• 是不是资本充足率的要求偏高一些

    Isn't the capital adequacy ratio in China a bit too high?


  • 经验证,系统传输数据传输质量达到系统数据准确要求

    The transmission quality of the system meets the accuracy requirement according to the validation.


  • 你们拒绝了对方提高佣金要求。你说,你们同意提高佣金

    We can't agree to increase the rate of commission.


  • 并设定了一个较长时间的测试适应新的杠杆资产变现要求

    Include a long phase-in period to comply with new requirements about leverage and liquidity ratios.


  • 人工翻译不能满足内容以及变化要求时,可提高客户服务质量。

    To improve customer service when human translation cannot meet the demands of content volume or rate of change.


  • 不同疾病群体免疫接种要求不同,通常应在85%到95%之间

    The vaccination rate for herd immunity varies by disease, but usually falls between 85% and 95%.


  • 它们惊人的速度抛售资产以期明年六月以前达到欧盟资本充足的要求

    They are also shedding assets at an alarming rate in order to meet EU capital-adequacy targets by next June.


  • 通过自动生成系统测试向量,并且达到所提系统测试覆盖要求

    Through two levels traverse, generate test cases automatically and satisfy the coverage criteria stated in this paper.


  • 建议在银行资本要求加入对杠杆的要求,以此当前资产风险的衡量进行补充

    It will suggest incorporating a leverage ratio into bank-capital requirements, to supplement the existing risk-weighting of assets.


  • 实际应用要综合考虑具体成像实验装置对于物像距离可调范围以及成像分辨要求

    Tunable range of the object-image distance and the imaging resolution demanded for the experimental setup should be considered in practical application.


  • 监管局的职责保证各个银行符合资本充足的要求拥有足够流动资产分散贷款风险

    Its remit will be to ensure that individual Banks comply with capital-adequacy rules, have sufficient liquid assets and spread their lending risks.


  • 根据地区地质特点以及所要达到分辨要求确定了所要保护的主频频施工参数

    Based on the geological characters in thin interbedded area and request of resolution, we determined the primary frequency kept and the acquisition parameters used in our study.


  • 巴塞尔资本协议规定金融机构满足资本充足要求风险分为信用风险市场风险和操作风险。

    The New Basel capital Accord has regulated the minimum capital requirements of Banks and consider the risks including credit risk, market risk and operation risk.


  • 针对混凝土搅拌站控制系统软硬件现场调试复杂性提高生产的要求设计开发了一模拟实验系统。

    A simulation control test system is developed to suit for complexity of software and hardware test jobsite and meets the need of increasing productivity for concrete mixing plant.


  • 随着软件生产规模不断加大软件生产要求不断提高迫切需要解决更高抽象层次级别复用问题

    With the software produce scale enlarging continually and the software productivity demand enhancing gradually, the reuse question of higher abstract level need to be resolved urgently.


  • 为了满足事件顺序记录(SOE)系统数百微秒分辨要求,系统必须实现精确到微秒级的全局时钟同步

    In order to meet the resolution requirement of hundreds of microseconds, microsecond global clock synchronization must be achieved in Sequence of Event (SOE) system.


  • 根据系统分辨要求利用CODEV软件完成系统中显微镜物镜转接镜的光学设计进行仿真

    According to the requirements of resolution system, using CODE V software, completed a microscope lens system and adapter-optical design and conduct the simulation.


  • 而连续色调和半色调图像则保存了较多的颜色信息通常要求较高的颜色分辨空间分辨率的要求不高。

    Comparatively, the regions of continue-tone images blocks or half-tone images blocks are with more color information, usually demand more color resolution, but little space resolution.


  • 同时由于动态环境下数据更新要求推导轨道快速外推公式替代动力学方法来计算卫星在轨位置。

    At the same time, on the request to the data refresh rate in high dynamic environment, the paper deduces the rapid extrapolation algorithm of the orbit to replace dynamic model method.


  • 密封性直接影响模拟器模拟太空冷黑环境好坏,要求非常因此对热沉在加工过程中的检漏提出了非常苛刻的要求

    So, the requirements for leakage rate is very strict to the heat sink, especially the severe requirement for leakage detection during its fabricating process.


  • 空隙沥青路面施工质量控制中的关键技术指标之一由于环氧沥青混凝土大多大跨径钢桥面铺装,因此,对空隙率的要求更为严格

    Air void is one of the key indexes in the quality control of asphalt pavements. It is more strictly restricted to use epoxy asphalt concrete on deck pavement of long-span Bridges.


  • 直接竞争可能强烈刺激它们降低价格也许是通过接受更低的利润或者要求供应商提供更好交易条件

    The head-to-head competition might give them a strong incentive to lower their prices, perhaps by accepting slimmer profit margins or demanding better deals from providers.


  • 如果银行其他投资者自己对抗风险能力失去信心他们试图降低风险,或要求更高收益

    If Banks or other investors lose faith in their ability to hedge risks, they will be tempted to cut back on risk or demand higher yields.


  • 欧洲中央银行希望消费者企业不要预期更高通胀因为如果他们这样预期的话,他们会要求更高的薪资,提高价格

    The bank is keen that consumers and business should not expect much higher inflation because if they do, they are more likely to seek higher wages and raise prices.


  • 美元来说令人担忧原因在于,如果发生贬值,将促使外国投资者们对长期国债回报一个更高要求,以作为他们风险补偿

    As for the dollar, the reason to worry would be if a falling currency prompted foreign investors to demand higher yields on American Treasury bonds to compensate them for the risk.


  • 选择屏幕分辩一些其他配置选项能力(也是要求)难言其利弊。

    Of mixed value was the ability (and requirement) to choose screen resolution and a few other configuration options.


  • 为了使那些生产风力涡轮太阳电池板先进电池以及将要使用它们汽车工厂达到所要求质量生产我们需要机器人

    To get the desired quality and productivity from plants that produce wind turbines, solar panels, and advanced batteries and the cars they go in, we need robots.


  • 一旦真相明了他们要求更高工资失业回升自然

    Once the truth dawned and they demanded more pay, unemployment would rise back to its “naturalrate.


  • 投资者持有股票风险更高资产可能要求更高回报就通常意味着更低价格

    Investors are also likely to demand higher returns for owning for riskier assets such as stocks, which usually means lower prices.


  • 投资者持有股票风险更高资产可能要求更高回报就通常意味着更低价格

    Investors are also likely to demand higher returns for owning for riskier assets such as stocks, which usually means lower prices.


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