• 科学农业世界上人类环境都有利最佳技术之一

    Scientists say Low Till Agriculture is one of the best examples in the worlds of technologies working for both people, and the environment.


  • 此外很多本体都是特定诸如技术环境科学化学语言学之类领域

    In addition, many ontologies are domain specific in fields such as technology, environmental science, chemistry and linguistics.


  • Landis其他作者这一工作发表了《环境科学技术》上,他们详细追踪了几种类型塑料生产源头最终成品的过程中所造成的全面影响

    The work, by Landis and others and published in Environmental Science &Technology, traces the full impact of plastic production all the way back to its source for several types of plastics.


  • 你们需要利用你们通过自然科学数学课程所学知识解决问题的能力来治愈癌症艾滋病及其他疾病开发新的能源技术保护我们环境

    You’ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment.


  • 守则科学为基础考虑生物技术环境社会经济道德影响。 如同在药物方面的应用情况一样,对这些道德问题需要负责任地加以考虑

    The Code will be based on scientific considerations and will take into account the environmental, socio-economic and ethical implications of biotechnology.


  • 遥感技术作为科学快速调查监测手段湖泊环境研究领域得到广泛应用

    Remote sensing techniques, as a scientific and rapid investigation and monitoring tool, have been widely applied in the area of lake environment research.


  • 环境科学环保技术

    Environmental Science and Protection technician.


  • 故此艺术乃是此岸希望科学技术无论形式如何却在亵渎环境消耗有限资源

    Therefore, arts are the hope of this world while science and technology in various forms pollute the environment and consume the limited resources and energy such as fossil fuels.


  • 你们需要数理科学课程上学习知识技能治疗癌症艾滋病那样疾病开发新的能源技术保护我们环境

    You'll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment.


  • 你们需要利用你们通过自然科学数学课程所学知识解决问题的能力来治愈癌症艾滋病及其他疾病开发新的能源技术保护我们环境

    You'll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment.


  • 很多毕业后继续学习环境工程纳米技术等,这些学科要求一个很广泛科学概念

    Many go on to study subjects such as environmental engineering and nanotechnology, both of which require familiarity with a range of scientific concepts.


  • 经典建筑科学技术艺术完美结合,装饰图案的合理应用建筑及其环境带来无限生机艺术魅力,给美的享受。

    A classical architecture relies on not only technology but also art, the decorative patterns can bring infinite energy and charm to the buildings and environments, and they become more beautiful.


  • 随着近现代工业化程度不断提高大量高新科学技术的广泛应用环境侵权日益成为人们关注重点问题

    With the continuous improvement of modern industrialization and the extensive use of a lot of science and high technology, environmental tort has increasingly become a key issue of concern.


  • 电导率测试技术广泛应用于环境监测医药卫生科学研究产品质量检验领域

    The measure technic of electrical conductivity has applied widely in such fields as environmental inspection, medical sanitation, science research and products 'quality check.


  • 建立新型的科学探测技术试验卫星系列加强微重力材料科学生命科学空间环境天文研究。

    To establish a series of science and technology satellites to enhance researches on microgravity, material science, life science, space environment and astronomy.


  • 网络环境科学技术飞速发展使如何开发利用文献实现资源共享成为图书馆研究的课题

    Under the network environment and with the development of the science and technology, how to develop and utilize documents, realize the resource-sharing has become a new subject of the library.


  • 英国经济实力强劲拥有活跃金融系统先进科学技术能源环境保护方面出于世界领先地位

    The United Kingdom has a strong economy, dynamic financial sector, advanced science and technologies; and it leads the world in energy conservation and environmental protection.


  • 一种土壤液相快速分离装置,属于环境科学技术领域。本发明包括: 盒子,缓冲垫片,小管,大管,盖子;

    The present invention is one fast soil liquid phase and solid phase separator, and belongs to the field of environment science and technology.


  • 某种意义上正是人们生活方式改变科学技术进步导致今天我们面临环境问题

    From a certain point of view, we must say that is the transformation in man's way of living and the scientific and technological progress that led us to face the environmental problem today.


  • 着重介绍一些我国冶金工业材料科学环境保护十分有用的俄罗斯的一些高新技术

    Special emphasis was made on some high-tech information, especially from Russia, which may be very useful for metallurgical industry and materials science, as well as for environmental protection.


  • 环境科学技术学会(IEST最新推荐的文件RP-CC-019 对洁净洁净空气装置进行测试检验的相关机构资格

    The newest recommended practice from IEST is RP-CC-019 Qualifications for Organizations Engaged in the Testing and Certification for Cleanrooms and Clean-Air Devices.


  • 计算机通信存储技术迅猛发展计算科学研究提供了足够的容量高速有效的硬件环境

    The development of computer, communications and technology of storage provides enough capacities and fast-effective hardware for calculating and scientific research.


  • 你们需要利用你们通过自然科学数学课程所学知识解决问题的能力来治愈癌症艾滋病 其他疾病开发新的能源技术保护我们环境

    You' ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment.


  • 科学正在探索开发能以经济的方式进行环境恢复废品处理技术

    The scientists are exploring the technologies required to perform environmental restoration and waste management in a cost-effective manner.


  • 第五国家鼓励环境无害化方式回收处理再生资源,鼓励开展有关再生资源回收处理的科学研究技术开发推广

    Article 5 the state encourages renewable resources recovery and disposal of innocuity. relevant scientific research, technical development and promotion are also encouraged.


  • 第五国家鼓励环境无害化方式回收处理再生资源,鼓励开展有关再生资源回收处理的科学研究技术开发推广

    Article 5 the state encourages renewable resources recovery and disposal of innocuity. relevant scientific research, technical development and promotion are also encouraged.


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