• 亚洲人人格观念中,个人主义独立自我不是理想的。

    In the Asian concept of personality, there is no ideal attached to individualism or to the independent self.


  • 独立教育优点可以自我调节进度,并且可以时间时候参加

    The advantage of independent education is that it is self-paced and can be attended when you have time.


  • 表现明显倾向的第三标示为非视图的,也就是说没有关于独立自我视图。由于种种原因她们的自我认识是不完全的。

    This third group that showed no clear pattern was labelled 'aschematic', i.e. having no schema about independence or otherwise — for one reason or another it was a hole in their self-knowledge.


  • 但是依赖独立自尊关系失衡获得表扬优于别人成为人们获取自我尊重和自信心主要来源时,问题便不期而至。

    However, the problem arises when the balance is distorted, when gaining approval from others and being better than others become the primary source of our self-respect and self-confidence.


  • 很多雇佣者的眼里留学生一般都比较具有自我激励能力,独立很强,喜欢迎接挑战能够解决各种各样的问题

    Through an employer's seyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations.


  • 但是如果能够放下自我中心的想法,多独立思考也许生命中能够做出些不枉此生事情

    But if you can just manage to tone down your egos, shape up your minds, and think unfashionable thoughts, you just might be able to do something worthy with your lives.


  • 个体而言,一个没有自我意识不会独立思考、不会选择创造不能当今社会生存下去的。

    For an individual who has no self-consciousness, who can not think independently and can not create, it is impossible for him to live at present.


  • 有机结合独立自我保健集体观念

    It is organic combination of independence and self-care and conception of collective.


  • 认知主体性思想强调独立自主自我决定、个体自由自我意识、自为自觉、自由意志能动创造

    The thinking of cognitive subject stresses the following aspects of a human being: independence, self-decision, self-awareness, individual freedom, free will and active creativity.


  • 自身利益自我评价,过度推介密切关系外在压力构成了对独立不利影响

    Threats on(Adverse effects of)independence include self-interest, self-review, advocacy, familiarity and intimidation(external pressure).


  • 蠕虫一个执行时无需用户介入自我复制独立程序。蠕虫创建自身拷贝并且它们需要宿主程序感染系统

    Worms: A self-replicating, self-contained program executes without user intervention. Worms create copies of themselves, and they don't require a host program to infect a system.


  • 父母着重独立培养自我概念完善两个方面入手激发孩子成就动机

    So parents should stimulate their children's motivation by focusing on their independence cultivation and self-concept perfection.


  • 近代以来哲学消解神圣形象”中的自我异化、以理性代替上帝过程,其实质是以理论的方式表达了人的独立性建立在对物的依赖性基础上的生存状况。

    The philosophy since the modern times expressed itself in the process in which the self alienation of man under the spell of "holy image" was dispelled and reason was substituted for God.


  • 想到孩子们独立自主,进行自我指导,能力自己决定感到非常高兴,”纳尔逊

    "The idea of knowing that my kids would be out there being autonomous and feeling self-directed and empowered by making decisions themselves makes me really happy," Ms. Nelson said.


  • 个体而言,一个没有自我意识的、不会独立思考不会选择创造的人是不能当今社会生存下去的。

    Individuals who lack self-consciousness, independent thinking and creativity can not easily adapt themselves to the present social situation.


  • 目的蚕食感情自我价值独立

    Its aim is to chip away at your feelings of self-worth and independence.


  • 结论通过因子分析,提取飞行学员个性特征四个因素自我控制性、控制他人性、独立自主性感情冲动性。

    The personality characteristics of the flight cadets were mainly composed of four factors: self-control, domina ring others, independence and impulsion.


  • 超级富人”自我放纵生活方式非常反感,遗产看作是“私人资助的饭票”,有钱人家的孩子们无法过上正常独立生活。

    Critical of the self-indulgence of the super-rich, Buffett thinks of inheritances as "privately funded food stamps" that keep children of the rich from leading normal, independent lives.


  • 在小说中它是美国黑人认识自我建立自我的强大的依靠,也是他们保持民族文化独立力量源泉。

    It helps African American people recognize and establish their identity. Meanwhile it also supports them to resist the white culture.


  • 中国注册会计师道德准则制定总则评估提供保证服务是否产生自我评价的威胁从而影响我们审计独立

    The CICPA ethical guidelines have provided general principles to assess whether the provision of nonassurance services might create selfreview threat against our audit independence.


  • 自主性独立,是个体依靠自身做出符合社会规范决定,并能自我调节而达到目标的行为倾向。

    Autonomy is also called independence. It means that a person depends upon oneself to make decisions that conform to the social norms.


  • 飞行学员具有较高自我控制性同时表现年龄性别符合的较强的控制他人性、较弱的独立自主性和强的感情冲动性等人格特质

    Conclusion the flight cadets are better in self-control. And they exhibit the personality of dominating others and impulsion, which accords with their ages and genders.


  • 增加熟练工人机动性他们中的很多自行开业。增加更多各种各样的,独立自主需求雇员自我保障方法选择

    This increased mobility of skilled workers, many of whom will be self-employed, will bring increasing demands for more variety, self-reliance, and choice in the way that employees insure themselves.


  • 增加熟练工人机动性他们中的很多自行开业。增加更多各种各样的,独立自主需求雇员自我保障方法选择

    This increased mobility of skilled workers, many of whom will be self-employed, will bring increasing demands for more variety, self-reliance, and choice in the way that employees insure themselves.


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