• 这些空间()在时间(路径)组织,共同实现时空交汇的环境体验

    It is under the organization of time (or path) that these Spaces (room and courtyard) realize an environmental experience where time and space interact.


  • 必须考虑需要环境工作时间的临时用户体验

    You have to consider what the experience is like for casual users who need to work in your environment for a while.


  • 不是环境本身,而是环境之间一种互动会带来美好更糟糕体验

    It is an interaction between the person and the place, not the sort of place in itself, that leads to better or worse experiences.


  • 环境可以帮助人们通过每一本吸引人注意力的书来获得一种私人体验,从而学会“心灵阅读”。

    The environment can help people learn to do "soul reading" by providing a private experience with each book that draws one's attention.


  • 利用多线程环境收获最多应用程序可以提供一种超级用户体验

    Applications that use multiple threads to get the most out of their environment can provide a superior user experience.


  • 事实上,多种系统混用给了设置复杂网络环境机会,这本身就是一种特别体验

    In fact the mix of the OS gave me a chance to make it work in the heterogeneous network environment, an experience in itself.


  • 系统管理员已经了解环境工具可以让他们了解客户体验

    System administrators already know the back end of the environment; this tool gives them insight into the client experience.


  • 情感个人心境复杂精神心理体验,它生物(内部)环境(外部)力量互相作用

    Emotion is the complex psychophysiological experience of an individual's state of mind as interacting with biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences.


  • 通过真实地模拟考试环境认证考试模拟器比模拟考试体验更逼真。

    Certification test simulators take the mock-exam experience to the next level, by actually simulating the test environment.


  • 但是获得最佳效果(用户提供体验),就需要正确创建传送环境

    But to have the maximum effect (and provide the optimum experience for the user) the delivery environment needs to be created correctly.


  • 但是所有这些情况下,在执行任何操作之前,必须首先考虑是否影响用户体验然后考虑是否影响了工作环境

    In all these cases, though, don't take any action without thinking how it affects your user's experience first, and your work environment second.


  • 限制进入环境请求可以最大工作负载调优提供良好用户体验

    Gating requests into the environment tunes the maximum workload, and provides a positive user experience.


  • 举例来说,训练营MBA社会环境一般两年期mBA体验明显不同尽管看来,训练营式MBA学生之间也可以建立起与后者类似同学友谊。

    The social environment at the boot camp MBA, for example, would be markedly different from the typical two-year MBA experience although, in my view, a similar sense of camaraderie could develop.


  • 总是环境发生矛盾时,或许你想要体验刺激

    You're always at odds with your environment, and I think that's the spur you want.


  • 对于支持不同环境人员来说,了解特定时间用户体验重要

    It is important for the people who support varied environments to know what the user experience is at any given moment.


  • 许多用户虚拟活动期间真实感体验表示满意但是充分利用这个3d环境潜力还有许多工作

    Many users report satisfaction with experiencing immersion during the virtual worlds events, yet much more work needs to be done to fully utilize the potential of the 3d environment.


  • 通过提供一个使能够体验常见问题场景环境PD TK可以帮助您通过模拟真实情形来增强问题诊断技能

    By providing an environment that enables you to experiment with common problem scenarios, the PDTK can help you build problem determination skills by simulating real-world situations.


  • 方法产生严谨完整设计规范业务环境系统实现关键焦点用户体验

    The methodology will lead to a rigorous and complete set of design specifications — ranging from business context to systems' implementation — with a key focus on the User experience.


  • 我们好处开发者购买测试产品环境之前充足时间进行体验

    The benefit to us is that developers have sufficient time to play and experiment with the tool before making a purchase for a test or production environment.


  • 这个过滤器可以读取上述shiro . ini配置这样不论什么开发环境都拥有一致配置体验

    This filter can read the aforementioned shiro.ini config so you have a consistent configuration experience regardless of deployment environment.


  • 且不考虑技术用户访问网站时其自身所处的环境便可直接影响到其体验

    Beyond the myriad technical aspects, context directly affects how users experience our websites.


  • WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper开发人员集成专家提供全面创作体验包括单元测试调试环境)。

    Question: WebSphere Integration Developer provides an overall authoring experience for developers and integration specialists, including a unit test and debugging environment.


  • idit没有亲身体验这些特殊的训练中心他们的语言环境

    Idit: I have never experienced these specific training centers and their learning environments.


  • 汤姆·蜜歇贝格认为,“顾客对来此下榻回忆并不源自此处完美。”因为回忆源自互动,源自在这里,和环境以及这里的气氛生动的互动体验

    As Tom Michelberger says, "Perfection does not create memories, because memories only result from movement, from a lively experience of interaction - with people, the surroundings and the atmosphere."


  • 黑暗梦想使用webGL做到编织2D图片3D环境用户控制,用户从未同样方式体验两次

    "3 Dreams of Black" uses WebGL to let us do exactly that, weaving 2D photos, 3D environments, and user control so that the experience never quite unfolds the same way twice.


  • 这个浏览器作为桌面理想环境除了具有传统Web浏览体验外,还可以通过它来(本地远程方式)交付应用程序

    The browser is an ideal environment as a new desktop through which applications can be delivered (either locally or remotely) in addition to the traditional Web browsing experience.


  • 因此使用VisualStudio 2005环境IDS用户现在可以体验一种真正集成式环境,并使用丰富IDS特性

    Therefore, IDS users working on the Visual Studio 2005 environment can now experience a truly integrated environment and work with a rich set of IDS-specific features.


  • 因此使用VisualStudio 2005环境IDS用户现在可以体验一种真正集成式环境,并使用丰富IDS特性

    Therefore, IDS users working on the Visual Studio 2005 environment can now experience a truly integrated environment and work with a rich set of IDS-specific features.


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