• 美国南北战争结束之后双方订约之时,战胜的北方代表处处尊重南方的气度,表现出大家是一家人的胸怀,完全没有胜利者傲慢

    After civil war of American, when they signed the agreement for suspending the war, the north as winner respected the south in all aspects, showing a comprehensive bosom without winner's arrogance.


  • 如果图表进行展示的话,这些变化现出曲线大家熟悉的曲棍球:以往数千没什么变化,而在过去几十年内却突飞猛涨

    If represented graphically, the curve for all these changes looks rather like that well-known hockey stick: with little change over millennia and a dramatic upswing over the past decades.


  • 布莱恩才艺表演大家喜欢表演还得了一等奖现在布莱恩是个喜剧明星了!

    Brian did a great job at the talent show. Everyone loved his performance, and he won the first prize! Now Brian is a big comedy star!


  • 都表现出极大的兴趣。

    Everyone showed great interest.


  • 想,大家对他表现出的信心已经感动了他。

    I think the faith that everyone has shown in him has touched him.


  • 很多应用程序一天现出峰值(例如工作日开始午餐时间、晚上早些时候当大家下班回家的时间)。

    Many applications exhibit strong peaks in activity throughout the day (e.g. start of working day, lunchtime, early evening when people return home from work etc.).


  • 毕竟大家希望自己婚礼那天最好的一面。

    After all, everyone would like to look their best on their wedding day.


  • 除非我们找到另一个行星销售商品,我们大家无法现出增加进口减少

    And we can't all export more while importing less, unless we can find another planet to sell to.


  • 恳求大家继续发扬“日内瓦精神以及众多国家灵活性

    I urge you to continue the "spirit of Geneva" and the flexibility shown by so many countries.


  • 毕竟比利时大家总是有分歧,而妥协艺术在后来才会体它在于确保每个离开屋子同一条线上

    After all, in Belgium, everyone disagrees all the time: the art of compromise comes later, making sure that everyone leaves the room on the same line.


  • 人们来向寻求建议,因为能够穿透云雾大家现出副清晰画面

    People came to me for advice because I could see through the fog to help them develop a clear picture.


  • 一直很强的本性起她就送脚踩高跟鞋出现在大家面前。

    She has always displayed a strong sartorial instinct, and has been wearing heels since the age of three.


  • 记者电话交谈时,大家把焦点集中在高盛员工报酬上表现出一定程度的沮丧

    On a conference call with journalists, he expressed a degree of frustration at the focus on how much Goldman's employees stand to earn.


  • 同样困惑情绪弥漫在小镇上的其他经历者心中,正如大家试图回到正常生活状态一样,他们经常难以置信的困惑。

    Similar feelings of bewilderment were much in evidence throughout the rest of the town, as residents tried to return to their ordinary lives, often wearing expressions of head-scratching bemusement.


  • 再怎么说剧集只能一种方式结尾高兴《越狱》编剧演员大家其中的方方面面。

    In a sense the story can only end one way and I'm really pleased that the writers and the cast and crew and everyone involved in the show have the cajones to really see it through.


  • 但是安纳没有因为幸福大家这种规模而表现出任何狼狈之态——也没有以供养家庭为由提出任何利益上的要求

    But Ziona doesn't appear fazed by the size of his apparently happy family - and doesn't claim any benefits for their upkeep.


  • 特别是封面上,《国家地理》黄色框框标志封面照片开拓大家视野我们现出世界上的一个个角落

    In particular, the iconic yellow-bordered cover shots that opened our eyes to new corners of the world.


  • 仆人就是通过举动来的,就像保罗船失事大家烧柴取暖

    Your servant’s heart is revealed in little acts that others don’t think of doing, as when Paul gathered brushwood for a fire to warm everyone after a shipwreck (Acts 28:3).


  • Patel说:“国际社会现出令人难以置信慷慨使大家认识到,必须这么努力地做到透明公平地管理海啸援助资金。”

    "The incredible outpouring of generosity from the international community makes the need that much greater that the tsunami aid money be managed transparently and fairly," Patel says.


  • 现出那么大的勇气大家尊敬

    He showed such great courage that everybody respected him.


  • 赢了一生激动人心的时刻各位你们这次竞选中。谢谢大家努力贡献

    Yahoo. I won. Wow, this is the greatest moment in my life. Everybody, great job on this campaign. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication.


  • 雷丁的这场比赛并不容易大家的都艰难但是场上现出了毫无畏惧的品质

    It wasn't the easiest game against Reading, and it was very difficult to play in, but he showed great character to come back from it.


  • 听惯周围一切抱怨之后素心以为大家一样的心境每当面对镜头所展与平时完全不相同

    Accustomed to listening to all the complaints around after Susan thought that we would like her state of mind, when the cameras can be displayed every time out is usually completely different face.


  • 的话那么宇宙大家相信一定会具有地球人类整体需要思想高度处事的高人的参与

    Of words, so, the universe family believe, will stand in the earth has emerged in human entirety need ideological level to master participation.


  • 大家应该更多的赞扬和信任,因为上场奔跑很积极,给全队带来惊喜,他表现出他是全队一员

    You have to give him credit for that because when he came on he made some amazing runs around the box and he showed he is a team player.


  • 问题大家普利斯通轮胎装上2006款旧赛车测试时就体现出来了,迈凯伦立即在速度上超越我们

    We have a problem because the moment we put the Bridgestone on the 2006 car, immediately McLaren was quicker than us.


  • 面对强权话语只不过他们做的事,自己的方式把它们来,给大家看看而已!

    Facing power discourse, what I do is only showing people to see what they have done with my own way.


  • 大家一起烧柴窑或者使用别人使得以了解别人是怎样工作烧制的,同时将多种陶艺材料背后隐藏着的奥密来。

    Firing the wood kiln communally, using others kilns, exposed me to how others work and fire showing the secrets behind a multitude of ceramic materials.


  • 大家一起烧柴窑或者使用别人使得以了解别人是怎样工作烧制的,同时将多种陶艺材料背后隐藏着的奥密来。

    Firing the wood kiln communally, using others kilns, exposed me to how others work and fire showing the secrets behind a multitude of ceramic materials.


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