• 纳一家人犹太工人阶级出身

    The Warners were from a Jewish working-class background.


  • 犹太的宗教节日逾越节昨晚开始了。

    The Jewish feast of Passover began last night.


  • 他们的孩子一所犹太学校上学

    Their children attend a Jewish parochial school.


  • 这家人醉心犹太文化

    The family was deeply involved in Jewish culture.


  • 布拉格具神韵街角之一犹太区。

    One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto.


  • 1990年,20万名苏联犹太以色列重新定居。

    In 1990, 200,000 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory.


  • 根据犹太规定出生8之内行了割礼

    He had been circumcised within eight days of birth as required by Jewish law.


  • 伊斯兰教犹太领袖已经发表声明谴责暴力行为敦促联合国采取行动

    Muslim and Jewish leaders have issued statements deploring the violence and urging the United Nations to take action.


  • 获胜者一位来自匈牙利的年轻犹太女性

    The winner was a young Jewish women from Hungary.


  • 许多犹太莎士比亚夏洛克描述困扰

    Many Jews have been troubled by Shakespeare's depiction of Shylock.


  • 因为家人犹太背景他们进了集中营

    Because of his family's Jewish background, they are sent to the live in the concentration camps.


  • 犹太光明节为了庆祝公元前164年圣殿净化

    The cleansing of the temple in 164 B.C. is what Jews celebrate with Hanukkah.


  • 一些电影关于他的犹太背景的,比如辛德勒的名单》。

    Some of his films are about his Jewish background, such as Schindler's List.


  • 二战期间这位年轻的犹太女孩就是那里写下了著名日记

    It was there that the young Jewish girl wrote her famous diary during World War II.


  • 黑人犹太的身份度过一生这样做受到了家人反对

    He's a black man, and he passes for his whole life as Jewish, and in doing so his family rejects.


  • 黑人犹太的身份度过一生这样受到家人的反对。

    He was black and spent his entire life as a Jew, which was opposed by his family.


  • 专门治疗眼疾的波兰犹太医生路德维希·拉扎尔·扎曼霍夫创建的。

    It was created by Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof, a Polish Jewish doctor specialized in eye diseases.


  • 萨科第一位战后出生法国总统外祖父来自萨洛尼卡犹太

    Mr Sarkozy, whose maternal grandfather was a Jew from Salonika, is the first French president born after the war.


  • 周二以色列军队进入约旦河西岸地区撤离在那里最后两个犹太定居点

    Israel's army entered the West Bank area on Tuesday to evacuate the last two Jewish settlements there.


  • 即使在那时,这位未来红衣主教仍然坚信,丝毫没有放弃自己犹太身份

    The future cardinal was convinced, even then, that he had not abandoned one iota of his Jewishness.


  • 他们非常尊敬犹太罪犯指挥了某种游击战很久以前死了,就叙利亚某处

    They have very high respect for a criminal Jew, who led some kind of guerilla war and was executed long ago, somewhere in Syria.


  • 是因为美籍犹太以色列依恋大多数情况脆弱以至于无法左右他们投票

    This is because the attachment that American Jews feel to Israel is too weak, in most cases, to sway their vote.


  • 稀奇的推测说,萨科奇先生对于外祖父祖国一种天然的同情的外祖父来自塞萨洛尼基犹太

    A more fanciful theory is that Mr. Sarkozy has a natural sympathy for the country that was home to his maternal grandfather, a Jew from Thessaloniki.


  • 如果我们期待一下期末,我们将会读到人性污点》,写一个ColemanSilk男人努力成功地假装犹太

    If we look forward to the end of the term, we'll read The Human Stain, which is about a man, Coleman Silk, who tries to and succeeds in passing as Jewish.


  • 厄普代克这个典型美国人,他一个伟大白人新教徒作家当时文学时代犹太统治:索尔·贝娄诺曼·梅勒菲利普·罗斯

    Very much a Yankee, Mr. Updike was the great white Protestant writer in a literary era that was dominated by Jews: Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, and Philip Roth.


  • 一个狂热犹太复国主义者

    He was an ardent Zionist.


  • 一个狂热犹太复国主义者

    He was an ardent Zionist.


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