• 大卫球队作出最好选择”,特维斯,“那种能为赢得比赛球员。”

    "David is the best signing we have made," said Tevez. "he is the type of player who can win you the game."


  • 特维斯曼城合同到期后,他不会回到曼彻斯特即使度假也不可能。

    Carlos Tevez has said he will not go back to Manchester even for a holiday when he leaves City at the end of his contract.


  • 我们准备好了,下个赛季要夺取冠王,”特维斯,“我们的目标。”

    "We are ready to do the Treble next season," Tevez said. "That is what we are aiming for."


  • 接受《太阳报》采访时,特维斯现在很难确定赛季我将身在哪家俱乐部。

    Tevez told The Sun: "I still don't know where I will play next season."


  • 上周六温布利以1;0战胜斯托克城举起足总杯特维斯有机会超越东家曼联留在曼城的动力。

    After lifting the FA Cup at Wembley following last Saturday's 1-0 victory over Stoke, Tevez said the chance to overhaul former club Manchester United could yet persuade him to stay at City.


  • 佛罗里达大学盖恩斯维尔分校研究社会态度凯特·拉特利夫领域似乎两个阵营,一个是关心开放科学阵营,另一个则对其漠不关心

    Kate Ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida, Gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field—those who care about open science and those who don't.


  • 球队上周足总杯决赛中战胜斯托克城夺得36年来首个冠军后,曼奇尼已特维斯留在市政球场

    But Speaking after City's FA Cup win over Stoke last week - their first major trophy in 36 years - Mancini said that Tevez would be staying at Eastlands.


  • 曼奇尼同时表示希望特维斯周一重新回来接受训练。他,“没错希望明天”。

    Meanwhile, Mancini said he expected Carlos Tevez to return to training on Monday. "Yes. I expect Carlos to be back tomorrow," he said.


  • 康克林并不认同媒体关于这个黑猩猩莱姆病报道尽管调查人员将会进行调查确定是什么诱使特拉维斯攻击纳什

    Conklin couldn't confirm media reports that the chimp had Lyme disease, though he did say investigators were taking their time with the case to determine what may have provoked Travis to attack Nash.


  • 一直漫画立场邮报编辑只是幅对那个伤害了主人一个朋友康涅狄格警察杀死的黑猩猩特拉维斯的鲜明嘲仿.

    The newspaper had stood by the cartoon, which its editor called "a clear parody" of the death of Travis, the chimp killed by Connecticut police on Monday after it mauled a friend of its owner.


  • 不是人们一般概念中的有毒代谢物,”斯维恩她现在是罗切斯特医科大学生殖流行病学中心主任

    "It is not a metabolite usually thought of as toxic," said Swan, director of the Center for Reproductive Epidemiology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.


  • MHRN特拉维斯•麦克亚当运动基本已经死了

    The movement is now largely dead, says Travis McAdam of MHRN.


  • 然而赫罗德告诉纽约讯记者,赞安诺并没有溶解里,所以相信特拉维斯其实一点药都没喝进去。

    However, Herold told New York station WABC that the Xanax didn't dissolve in the tea, and she doesn't believe Travis had any of the drug in his system.


  • 斯坦福警官瑞奇·康克林上尉,现年55纳什朋友,现年70岁的桑德拉埃罗尔德家里,这个名叫特拉维斯黑猩猩跳到她身上,并且开始她、捶击她。

    Nash, 55, had just arrived at the home of her friend, Sandra Herold, 70, when the chimp, named Travis, jumped on her and began biting and mauling her, said Stamford Police Capt. Rich Conklin.


  • 汤普森家乡泰特斯维尔,“阿波罗计划之后变成了鬼城

    Thompson's hometown, Titusville, "became a ghost town after Apollo," he says.


  • 警长人员不是第一特拉维斯接触

    The police captain said this isn't the first interaction his officers have had with Travis.


  • 阿根廷队医特维斯需要时间恢复,我们认为希望不用那么长时间恢复。

    The Argentinian medical guys were saying he would need two to three weeks but we'd like to think, and hope, that it could be less than that.


  • 所以托尔斯泰陀思妥耶夫斯基契科夫司汤达梅尔维尔海明威福克纳,多斯·帕索斯,普鲁斯特佐拉,托马斯·歌德,对了,还有——逃不掉的——莎士比亚!

    So, I'll list Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Stendhal, Melville, Hemingway, Faulkner, Dos Passos, Proust, Zola, Mann, Goethe, and, oh yes-curses-shakespeare!


  • 只是现在只能在曼联曼联有太多好前锋韦恩·鲁尼,哈维尔·埃尔南德斯还有迪米特·贝尔巴托夫,甚至新星丹尼·维尔贝克也十分优秀,只能从那儿抢个板凳。

    Now he laughs at the sheer scale of competition at United, where Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernández, Dimitar Berbatov and increasingly Danny Welbeck block his path.


  • 漂亮维斯·特洛大陆上漂亮的女人詹姆这么,詹姆从不会

    I am beautiful, the most beautiful woman in all Westeros, Jaime says so, Jaime would never lie to me.


  • 曼奇尼同时表示希望特维斯周一重新回来接受训练。他,“没错希望明天”。

    Meanwhile, Mancini said he expected Carlos Tevez to return to training on Monday. "Yes. I expect Carlos to be back tomorrow, " he said.


  • 南安普顿警察局警官他们邻居的通报下,才发现了位于菲斯特维尔社区老街的这栋不起眼房子

    Officers from the Lower Southampton Police Department said they responded to the small white home on Old Street in the Feasterville community on a tip from a neighbor.


  • 特拉维斯这个事件损害了默多克英国也或许在美国的地位。

    Travers says the fiasco has undermined Murdoch in Britain and may do so in the United States as well.


  • 斯克里普斯霍华德新闻社丽莎·霍夫曼安妮特· 雷恩维尔非常令人感动文章报道在对伊拉克战争将近900 名美国儿童失去家长

    Lisa Hoffman and Annette Rainville of the Scripps Howard News Service have reported, in an extremely moving article, that nearly 900 American children have lost a parent to the war in Iraq.


  • 爸爸一直等到商店里没有顾客了,才老巴克斯特先生:“儿子事儿。”

    Ravi's dad waited until the shop was empty. Then he spoke to Mr Baxter. "My son has something to tell you, " Said Ravi's dad.


  • 这位英格兰宿将向《太阳报:“认为特维斯鲁尼过于相似——因为伟大的球员完美配合。”

    The former England star told the Sun: "I don't believe Tevez and Wayne Rooney are too similar - because great players can always play well together."


  • 吉格斯曼联对于特维斯离队没有什么遗憾

    Ryan Giggs insists Manchester United should have no regrets over the departure of Carlos Tevez.


  • 吉格斯曼联对于特维斯离队没有什么遗憾

    Ryan Giggs insists Manchester United should have no regrets over the departure of Carlos Tevez.


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