• 本文以此书研究对象,深入系统地全面研究,以揭示此书特点价值

    Based on the book for the study, this thesis will do a in-depth comprehensive study to reveal the characteristics and value of the note.


  • 我们智性意志一对概念描述判断实验艺术特点价值

    We will use the concepts of enlightenment and will to describe and evaluate the characteristics and value of experimental art.


  • 首先一般论述价值涵义特点创造实现

    First elaborates person's value implication, the characteristic, to create and to realize generally.


  • 但当MR信号形态学特点结合时,其对恶性胸膜肿瘤鉴别诊断价值则明显优于CT

    In combination with signal intensity and morphologic features, MRI is more useful and, therefore, superior to CT in differentiation of malignant from benign pleural tumor.


  • 传媒司法作为现代社会两个重要结构它们价值层面有着高度一致性但是在共同价值实现方式途径上,它们又特点

    Media and jurisdiction are two structures of a modern society, which are consistent in value but each has its way to realize the values.


  • 本文传统“君子人格构成要素特点,结合其国民心理影响之进行现代价值评估。

    This paper reviews the constituents and characteristics of "Noble character" in terms of its influence on the national mentality and assesses its value from a modern perspective.


  • 介绍了矿产资源开采经济价值相对性开发风险性特点矿业开发政策提出建议

    Relative economic values, mining risk and characteristics of mineral resources are presented. Suggestions on mine development policies are put forward.


  • 目的探讨老年钙化性心瓣膜临床特点早期诊断价值

    Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics and the value of early diagnosis of senile calcified valvular disease.


  • 再加以合理保证使人本管理体现出科学尺度价值尺度相统一特点

    Humane administration embodies the characteristics with unified scientific yardstick and value yardstick owing to legal reasonable guarantee.


  • 通过演唱准确展现歌曲体裁题材风格特点进而充分体现艺术歌曲的艺术审美价值

    The style and characteristics of the types and themes of songs can be accurately displayed by singing, thus fully reflecting the aesthetic value of art songs.


  • 体用不二、价值理性工具理性统一中国学术重要特点

    The identity of ontology and methodology and the unity of reason in value and method are the important academic characteristics in China.


  • 介绍了矿产资源开采经济价值相对性,开发风险性特点

    Relative economic values, mining risk and characteristics of mineral resources are presented.


  • 分析研究了“以为本”理念实践四个显著特点在此基础上说明以校本理念实践的重要价值

    The paper analyzes the four outstanding characteristics of the "school-based" educational concept and practice, and explains its significant value.


  • 现行教师评价体系根本特点制度化规范化价值导向既是学术性,也是经济性的。

    The fundamental feature of current teacher's evaluation system is systematization and standardization. Its value guidance is academic and economic.


  • 环境侵权普通民事侵权不同,具有不平等性社会性价值长期性等特点

    Environmental torts are different from normal civil torts. Theyhave characteristics of unfairness, sociality, value and long-term.


  • 由于理论显著特点统一推广,因此这一理论的研究有着重要理论意义实际应用价值

    Since the distinguishing feature of the theory of time scales is to unify and to popularize, the study of this theory has important theoretical significance and practical value.


  • OCB材料具有BCB不同孔隙特点,有望成为一类价值异种骨替代材料。

    The OCB material has different porosity characteristics compared with BCB and it might become another valuable heterogeneous bone graft material.


  • 电子商务时代企业生存空间物理市场地域扩衣刘虚拟的电子空间,它价值创造过程显现以往不同特点

    In the era of E-commerce, enterprises' living space has extended from physical market to cyberspace and their process of value-creation show different characteristics.


  • 目的分析X线CT创伤性中的诊断价值影像特点

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value and imaging character of X-ray and ct for traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.


  • 林木资产评估必须考虑生长周期不同生长阶段生理特性经济价值不同的特点

    In forestry assets assessment the long growth cycle and the different physiological characteristics and different economic values at different growth stages should be taken into consideration.


  • 研究结果表明,叠加式教学法适应背向滑步推铅球技术教学特点,教学效果较好,具有较好的推广应用价值

    The progressive increase program can produce better effects in teaching process and it has better practical value to be extended to more teaching practices.


  • 本文基于品牌理论顾客感知价值理论文献研究探讨服务产品内容特点

    This paper investigated the contents and characteristics of service product, basing on the literary research of brand theory and customer perceived value.


  • 结构设计重载挂篮悬臂施工技术方面具有特点,对桥梁工程的设计施工具有借鉴价值

    There are some characteristics in structure design and construction technology of heavyduty suspended basket cantilever, which might be referable for the design and construction of other bridges.


  • 本文分析了产业链结构价值组织创造过程给出了产业价值基本概念特点

    This paper analyzes the process of value organization and creation of industrial chain structure, and gives the base concept and characteristics of industrial value chain.


  • 结论武术竞赛规则修改完善武术的本质特点、内容形式、技击内涵竞技性价值直接关系

    Conclusion: There is a direct correlation between continual changes and improvement in wushu competition rules and the characteristics, nature, essence and competitive values of wushu.


  • 介绍了木屋特点结构陈设提出了木屋的美学价值保护开发的重要意义

    This paper introduces its characteristics, structure and furnishing style, puts forward the aesthetic value and significance of protection and development of it.


  • 由于一般债权相对性、无体性等特点,引发对一般债权质押制度担保物权安全价值冲突质疑

    Due to the relativity and bodiless feature of the pledge system of general creditor right, the conflict between and the value of security interest is questioned.


  • 本文简要介绍了人工神经网络特点理论应用研究以及铸造工业中的应用研究价值

    In this paper, the characters, theories and application of artificial neural network are briefly introduced, and its application in foundry industry is discussed.


  • 传统温度测量仪表相比系统具有结构简单成本、构建方便、工作可靠特点,具有较高的应用价值

    Compared with the traditional temperature measurement instrument, this system has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, easy operation and high stability.


  • 传统温度测量仪表相比系统具有结构简单成本、构建方便、工作可靠特点,具有较高的应用价值

    Compared with the traditional temperature measurement instrument, this system has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, easy operation and high stability.


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