• 本文研究了,蔗糖溶液较低饱和度利用高能声场产生符合王业生产要求可能性

    Under low supersaturation condition, possibility of nucleation of sucrose solution by sonic wave in conjunction with the industrial requirement was investigated.


  • 预计今年开拍,改编自J.R.R.托尔金《哈比历险记》姊妹篇魔幻史诗电影不仅仅让许多粉丝互联网网站期待万分,新西兰的旅游业也是如此,他们非常急切地希望当地令人倾倒的原生态美景再次于银屏展示于百万电影爱好者面前,毕竟距离上次《指环王》(另一部改变自托尔金小说的电影)首部上映已经差不多十年之久了。

    FANS combing internet sites are not the only people eagerly anticipating a pair of epic fantasy movies based on “The Hobbit”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, that it is planned will start filming this year.


  • 哈他瑜伽便是所有枝桠之一其他五枝是1瑜伽(raja) 2瑜伽(karma)(又称行动瑜伽、卡玛瑜伽) 3 奉爱瑜伽(bhakti)(又称虔诚瑜伽、虔信瑜伽、善者瑜伽、巴克蒂瑜伽) 4 智慧瑜伽(jnana)(又称智者瑜伽、知识瑜伽、伊纳纳瑜伽) 5密宗瑜伽(tantra)(又称坦崔瑜伽)。

    Hatha yoga is one of six branches; the others include raja, karma, bhakti, jnana, and tantra yoga.


  • 美国快餐业巨擘汉堡王总公司与其主要特许经营者之间日前爆发了一场争执,原因是打出了“全球变暖扯淡”口号的路边广告牌

    A row between the fast food giant Burger King and one of its major franchise owners has erupted over roadside signs proclaiming "global warming is baloney".


  • 这个全球最大酒业制造集团还经营了着与其核心业务毫不相关食品公司比如汉堡根·达斯、品食乐等等。

    The world's biggest maker of alcoholic drinks sold Burger King, Haagen-Dazs, Pillsbury and other food companies unrelated to its core business.


  • 这个全球最大酒业制造集团还经营了着与其核心业务毫不相关食品公司,比如汉堡哈根达斯、品食乐等等。

    The world’s biggest maker of alcoholic drinks sold Burger King, Haagen-Dazs, Pillsbury and other food companies unrelated to its core business.


  • 将亚利人希实本王西宏地交在手中,你争战得他地为业

    See, I have given into your hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his country. Begin to take possession of it and engage him in battle.


  • 耶和华如此说,王若将产业赐给儿子,就成了他儿子产业,他们承受为业的。

    Thus saith the Lord GOD; if the prince give a gift unto any of his sons, the inheritance thereof shall be his sons'; it shall be their possession by inheritance.


  • 儿子地业一同应允救我脱离

    For the king will hear, to deliver his handmaid out of the hand of the man that would destroy me and my son together out of the inheritance of God.


  • 拿但业拉比儿子,你是以色列

    Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.


  • 拿但:“拉比儿子,你是以色列的王!”

    49then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel."


  • 王建明带领增长主要经济指标玉柴唱片业的一个奇迹

    Wang Jianming in the lead, Yuchai record business into a major economic indicators of growth in times of a miracle.


  • 作为该业果报王舍城内,成为贫穷悲惨潦倒的麻疯病

    And then as a result of that deed he became a poor, miserable wretch of a person in this very Rajagaha.


  • 世纪查尔入侵阿斯·卡隆城时,亚德尔本王用毁灭性的业火将敌人阻挡在门外

    When the charr invaded the human kingdom of Ascalon centuries ago, king Adelbern invoked the devastating Foefire to keep the enemy from the gates.


  • 王玉华,成都金玉龙酒业有限公司董事长

    Wang Yuhua, the chairman of Chengdu Jinyulong Wine Co. , Ltd.


  • 王雪表示:“调查提醒我们中国餐饮业全面拒绝鱼翅还有长一段但是北京状况有所改善,这十分令人鼓舞。”

    "The survey reminded us there is still a long way to go to remove shark fins from Chinese hotels and restaurants, but the improved situation in Beijing is encouraging," said Wang.


  • 一49拿但拉比儿子,你是以色列

    Jn. 1:49 Nathanael answered Him, Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.


  • 瞄准激励旅游业国内需求补偿国外需求猛烈衰落王健中国旅行服务广东分支发言人

    It is aimed at spurring domestic demand in the tourism sector to make up for the drastic decline in overseas demand, said Wang Jian, spokesman for the Guangdong branch of China Travel Services.


  • 博大的胸襟,磅礴的气势谱写昊王酒业新的华美篇章

    We Compose Haowang Group's gorgeous melody with broad view and tremendous momentum.


  • “今后,中国电信业主要增长动力只能来自农村地区新增用户,”研究公司Ovum分析师王笑西(Charice Wang)表示

    "The main growth momentum in China's telecom sector will have to come from signing up new subscribers in rural areas from now on, " says Charice Wang, an analyst at Ovum, the research company.


  • 王氏,郭玉峦儿媳,银两千两置田业作为育婴堂育婴费

    Gewangshi, the wife of Geyunian's second son had contribute 2000Liang silver to purchase the land and houses as the cost of foundling.


  • 十五自动跳转至广州楠竹王竹业有限公司网站首页…

    Fifteen seconds, then automatically jump to the homepage of Nanzhuwang-bamboo Co, . LTD…


  • 王经理补充说,酒店餐饮业需求量较大剥皮蒜粒大都供应餐饮酒楼

    Wang added that the demand for hotel and catering industry, large garlic, peeled garlic dining restaurants mostly supply;


  • 其次中观层面上来考察王选技术创新我国出版业影响印刷业的技术突破作为切入口

    Secondly, it analyzes the impact of Wang Xuan's technical innovation on China's publishing from middle-level, and selects printing's technological breakthroughs as an entry point.


  • 其次中观层面上来考察王选技术创新我国出版业影响印刷业的技术突破作为切入口

    Secondly, it analyzes the impact of Wang Xuan's technical innovation on China's publishing from middle-level, and selects printing's technological breakthroughs as an entry point.


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