• 一方面,同样轻而易举漫不经心地谈论奥尔巴赫、登、利特瓦克所有篮球教练的相关情况。

    On the other hand, I could toss around the philosophy of Auerbach, Wooden, and Litwack, basketball coaches all, with equally astonishing ease.


  • 此外最近针对奥尔遗址发现工具研究表明奥尔人获得一些黑曜石起源于奥蒂附近

    Moreover, recent research on obsidian tools found at Olmec sites has shown that some of the obsidian obtained by the Olmecs originated near Teotihuacán.


  • 营造良好氛围莫纳市政厅里陈列着杰出先辈大师们的小提琴作品,其中包括著名的斯拉·阿玛蒂。

    To help create the right atmosphere, Cremona has been adding to its collection of superb old-master violins on view in the town hall, including famous Strads and Amatis.


  • 印度空军参谋长普拉迪普··纳上将,2008年订购80米格- 17直升机,今年些时候开始首次交付

    The first deliveries of the 80 Mi-17 helicopters, ordered in 2008, will begin later this year, Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Vasant Naik said in an interview with India Strategic.


  • ·希非营利输出途径进入当地许多村庄时培训当地其他泥匠。

    And the masons trained other masons in the area, while Dixit's non-profit exported the approach to many other villages in the region.


  • 内讧巴尔德斯和贝尔兰*莱兄弟竞争。

    The internecine struggle had pitted Mr. Valdez against Mr. Beltrán Leyva’s brother, Hector.


  • 妮内·艺名,她的真名是爱德莉·斯坦奴,1898年6月6日出生于爱尔兰罗郡的户英裔爱尔兰军人家庭

    Ninette DE Valois was the stage name of Edris Stannus, born into an Anglo-Irish military family in County Wicklow, Ireland, June 6, 1898.


  • 我们大部分人都拉姆·史托的小说《德拉库拉伯爵》一书中了解兰西尼亚这罗马尼亚历史古迹

    Most of us know of Transylvania, an historical region in Romania, from Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula.


  • 刚才卡米尔•霍雷传给了一个网址链接上边拉尼斯瓦克夫斯基创作精致随笔,发布地址是“犹太人杂志契约”的网站。

    I have just (hat-tip Kamil Tchorek) been sent a link to this masterly essay by Stanislaw Krajewski, in the online Jewish magazine Covenant.


  • 托洛(Tolowa)美洲土著部落托洛人的语言,住在加州雷·森附近史密斯定居一些原住民这种语言。

    Tolowa, the language of the Tolowa Native American tribe, is spoken by a few members located in the Smith River Rancheria. a sovereign nation, near Crescent City, Calif.


  • 这些野蛮异星人杀死了全家只有辛德尔在威帮助下逃脱了。

    The brutish aliens killed all of the Towani family, except for Cindel, who escaped with the help of Wicket.


  • 购买的这葡萄酒也是同一个波尔多酿制的苏恩白葡萄酒,只是的这瓶酒酿制称为“彗星之”的1811年。

    Vanneque's bottle is also a sweet Sauternes from the same Bordeaux chateau, though his purchase was produced in 1811, a year also known as the 'comet year.


  • 旅客们抵达日内兰国际机场后,经常一下飞机就直奔他们客车然后前往他们最喜爱的滑雪度假村。

    All too often, travellers landing at Geneva's CointrinAirport head straight to their coach and then off to their favourite ski-resort.


  • 1926年,进入贝尔法斯艺术学校在1928年斯莱德学校在伦敦,他在那里研究,亨利·伦道贝,和今后一个时期共同工作室约翰·

    In 1926 he entered the Belfast School of Art, and in 1928 went on to the Slade School in London, where he studied under Henry Tonks and Randolph Schwabe, and for a time Shared a studio with John Luke.


  • 团队布里斯班·墨尔本大卫·带领

    Its team was led by Peter Schenk in Brisbane and David Warren in Melbourne.


  • 跑着穿过广场的时候,正在布告栏前徒弟一起布告瓦克铁匠高喊:“小家伙,不用得那么急;

    Then, as I ran across the square, Watcher the blacksmith, who stood there with his apprentice, reading the placard, called out to me, "Don't hurry so, my boy;"


  • 第二天气非常,玛格·丽提出乘船西岛玩,似乎非常高兴

    The next day, the weather was superb. Marguerite suggested that we might take a boat out on the river and visit the lle DE Croissy. She seemed in the best of spirits.


  • 这个的亚文河畔拉福的小村只住900户人家

    The village, just outside Stratford - upon - Avon , Warwickshire, has 900 homes.


  • 叫a·尤金·非瑞士医生一个叫安·考的巴黎眼镜他们已经隐型眼镜矫正视力问题了。

    A Swiss physician, A. Eugen Fick and a Paris optician, Edouard Kalt, working independently say they have used contact lenses to correct vision problems.


  • 莱门··摩尔令人回味的1822“图前一天晚上圣诞有助于确定圣诞老人的故事本身成为许多房屋圣诞节传统一部分

    "Clement Clarke Moore's evocative 1822 poem" Twas the Night Before Christmas "helped to define the story of Santa Claus and has itself has become part of the Christmas tradition in many houses."


  • 莱门··摩尔令人回味的1822“图前一天晚上圣诞有助于确定圣诞老人的故事本身成为许多房屋圣诞节传统一部分

    "Clement Clarke Moore's evocative 1822 poem" Twas the Night Before Christmas "helped to define the story of Santa Claus and has itself has become part of the Christmas tradition in many houses."


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