• 随之而来恒星喷发又使环绕恒星尘埃盘温度增加

    The resulting outburst causes temperatures to rise in the star's surrounding disk.


  • 径向速度观察颗行星环绕恒星轨道引起恒星相对地球来往的速度变化

    The radial velocity method, which looks for changes in a star's velocity toward or away from Earth triggered by a planet's orbit around that star.


  • 科学家以此显示环绕恒星目标显示此为通常行星有关巨大红色一部分这样少有可能矮星。

    The scientists used that to show that the object orbited a star and was part of a massive red dust ring which is usually associated with planets - making it less likely to be a dwarf star.


  • 现在我们第一证据表明,宇宙中存在环绕常态恒星运转行星

    Now, for the first time, we have evidence for a rocky planet around a normal star.


  • 研究人员目前人类发现的最小行星环绕恒星

    The researchers said this is the smallest star around which planets have been discovered.


  • 许多恒星螺旋系统形式存在他们圆盘环绕科学家认为晕圈富含神秘暗物质

    Many new stars also form in spiral systems, and their disks are surrounded by a halo, which scientists believe is rich with mysterious dark matter.


  • 策的数据则显示出这些年轻恒星是否所谓的“原行星环绕他们自己。

    The Spitzerdata showed whether the young stars have a so-called "protoplanetary"disk around them.


  • 星系圆盘包含环绕星系中心一定规律运转恒星、卫星气体

    The galaxy's disk includes stars, planets, dust, and gas—all of which rotate around the galactic center in a regular manner.


  • 它们清楚地显示至少一些巨型恒星环绕气体尘埃凝聚而成,我们太阳在45亿年前一样。’

    They "clearly show that at least some massive stars grow by accreting material from a circumstellar disk of gas and dust, just like our sun did roughly 4.5 billion years ago."


  • 颗行星与其所环绕恒星如此之近,使得任何一滴水变成气体另外他的大气如此稠密,故而大气压力非常巨大。

    The planet is so close to its star that any water would be turned to vapor, and the atmosphere should be so thick that the pressure would be immense.


  • 这个状物开始合并成为一组原行星时,它们引力拉动着盘状物周围气体凝聚的硬块,一起环绕恒星轨道运行。

    When the disk begins to coalesce into protoplanets, the gravity of those protoplanets pulls clumps of gas around the disk with them as they orbit the star.


  • 困难之一没法直接观测到系外行星,只能通过它们环绕恒星所施加的影响推测存在

    Part of the difficulty is that we can only observe exoplanets indirectly, inferring their existence by the way they affect the stars they orbit.


  • 根据实际推进选择以及航天器能够减速环绕目标公转的需要,目标恒星不能地球超过15光年

    Given realistic propulsion options, and the requirement that the spacecraft can slow down to orbit its target, the target star cannot be more than 15 light-years from Earth.


  • 除了这个,还得到半径大小,速度以及周期假设地球上这些恒星环绕轨道同处一个平面

    And out of this information you get the radius, the velocity and the period, assuming that you are on Earth in the plane of the orbit of the stars.


  • 这个方法设想行星一部分环绕恒星我们视线之间越过这会造成在我们看来恒星稍稍变暗了一些。

    This method assumes that some percentage of planets will pass between our line of sight and the stars they orbit around, causing those stars to dim just a fraction from our perspective.


  • 如果恒星年复一年周期性明暗交替,那么形成足球状壳层多亏环绕“拍档”帮助很有可能正确。

    If the star seems to periodically dim and brighten over the year, it's likely that a big orbiting companion helped form the soccer ball-like seams.


  • 这个恒星系统在400光年远处,多彩的环绕物质著名,包括一个红色发射星云众多棕、浅棕色的带。

    The star system, located only 400 light years away, is distinguished by its colorful surroundings, which include a red emission nebula and numerous light and dark brown dust lanes.


  • 环绕蓝色马头的眼睛部位蓝色光芒——周围其它恒星——一个尘埃组成的反射星云

    The blue glow that surrounds the blue Horsehead's eyeand other stars around the image — is a reflection nebula composed of fine dust.


  • 以前可见光望远镜拍摄星云仅仅显示出其内部环绕恒星炽热气体

    Previous images of the Ring Nebula taken by visible-light telescopes usually showed just the inner glowing loop of gas around the star.


  • 哈勃邻近恒星观察显示它们许多都有类似柯伊伯带一样的碎块组成的圆盘环绕

    Hubble observations of nearby stars show that a number of them have Kuiper Belt-like disks of icy debris encircling them.


  • 这样恒星将可能会环绕层厚厚作为生命最初条件的大气层

    Such a large moon would also be able to hold onto a thick atmosphere, making it a prime spot for life.


  • 通过摆脱环绕星体残留内核形成外层气体结束了自己的生命。 随后,颗渐渐消亡的恒星散发出的紫外线使该物质发光。

    The star is ending its life by casting off its outer layers of gas, which formed a cocoon around the star's remaining core.


  • 它们并未行星恒星形式星系漫游寻找可口小吃而是数百亿其它恒星那样环绕银河系运行。

    They don't wander the galaxy looking for tasty snacks in the form of planets and stars; they orbit the Milky Way just like the hundreds of billions of other stars do.


  • 4.7环绕恒星一周,轨道一个适度椭圆平均距离0.04个天文单位(为水星太阳的十分之一)。

    It orbits its star every 4.7 days, in a moderately elliptical orbit at a mean distance of only 0.04 AU (one tenth of Mercury's distance from the sun).


  • 上月天文学家宣称已发现类似地球卫星——大小地球的,表面为岩石覆盖距离其环绕恒星20光年

    Last month, astronomers announced the discovery of the most Earth-like planet ever found - a rocky world three times the size of our own world, orbiting a star 20 light years away.


  • 天文学家们已经发现数以百计外行星,但是没有任何一颗可以发现的颗相媲美,因为环绕着一颗不可思议的恒星运行。

    Astronomers have already discovered hundreds of exoplanets. But make way for the new kid. Which is orbiting a kind of star that models say it shouldn't.


  • 片星云本身环绕部分前景所掩盖了NGC 1893,这是一个年轻的恒星星系,它给发光气体提供能量。

    Partly obscured by foreground dust, the nebula itself surrounds NGC 1893, a young galactic cluster of stars that energizes the glowing gas.


  • nasa斯必泽太空望远镜的资料,资料显示这明亮恒星周围环绕一个尘埃其中的物质包含有机物岩石,跟碰撞后粉碎彗星物质极为相似。

    NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope showing a band of dust around the bright star that strongly matches the contents-such as water ice, organics, and rock-of a comet busted apart in a collision.


  • nasa斯必泽太空望远镜的资料,资料显示这明亮恒星周围环绕一个尘埃其中的物质包含有机物岩石,跟碰撞后粉碎彗星物质极为相似。

    NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope showing a band of dust around the bright star that strongly matches the contents-such as water ice, organics, and rock-of a comet busted apart in a collision.


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