• 接着朝前走了,手上仍然,将那条尸体一边我们给埋了。

    Then he took two steps, still holding the gun, and kicked the dog's body away, for us to bury it as well.


  • 通过研究犬科动物行为篇文章进行分析研究进一说明心智能力类似于两岁的儿童。

    From an analysis of several studies on canine behavior, the study went on to say that the mental abilities of dogs are similar to those of a child aged between two and two-and-a-half years.


  • 下一Rogers博士Litt博士希望把此项技术用于患有癫痫症的的身上,观察电极能否检测到癫痫发作,最终这种电极有可能用于预防癫痫发作。

    Next, Dr Rogers and Dr Litt hope to test the technique on epileptic dogs to see if the electrodes can detect seizures. Eventually it may be possible to use such circuits to prevent epileptic seizures.


  • 直到我们没有任何训练中期待增加持续时间

    Up to this point we have not expected a dog to add duration of time to any exercises.


  • 难过同样伤心它的心怀歉意,因而啊——飞快地飞跑,拼命地远离伤心地方

    He was very sorry, so was the dog, whose each step was with regrets, and thus — ran even faster so as to leave the sorrowful place.


  • 项科学研究表明,会产生嫉妒骄傲复杂情感。该研究进一揭示了之间的关系

    Dogs are prone to complex emotions such as jealousy and pride, according to scientific research that sheds new light on their relationship with humans.


  • 我们着手艰难地走着,竟看到许多牛粪粪,当时就想这么缺德呢?

    We are hand in hand, step by step with difficulty walking, she saw a lot of cow dung, horse manure, and dog, when I thought: Who is so wicked it?


  • 棒子时候,标记奖励确保没有同时发生)。

    When the dog takes one step toward the stick, mark and reward the the step (making sure these two events do not happen at the same instant).


  • 寻回”训练中教会物品衔嘴里

    The first behavior in the retrieve would be to teach the dog to hold something in his mouth.


  • 冲向男孩,那男孩吓得不敢

    The dog ran at the boy and the boy was too frightened to move even a step.


  • 只受伤回家的时候遇到了点麻烦。走一就要倒退一但是,它最终还是到家了。请问这是怎么回事?

    The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took, he slipped back two. However, he still managed to get home. How did he do it?


  • 之人创造一种称为“自由”的竞技比赛使人类动物关系更加亲密

    Dog lovers have created a competitive event called canine freestyle that brings the bond between human and animal to a new high.


  • 王只门前

    Every dog is valiant at his own door.


  • 车子的是达到目标知道下一怎么

    The dog that caught the car refers to a person who has reached his goal but doesn't know what to do next.


  • 本次实验覆盖机械性穿面,进一证实制剂的盖髓疗效

    This experiment is to further verify the effects of MTA as a sort of pulp capping agent through using it on the mechanically exposed pulp of dog teeth.


  • 为了防止咬家具,您可以试着上班牠去好好散个

    To prevent your dog from chewing the furniture3, try taking it for a long walk before work.


  • 紫杉冲浪板放下拍照了现场看上去是那么自然红豆杉受到鼓舞,采取下一行动。

    Yew placed the dog down on the surfboard to take a photo, and the scene looked so natural that Yew was inspired to take the next step.


  • 敬请淘宝迈出更大禁止在其网上销售使用制作产品

    Please take another huge step by banning the sellers of these items made from dogs and cats.


  • 丈夫还是警察的时候,一次他走近看守庭院奋力地抓纱门把门开了院子里。杰克反应迅速,三并两地跨入房子里,牢牢地关上身后的门。

    When my husband, Jack, was a police officer, he once approached a home guarded by two ferocious dogs. They lunged at the screen door with such force that it opened, and they tore out into the yard.


  • 可伸缩皮带重要的是传达信息进一超过2 0英尺的,是不是一种选择

    While your dog is on the retractable leash, it is important to convey the message that further than 20 feet away from you is not an option.


  • [谚]王,只门前凶。

    Every dog is valiant at his own door.


  • 爸爸是否羊倌沟通进一了解- - - - - -令我一见钟情

    I asked my father if he could communicate with the shepherd and ask him about the dogs, which I had already fallen in love with.


  • 爸爸是否羊倌沟通进一了解- - - - - -令我一见钟情

    I asked my father if he could communicate with the shepherd and ask him about the dogs, which I had already fallen in love with.


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