• 同时使用层次建模方法防止状态爆炸

    At the same time, hierarchical analytical method was adopted to avoid states blast.


  • 使用方法可以用户角度建模GUI软件,建模过程简单直观,存在状态爆炸问题

    By the method GUI software can be modeled from the viewpoint of users and there is no problem of state explosion.


  • 这种优化算法一定程度上改善状态爆炸引起的求解线性规划次数指数级递增问题

    To some certain extent, the proposed method improves the computational complexity problem resulting from state explosion and solution to the linear programming problems.


  • 针对软件模型检测中的状态爆炸问题提出程序条件化技术用于软件状态空间缩减方案

    Aiming at the state explosion problem existed in the software model checking, a scheme of applying program conditioning to reduce the state space of programs was proposed.


  • 组合可达性分析并发系统模型分析验证的基础关键,但是难于解决验证中的所谓的状态爆炸问题

    Model checking and refinement checking are two approaches to formal verification, whose difficulties are due to the state explosion problem.


  • 由于一技术基于对状念空间穷尽搜索,“状态爆炸”问题一直是制约实际系统中应用主要技术瓶颈

    Because it is based on the exhaustive state space search, the state space explosion problem becomes the primary bottleneck when we apply model-checking to real systems.


  • 该文针对模型检测过程所存在状态爆炸问题提出一种基于模型检测工具SPIN模块化模型检测方法

    To address the state explosion problem in the procedure of model checking, this paper proposes a SPIN - based modularized model checking method.


  • 总结了UML状态设计应该满足实现层次复用能力可以是U ML状态机的模块化机制解决“状态爆炸问题有益补充

    State machine (SM) implementation should meet reusability on the level of implementation. This can be a useful complement to the modularity of the UML SM to address the problem of "state explosion".


  • 炸弹爆炸之后当地医院一直处于戒备状态

    Following the bomb blast, local hospitals have been put on red alert.


  • 曼谷目前仍处于紧急状态。发生曼谷北部城市清迈一连串爆炸令民众恐慌不已。

    Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a string of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang mai have rattled the public.


  • 我们发现世界拥有完善时间空间的定义(或者爱因斯坦所说称之为时空),那么可能处于宇宙特别状态发生爆炸

    When we see the world with a well-defined space and time [or spacetime as Einstein put it] this may just be some particular state of the Universe that has emerged out of the Big Bang.


  • 爆炸理论里,早期宇宙状态一个奇点,这意味着宇宙曾经无穷小的。

    In Big Bang theory, the state of the Universe is a singularity in early times, meaning that the Universe was once infinitely small.


  • 爆炸之后不久,整个宇宙处于杂乱无章混沌状态之中。

    Shorty after the Big Bang, the universe was in a highly disordered and chaotic state.


  • 人们为了这种食物而进入疯狂状态销量爆炸似的增长,然后现代夹馅面包诞生了。

    People went absolutely nuts for it. Sales exploded, and the modern Twinkie was born.


  • 但是这起爆炸仍然提醒了我们,无论如何大肆宣传,印度不是完全处于和平稳定状态国家

    But the bombings serve as a reminder that India, despite all the hype, is not a country wholly at peace.


  • 欧洲科学家他们世界最大原子对撞机创下高能量质子对撞的最新纪录,模拟创造宇宙爆炸状态

    European scientists say they have set a record for high-energy collisions of protons in the world's largest atom smasher, mimicking conditions close to the "Big Bang" that created the universe.


  • 爆炸冲击荷载作用钢板引起复杂应力应变状态变化表现在应力波传播比较复杂。

    That the complex stress state change is aroused between armor plates under explosive or shock force is expressed by complex stress wave propagation.


  • 为了解决动态故障研究领域马尔可夫状态空间爆炸问题给出基于同构节点的动态故障树分析方法

    In order to solve the problem of state space explosion of Markov chains in the research field of dynamic fault tree, a new method based on isomorphic node is presented.


  • 工作流畅通性验证无论时间上还是空间上代价都非常的,状态空间爆炸是验证主要困难所在

    The verification of throughness of workflow logic is very expensive both in time and space. The state ex- plosion is the main difficulty.


  • 信息爆炸导致了一种长期信息过剩状态

    This information explosion has led to a chronic condition of information overload.


  • 医院立马进入戒备状态——因为致命爆炸随时都会发生,在顷刻间杀死周围32英尺所有人。

    Immediately the hospital was put on alert - because the deadly explosive could go off at any moment and kill everyone within 32ft.


  • 切片方法删除与待验证性质无关层次并发状态缓解空间爆炸问题,并且有助于模型分析理解

    Slicing can remove the irrelevant hierarchies and concurrent states to the property, reduce the state space, and help analyzing and understanding the models.


  • 随着程序电路规模增大状态数目将呈指数增加引起组合爆炸

    Exponentially increasing of the state number of a system causes the combination exploring with the scale of program or circuit increasing.


  • 煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸过程实质是井下气体状态发生突变过程。

    The actual processes of firedamp explosion in coal mines involve a catastrophic processes occurring in air conditions of underground coal mines.


  • 他们表示工人试图驾驶后座装有小型爆炸轻型卡车进入这座距离菲尼克斯市区50英里核电站,目前电站已关闭处于警戒状态

    They say he tried to enter the plant with a small explosive device in the back of his pickup truck. The plant about 50 miles west of downtown Phoenix was put on lockdown.


  • 针对多重失效状态数量组合爆炸问题提出组合劣化分析方法;

    A worse-combination filtering analysis skill was proposed to handle the quantity explosion problem in the multiple failure condition identification.


  • 这种特性使爆炸产生相对集中局部压力转化为分布趋向均匀整体作用压力,从而使内层结构处于有利的受力状态

    This property can transform the concentrated local pressure produced by explosion into a relatively evenly distributed whole pressure, thus makes a safe inner structure stress state.


  • 这种特性使爆炸产生相对集中局部压力转化为分布趋向均匀整体作用压力,从而使内层结构处于有利的受力状态

    This property can transform the concentrated local pressure produced by explosion into a relatively evenly distributed whole pressure, thus makes a safe inner structure stress state.


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