• 癌症职业环境原因什么

    What are occupational and environmental causes of cancer?


  • 此外发表一份行动呼吁”,在综合性癌症控制规划框架加强环境职业性癌症预防工作

    Furthermore, there will be a "Call to Action" to strengthen prevention of environmental and occupational cancers within the framework of comprehensive cancer control programmes.


  • 外部环境致癌因素环境中的污染物导致罹患癌症危险升高的因素。

    External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment such as pollutants that increase risk for cancer.


  • 你们需要利用你们通过自然科学数学课程所学知识解决问题的能力来治愈癌症艾滋病及其他疾病开发新的能源技术和保护我们环境

    You’ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment.


  • 科学家已经癌症心脏病其他疾病暴露含有2型烯烃的环境关联起来。

    Exposure to type-2 alkenes in the environment has already been linked with cancer, heart disease, and other problems.


  • 也许认为制造用来发现癌症产品的这种工作环境压力一定很大但是许多生物医学工程师相信他们制造的东西是可以拯救生命的。

    One would think developing products to detect cancer might make for a stressful environment, but many biomedical engineers embrace the fact that the tools they're creating could save a life.


  • 来自国际癌症研究。这个研究小组世界卫生组织顾问主要研究可能引起癌变环境因素生活方式

    The panel, the International Agency for Research on cancer, ACTS as an adviser to the World Health Organization, focusing on environmental and lifestyle factors that may contribute to cancer.


  • 之所以用实验是因为严控的实验环境中的老鼠不同,狗遭受癌症折磨的方式人类类似

    The rationale is that unlike mice and rats, which are kept in a highly regimented experimental setting, pet dogs experience cancer in a similar way to humans.


  • 持久性有机污染物造成神经损害免疫系统紊乱癌症以及许多其他健康问题,因此是一种严重环境问题

    POPs are a major environmental concern due to neurological damage, immune system disorders, cancer and a host of other health problems they cause.


  • 慕克吉谈到癌症病因理解的是基因细胞机理出现紊乱而不是那些引发基因改变环境因素。

    When Mukherjee talks about knowing the "causes" of cancer, he means genes and cellular mechanisms gone wrong, not the environmental agents that might induce changes in those genes.


  • 许多癌症形成环境有关,主要来自烟草过度接触日光工作场所中的危险物质化学溶剂烟雾。就此而言,回避最好预防策略

    Many causes of cancer are environmental, largely from tobacco, excessive sun exposure and workplace hazards such as chemical solvents and fumes. Avoidance is the best prevention strategy here.


  • 科学家们发现患有癌症老鼠置于复杂生活环境,其肿瘤生长速度显著放缓

    Scientists found that simply placing mice afflicted with cancer in a more complex living environment resulted in a remarkable reduction in tumor growth.


  • 许多癌症形成与环境有关,主要来自烟草过度接触日光工作场所中的危险物质化学溶剂和烟雾。

    Many causes of cancer are environmental, largely from tobacco, excessive sun exposure and workplace hazards such as chemical solvents and fumes.


  • 专家们确信暴露超过250毫希沃特放射环境下,将使一个癌症几率提高1%。

    Experts believe that exposure to more than 250msv increases the chances of a person developing cancer in their lifetime by 1%.


  • 更难想象血糖水平怎么导致癌症但是水平的胰岛素似乎能营造一种环境促进特定肿瘤生长

    It's even harder to imagine how seesawing blood sugar levels could possibly lead to cancer, but high insulin levels seem to promote an environment that makes it easier for certain tumors to grow.


  • 外部环境致癌因素环境导致罹患癌症危险升高因素空气污染紫外线辐射室内氡等

    External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment that increase risk of cancer such as air pollution, UV radiation and indoor radon.


  • 原油中提炼出来的化学合成物,1928年两个意大利医生检测到名工人因长达年的时间里暴露在苯环境中而患有癌症,他们发现苯可引发白血病

    Benzene, a chemical compound refined from crude oil, was found to cause leukemia in 1928 by two Italian doctors who detected the cancer in a worker exposed to benzene for five years.


  • 癌症非常复杂可以一个火点的多个数量(生活方式环境其中遗传学)。

    Cancer is a very complex fire, which can have a number of points of ignition (lifestyle, genetics, environmental among them).


  • 就与病毒无关癌症而言,这种“暴露”包括因人而异基因环境以及许多其他未知因素

    What passes for "exposure" in the case of nonviral cancers is a combination of genes and environment and a range of other X factors that can vary from person to person.


  • 世卫组织国际癌症研究机构将107种物质合剂暴露环境归类人类致癌物

    WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified 107 agents, mixtures, and exposure situations as carcinogenic to humans.


  • 没有什么事情比有得癌症迹象更父母感到害怕的了,尤其对于受到过度教育、生态环境敏感的那种人来说。

    There is nothing like the suggestion of a cancer risk to scare a parent, especially one of the over-educated, eco-conscious type.


  • 初步数据表明,试验癌症患者骨量发生了急剧流失,速度类似于宇航员微重力环境下的骨质流失。

    And based on those preliminary data, we're also seeing a very rapid decline in bone mass in cancer patients on the order of as fast as what astronauts experience from microgravity.


  • 全球范围所有癌症中的19%包括工作环境在内的环境因素引起,每年导致130万人死亡

    Globally, 19% of all cancers are attributable to the environment, including work setting resulting in 1.3 million deaths each year.


  • 全球范围所有癌症中的19%包括工作环境在内的环境因素引起,每年导致130万人死亡

    Globally, 19% of all cancers are attributable to the environment, including work setting, resulting in 1.3 million deaths each year.


  • 一个得了癌症时,说明这个人有多重营养缺乏这些缺乏可以归因于基因环境、食物和生命系统因素。

    When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental.


  • 以色列研究专家SiegalSadetzki诸如放射环境因素引起癌症要经过10年甚至以上的时间来显现后果。

    Israeli researcher Siegal Sadetzki says cancers triggered by environmental factors, such as radiation, may take a decade or more to develop.


  • 压力心脏病其他疾病联系一起,研究表明,在复杂充满挑战生活环境产生压力也许减缓癌症的恶化。

    Stress is often linked to heart disease and other ailments, but a new study suggests that the strains of living in crowded and challenging physical environments might mitigate against cancer.


  • 鉴于环境中的广泛存在应预见可能成群癌症病例在基台附近出现仅仅是出于偶然。

    Given the widespread presence of base stations in the environment, it is expected that possible cancer clusters will occur near base stations merely by chance.


  • 因此癌症一种人造疾病,其原因是环境污染以及我们饮食习惯生活方式发生了变化

    So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle" caused particular consternation.


  • 因此癌症一种人造疾病,其原因是环境污染以及我们饮食习惯生活方式发生了变化

    So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle" caused particular consternation.


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