• 变得更蓝了,因为我们采取了行动来保护环境

    The sky is much bluer because we have taken action to protect the environment.


  • 个重达240公斤的机器人被送入天空,用于勘测火星的地形、地理状况,以及水、冰、环境和其他物理场的有关情况。

    The 240-kilogram robot was sent into the sky to survey Mars' landforms, geography situation, and something about water, ice, environment and other physical fields.


  • 设想,未来天空将是这些更加廉价,更易承受并能够随着环境要求集体或分散出航无人机的天下。

    The future, he reckons, lies in cheaper, expendable drones that can swarm or spread out as circumstance requires.


  • 去找时间检查一下周围环境邻居聊聊天看看天空,和自己宠物上一小会儿,亲手浇浇花,或者,看看的孩子是如何开心地泥巴打滚吧

    Find the time to check out your surroundings, talk to neighbors, watch the sky, sit with a pet, water the garden by hand, or watch your kids play in the dirt by themselves.


  • 风景一样,每个城市小镇都有各自的景致和感觉——独特的环境建筑或者天空;一个著名当地景点;一种特殊服饰食品

    Like landscapes, each city and town has its own look and feel-a distinctive setting, architecture, or skyline; a famous local site; a particular kind of food or dress.


  • 天空云团滚滚环境光线也在直射散射阳光交替。

    But spotty clouds rolled in and the ambient light fluctuated between direct and diffused sun.


  • X战机环境友好,天空能效的飞船

    This eco-friendly X-Wing is the most efficient ship in the sky.


  • 在不使用偏光片(图像),窗口表面颜色反映环境周围天空

    Without using a polarizer (left image), the surfaces of the Windows reflect the color of the sky and surrounding environment.


  • 天空展现蔚蓝大地逐渐退烧,宁静环境出现后,生物真正地获得生长空间。生气蓬勃世界成为可能

    When peaceful environment with blue sky and cool land came into being, creatures started to have a suitable space to live. The vigorous world possibly came into being.


  • 自然环境同样有着巨大的危害天空早已不再湛蓝河流也已经污浊不清

    And it also does great harm to the environment, the sky was not blue and the river was no longer clear.


  • 巨大的山脉包围天空一个辉煌的蓝色红色瓷砖屋顶石头房子这样对比自然环境雄伟

    Huge mountains surrounded the inlets, the sky was a brilliant blue and the stone houses with their red tiled roofs were such a contrast to the grandeur of the natural environment.


  • 皱褶不锈钢应用阳台前部扭曲天空影射周围环境有助于使建筑的外观轻盈、灵动。

    Ridged stainless-steel panelling applied to the front of the balconies produces distorted reflections of the sky and the surroundings, which also help to lighten the appearance of the building.


  • 塔楼形态向上缓慢伸展,周围环境天空柔和融为一体

    The tower itself was deliberately ambiguous with the soft forms dissolving into both the surroundings and the sky above.


  • 建筑的独特来自于“天空别墅概念——在高层庭院融入自然人工环境

    The most unique feature for this project comes from the idea of "sky villa", which brings the encounter of nature and manmade environment within a courtyard above the ground.


  • 环境相濡以沫天空才能滋润心灵

    The environment wants to have the always mutually respectful and attentive sky, then can moisten my mind.


  • 玻璃反射天空周围森林有助于融入环境

    The large glass surfaces reflect the sky and surrounding forrest, helping the tower blend into the surrounding environment.


  • 紧接着天空之后,开始导入背景元素其中包含周边建筑环境那些没有被建模或者渲染景观

    Along with the sky, I bring in the background elements which includes the surrounding site buildings and landscape not modeled or rendered.


  • 录像装置邀请观众凝视飘浮垃圾以及天空美丽倒影的混合,形成了对于环境状态微妙有力的诠释

    His video installation, River, invites the viewer to contemplate the amalgam of flowing waste and stunning reflections of sky, creating subtle, yet powerful commentary on the state of our environment.


  • 拒绝鸭子那样碌碌无为,拒绝安逸生活宁愿挑战环境,挑战天空

    Mediocrity like a duck, as it refuses to refuse a life of ease, but rather challenging environment, challenging the sky.


  • 一个环境更加整洁空气更加清新天空更加蔚蓝北京我们开始更加深刻反思

    A cleaner environment, more fresh air and bluer sky in Beijing let us begin to reflect more deeply on this issue.


  • 因此我们应该了解照顾我们森林重要性。我们尽力保护我们的生活环境使我们山上绿色清洁蓝色天空

    Therefore, we should realize the importance of taking care of our forests. We should do our best to protect our living environment and keep our mountains green, the water clean, and the sky blue.


  • 圆形开口确保周围自然环境天空

    Round shaped openings ensure the look-out to the surrounding nature and the sky.


  • 片谜样天空垂坠片无疑空间的绝对主角,因此我们使用了回收木材装点室内铺地墙面整体环境中更凸显坠片所制造的“幻境”。

    This heavenly ceiling is surely the protagonist of the space; we chose recycled timber as a dark background for the floor and walls to make the ceiling emerge from the general environment.


  • 系统成像单元抓取天空图像利用图像处理的方法来分析当前的天气条件外界环境,最后系统选择并且进入合适的工作模式。

    The system captures the sky image through an imaging unit, and analyzes weather conditions and external environments through image processing.


  • 需要一个很黑暗天空环境观测黄道带,在一些有城市灯光地方,是容易看到天空中的自然

    You need a dark sky location to see the zodiacal light, someplace where city lights aren't obscuring the natural lights in the sky.


  • 需要一个很黑暗天空环境观测黄道带,在一些有城市灯光地方,是容易看到天空中的自然

    You need a dark sky location to see the zodiacal light, someplace where city lights aren't obscuring the natural lights in the sky.


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