• 第二十三条已经着手实行犯罪,由于犯罪分子意志以外的原因未得逞犯罪未遂

    Article 23 a criminal attempt refers to a case where an offender has already started to commit a crime but is prevented from completing it for reasons independent of his will.


  • 第二十三条已经着手实行犯罪,由于犯罪分子意志以外原因未得逞的,犯罪未遂

    Article 23 a criminal attempt refers to a case where an offender has already begun to commit a crime but is prevented from completing it for reasons independent of his will.


  • 如果犯罪重罪过程(既遂未遂)中有人死亡负有罪刑责的罪犯谋杀罪名

    Rule of Law that holds that if a killing occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a felony (a major crime), the person or persons responsible for the felony can be charged with murder.


  • 犯罪未遂刑法学界研究一个重点国内外存在很多不同观点

    Attempt of crime is a point of importance to research for the penology circle and there exist many different viewpoints at home and abroad.


  • 作为结果的数额基本犯存在犯罪未遂

    There isn't any abortive crime in the result crime.


  • 盗窃罪既遂未遂科学区分标准是否具备犯罪构成要件,而不能采取单一学说理论标准

    Accomplishment and attempted theft of scientific criteria for the distinction is whether there is constitutive elements of crime, not to the standard theory of a single theory.


  • 对于教唆犯只有当被教唆所实施的犯罪教唆犯所教唆犯罪完全没有重合性质时,才能认定为教唆未遂

    As for the abettor, only there is any overlapping between the abettor and the person who accepts the instigation, could it be judged as the attempted instigation.


  • 以往司法工作中,入室盗窃未遂一般被视作犯罪边缘,当无罪处理

    In the past cases, unaccomplished burglary was generally regarded as the edge of crime, and was treated as innocent.


  • 完善数额犯罪未遂两种模式

    Perfect the attempted crime of amount has two modes.


  • 犯罪未遂行为处罚由来已久处罚依据原则问题上理论界很大争议

    The punishment to attempted crime behavior is long-standing , but the theory circle has very great disputes on basis , principle punished.


  • 作为教唆犯罪最为复杂形态之一,教唆未遂一直为学界所关注

    As one of the most complex patterns of instigation crime, attempt of instigation has been paid attention to by the field of theory.


  • 犯罪预备未遂中止相对于犯罪而言,犯罪的未完成形态可以称为未完成

    Preparation, attempt or discontinuance of crime is a kind of inchoate conformation, so they can be called inchoate crime.


  • 刑法中的错误尤其是事实认识错误,不仅影响行为人罪过形式刑事责任而且涉及犯罪的既未遂,是刑法中的一个重要课题。

    Error in the criminal law, especially fact error, not only offense shape of effect action man, criminal responsibility, but also relate to the criminal accomplished offence either not abortive.


  • 本文对此既遂未遂问题进行阐述除此之外,还将对此罪和受贿罪职务侵占罪商业受贿犯罪等进行比较研究

    This paper will also elaborate completion of a crime and attempted crime, in addition, comparative study the crime of accepting bribe, the crime of duty encroachment and Commercial bribery crimes.


  • 相对犯罪构成完成形态犯罪既遂,犯罪预备、犯罪未遂犯罪中止犯罪构成未完成形态

    Compared with the general form in crime committing (namely, consummated crime), preparation for a crime, attempted crime and discontinuation of a crime are special forms in crime committing.


  • 由于知识产权犯罪属于数额或者情节犯,故知识产权犯罪存在犯罪未遂形态。

    Since all intellectual property crimes belong to quantities crimes or plot crimes, naturally intellectual property crimes do not contain unaccomplished states.


  • 犯罪未得逞是由于犯罪分子意志以外原因一点把犯罪未遂犯罪中止区别开来。

    Thirdly, the reasons that the crimes don't finished are independent of the wills of the offenders, which distinguishes the criminal attempt from the desistance of a crime.


  • 笔者认为单位犯罪未遂单位直接故意犯罪中,犯罪单位着手实行犯罪,由于意志以外的原因而未能达到犯罪种未完成犯罪形态

    The author considers that unit attempted crime is a kind of inchoate conformation and the unit has implemented criminality but failed beyond its will in direct intention crime.


  • 第二方法数额犯罪未遂进行研究基础上,出台一部关于数额犯犯罪未遂司法解释从而司法实践提供具体统一指导

    The feasible method is, on the basis of deep research, to put forward a legal explanation to the attempted crime of amount so as to provide specific and uniform direction for the legal practice.


  • 对于中止未遂竞合,应根据具体情况的不同,分别认定犯罪中止犯罪未遂

    As for the circumstances of concurrence of discontinued criminal and attempted offense, it can be charged as desistance of crime or attempt of crime according to the specific situations.


  • 共同受贿犯罪未遂一般标准:(1)共同受贿犯罪已经着手

    General standards of joint acceptance of bribes: 1, an offender has already started to commit acceptance of bribes.


  • 说认为未遂犯仅囿于直接故意犯罪之中,间接故意犯罪存在未遂犯。

    The general view of the academic circle thinks that the attempt crime exits in the direct intentional crimes, not in the indirect intentional crimes.


  • 犯罪未遂司法实践大量存在并且未遂理论在实践运用存在着若干需要着重研究解决问题

    Attempted crime exists in judicial practice, and many problems to be studied and solved are existed in the application in practice.


  • 保险诈骗犯罪存在既遂、未遂中止和预备种停止形态。认定保险诈骗犯罪四种停止形态关键准确认定犯罪行为何时为着手。

    According to the theory of the criminal law, there are four stop pattern is not deep enough, especially in the evidence research of attempted insurance fraud pattern.


  • 伪造变造票据犯罪未遂界限,主要把握是否完成票据必须记载事项的填写行为

    The dividing line between accomplishment and non-accomplishment of instrument fraudulent crime should be based on whether the doer unlawfully g...


  • 犯罪中止不能未遂的竞合,应以行为有效性”为尺度,判断是否成立中止

    Whether the concurrence between crime quitting and incapable not—realizing crime belongs to the desistance of crime should be determined by the validity of the behavior.


  • 对于数额加重而言,作为行为犯的数额加重犯和作为结果犯的数额加重犯都存在犯罪未遂应当定罪处罚。

    As to the basic crime, it can't be punished for it's just an attempt. There isn't any abortive crime in the result crime.


  • 作为故意犯罪牵连犯罪既遂、犯罪预备犯罪未遂犯罪中止多种犯罪停止形态

    As an intentional crime, Implicated Offense also has some suspending forms, like Accomplished crime, Preparation for crime, Criminal Attempt, and Discontinuation of crime.


  • 犯罪未遂中的未遂不能应当构建全面客观标准犯罪未遂立法进一步完善

    The more comprehensive objective standards should be built for unaccomplished offenders and incapable crimes in attempted crime. The legislation of attempted crime should also be further perfected.


  • 犯罪未遂中的未遂不能应当构建全面客观标准犯罪未遂立法进一步完善

    The more comprehensive objective standards should be built for unaccomplished offenders and incapable crimes in attempted crime. The legislation of attempted crime should also be further perfected.


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