• 方法随机抽取太原市国师社区居民200人,采用健康状态调查问卷进行调查

    Methods 200 residents were sampled randomly in Guoshi Street community in Taiyuan City, and were investigated by the questionnaire of sub-health.


  • 目的通过134例颌面创伤患者心理状态调查分析相关因素减轻患者心理障碍初步探讨

    Objective By investigating 134 facial trauma patients psychological status, we analyzed the relative factors and made a preliminary study on how to lessen their psychological obstacles.


  • 郑淑梅霜秋,马静,孔令娜,孙雪梅,李双自体骨髓干细胞移植治疗心肌梗死患者心理状态调查分析。

    Zheng S. -M. , Wang S. -Q. , Ma J. , Kong L. -N. , Sun X. -M. , Li S. Mental status of myocardial infarction patients undergoing autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation.


  • 盖尔·库柏美国空调状态调查,如无空调办公室调进有空调办公室,则联邦机构打字员打字效率提高24%。

    According to Gail Cooper's Air-Conditioning America, tests of federal employees showed that typists increased their output by 24% when transferred from a regular office to a cooled one.


  • 了解围产期孕妇心理状态,为提高身心健康水平提供理论依据采用自制调查症状量表,对320例围产期孕妇进行心理状态调查

    The psychological status of 320 perinatal pregnant women was investigated using self-made survey and Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) to provide theoretical evidence for improving their health level.


  • 调查陷入一种停滞状态因为没有证人出来作证

    Investigations have ground to a standstill because no witnesses have come forward.


  • 瓦茨调查“有史以来伟大画作”的历史时,发现大部分时间里,《蒙娜丽莎》都处于相对默默无闻状态

    When Watts looked into the history of "the greatest painting of all time", he discovered that, for most of its life, the "Mona Lisa" remained in relative obscurity.


  • 具体故障信息、故障时间涉及用户发送每个管理员,这些管理员可以采取措施或是调查有疑问的资源服务器状态

    Specific failure messages, time of failure, and users involved are sent to each administrator who can then take action or investigate the server status of the resources in question.


  • 第四年度敏捷状态调查开始接受公众参与

    The fourth annual 'State of Agile' survey is open for public participation.


  • 患者会接受一次简单调查,内容包括他们近期情绪状态压力级别、各种支持来源、适应环境的能力水平、是否喜欢幽默疗法等。

    Patients complete a brief survey, which touches on their recent emotional state, stress levels, support system, judgment of how well they're coping, attitudes toward humor, and more.


  • IBM使用CAT工具执行快速调查了解SOA采用当前理想状态

    IBM USES the CAT tool to perform quick surveys to understand both current and desired state of SOA adoption.


  • IGC使用调查结果了解全球信息治理状态

    IGC also USES the survey results to understand the state of information governance worldwide.


  • 美国2003年至2004年的调查数据显示美国每天有一半以上时间处于静坐状态,无论是坐在办公桌前还是坐在车内

    Figures from a US survey in 2003-2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting, from working at their desks to sitting in cars.


  • 项针对今日雇主调查表示,应届大学生薪水去年首次停止上涨,且今年处在停止状态

    Graduate salaries were frozen last year for the first time since records began and will also stagnate this year, a survey of major employers suggests today.


  • 一份1997年调查报告显示地区四分之一女性18以前就已经成婚了同时45%的婴儿儿童处于营养不良的状态

    A 1997 survey found that almost a quarter of all women were marrying before the legal age of 18, while roughly 45 percent of all infants and young children in the district were malnourished.


  • 然而这些个体中仍然有个显著比例虽然数量不多)保留一种极度警醒症的状态,并且因为要求创伤回忆或者“闪回”调查访问而感到痛苦

    However, a small butsignificant percentage of such individuals, however, remain in a state ofhyper-vigilance, and are distressed by the visitations of traumaticrecollections or "flashbacks".


  • 调查之后发现树型网格总是保留expando函数状态

    After investigating, you find that the tree grid would always hold the states of expando functions.


  • 这个揭示一年当中人们何时分手图表根据在线调查人们使用Facebook更新自身状态的数据绘制出来的。

    That's according to a graphic making the rounds online that uses Facebook status updates to chart what time of year people are splitting up .


  • 了足够调查信息(ID摘要状态等等),缺陷可以不同层次跟踪关联

    The defect can be tracked and associated at different levels, with enough insight information (ID, summary, state, and so forth).


  • 安全专家表示调查者来说证明哪个国家处于攻击状态困难的。

    Security experts said it would be difficult for investigators to prove which nation was behind the attack.


  • 该组研究对象中的226人依然在世,其中161研究中处于活动状态回答一份调查问卷,在每15接受一次个人访问。

    Of this group, 226 are alive and 161 are still active in the study, which requires the men to answer questionnaires every two years and to be interviewed personally every 15 years.


  • 表明我们不能直接可靠地追踪我们自身主观状态不过社会学家在几年就已经解决了这个难题需要打乱固定调查时间,使调查随机化。

    It might seem that we're simply incapable of reliably tracking our own subjective states, but social scientists solved this problem years ago: Just randomize the time of inquiry.


  • 导出答案当前状态重要之处在于,可以一步完成投票获取当前调查结果的操作。

    The importance of exporting the current state of the answers is that it allows voting and getting the current results of the poll all in one step.


  • 费城联邦储备银行进行的调查显示很多经济学家认为美国四月份就已进入衰退而且直到2009年中期才能摆脱状态

    And a new survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has shown that many economists believe the United States went into recession in April and will not emerge from it until the middle of 2009.


  • 研究员将这部手机调成静音状态,使得调查对象无法辨别处于开机状态手机,同时避免刺激大脑听觉中枢

    This phone was kept muted so that the subject didn't know which phone was on, and also to prevent stimulation of the brain's hearing center.


  • 17,20,2429岁的时候,每个分别报告婚姻状态填写一些有关暴力行为非法活动调查问卷。

    At ages 17, 20, 24 and 29, each man reported his marital status and filled out questionnaires about his aggressive behaviors and illegal activities.


  • 十分之一受访家庭表示调查开展,家庭成员之间正处于冷战状态

    One in ten of the families polled said they were not on speaking terms at the time of the survey.


  • 这份调查报告同时建议说,核电站工作人员应当冷却水中加入防止堆芯重新进入核反应临界状态

    The document also recommends that engineers continue adding boron to cooling water to help prevent the cores from restarting the nuclear reaction, a process known as criticality.


  • 调查研究项目最终状态应该记载备份任何潜在的与故事进一步相关的因素应该确定可能附属关系)。

    The end state of the item under investigation should be documented, and any further potentially related storyboards should also be identified (maybe because of dependencies).


  • 并且同一年关于纽约手机信号无线频谱调查发现将近一半的频谱处于使用状态

    And yet a study from the same year of the wireless spectrum devoted to cell phone signals in New York City found that almost half of that spectrum was in use.


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