常每年交通拥堵时间10年前的40小时上升到现在47小时。

    Commuters typically spent 47 hours a year in traffic jams, up from 40 hours a decade earlier, the study showed.


  • 我们感到必要继续我们1991年就已经做过研究。 尽管时候的研究显示欧洲儿童青春期年龄没有变化,但现在知道我们是不是也有肥胖的问题

    We felt we should repeat studies that we had done in 1991, which showed no change in the age of puberty, to see if we were now experiencing this phenomenon.


  • 所以我发世界皮肤病学会议上发表研究显示可以有效减少细纹褶皱出现时候,感到非常兴奋。

    So I was excited when this study, revealed at the World Congress of Dermatology, showed that pentapeptides are effective in reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


  • 现在研究人员发现用来制造一种透明的晶体管,可以电子书和头戴式显示上。

    Researchers have now found that it can also be used to build transistors that are transparent and hence suitable for use in electronic books and head-up displays.


  • 现在一份新的研究报告显示肠道细菌甚至可以搞乱心智改变大脑化学状态调节人的情绪行为

    Now, a new study suggests that gut bacteria can even mess with the mind, altering brain chemistry and changing mood and behavior.


  • 周美国研究委员会一项研究显示现在美国妇女男人获得更多博士学位

    This week a new enrollment study by the Council of Graduate Schools confirmed that American women are now earning more doctoral degrees than men.


  • 现在杜克大学研究者们目前发行内科年鉴报告说,资料显示目前这些生活方式要素的影响度没有想象的大。

    Now researchers at Duke University report in the current issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine that the data on the preventive effects of lifestyle factors is not as strong as they had thought.


  • 研究结果发表自然杂志上,显示全球海平面最后一次间冰期时期,现在6.6~9米。

    His results, published in the journal Nature, showed that sea levels around the world during the last interglacial were between 6.6m and 9m higher than today.


  • 好了现在有项新的研究显示那些可怜病毒们也感染疾病。这感染可能会使病毒迅速进化

    Well, according to a new study, it turns out that some of those bugs get as sick as we do, and additionally those infections may contribute to the rapid evolution of viruses.


  • 好了现在有项新的研究显示那些可怜病毒们也感染疾病。这感染可能会使病毒迅速进化

    Well, according to a new study, it turns out that some of those bugs get as sick as we do, and additionally those infections may contribute to the rapid evolution of viruses.


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