• 诺斯特拉达姆士患有痛风,1566年开始水肿

    Nostradamus had gout, which by 1566 turned to edema.


  • 大多数眼中,看起来就像台普通的菲亚特拉达

    To most people, however, it looked like an unexciting Fiat Strada.


  • 全球第四大铜金属生产商特拉达公司股价上涨2.2%,至1236.5便士

    Xstrata, the world’s fourth-largest copper producer, advanced 2.2 percent to 1, 236.5 pence.


  • 金融市场一样艺术品市场也憎恶不确定性摩根博物馆对斯特拉达作品的原创者表示质疑

    Art markets, like financial ones, don't like uncertainty; the Morgan attribution called into question the Strada authorship.


  • 听众提起公元前88年发生事件,正是这位米特拉达入侵了位于土耳其西海岸亚洲罗马领域

    He reminded his audience of events in 88BC, when the same Mithridates invaded the Roman province of Asia, on the western coast of Turkey.


  • 这位家住佐治亚州特拉达市郊稍稍有些超重女士决定远离朋友怀第一期间的饮食小心翼翼。

    The slightly overweight suburban Atlanta, Georgia, woman decided to ignore her friends and watched what she ate after she became pregnant with her first child.


  • G20财长会议承诺避免出现竞争性货币贬值随着金属价格上涨美元汇率下跌,力集团特拉达公司股价上涨。

    Rio Tinto Group and Xstrata Plc rallied with metal prices as the dollar tumbled even after the G-20 pledged to avoid "competitive devaluation" of their currencies.


  • 索斯比显然没有料到上周纽约展览富人们反应:由雅克布·斯特拉达他的工作室设计的20神话银像居然无一售出

    Yet Sotheby's also suffered an unexpected consequence of the riches on view in New York that week: a series of 20 designs for fabulous silver objects by Jacopo Strada and his workshop failed to sell.


  • 启动纬度定位软件之后,他惊奇的看到手机远在3000英里之外也就是波士顿中心特拉达往自己的手机上打电话发信息,但是都没人接。

    When he logged into Latitude online, he was surprised to see his phone floating around a good 3, 000 miles away – in central Boston.


  • 如果件事连续周成为报纸的头条那么在世界的某个角落一定会有某些着诺斯·特拉·穆斯400年前:“知道这会发生一直知道。”

    If an event made headlines for more than a few weeks, rest assured that someone, somewhere, is holding up a copy of Nostradamus' 400 year old tome and claiming that he knew it would happen all along.


  • 佛罗里大学盖恩斯维尔分校研究社会态度·利夫领域似乎两个阵营,一个是关心开放科学阵营,另一个则对其漠不关心

    Kate Ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida, Gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field—those who care about open science and those who don't.


  • 图斯个离森林最近城市时发现集市上聚集许多因为之前有人告诉大家即将看到一个走钢索者的艺人的表演

    When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town which adjoineth the forest, he found many people assembled in the market-place; for it had been announced that a rope-dancer would give a performance.


  • 但是,在近来对阵莱斯以及阿斯顿·维比赛后,这位23岁门将的表现还是引来了不少批评,尤其是时的随意扑救间接助攻伦·制胜进球

    However, his recent performances against Leicester City and Aston Villa, where he played a part in Darren Bent's winning goal, have led to the 23-year-old attracting some criticism.


  • 罗马由于需要·拉达梯六世讨论,应该河西占有领地

    And Rome, because it needed to deal with Mithridates, would be able to have a sphere of influence in the territory to the west.


  • 突然有待售1772瓜尼尼小提琴惊现眼前,事出巧合,制作把琴的琴师乔万尼‧瓜尼尼与史特拉瓦里竟校友

    One day, I was offered a 1772 violin made by Giovanni Guadagnini, an alumnus of Stradivari, which was for sale.


  • 如果有人诺斯·拉达拷贝本,也许伦敦提前知道灾难的到来

    If only someone had passed along a copy of Nostadamus' book, maybe Londoners might have known it was coming.


  • 如今查尔斯希尔·罗迪(Charles and HildaRoddey)化学工程副教授迈克尔·斯特拉诺(MichaelStrano)和研究团队可以模仿这一过程

    That process has now been imitated by Michael Strano, the Charles and Hilda Roddey Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, and his team of graduate students and researchers.


  • 获得欧盟资助意大利地震学家利奥·德斯库过去15年中一直对于尼戈火山进行研究。

    Italian seismologist Dario Tedesco has spent the last 15 years studying Nyiragongo, with funding from the European Union.


  • ·斯·克莱德大学心理学家阿尔斯尔·很多男性觉得,漂亮妻子让自己很有面子。

    Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross said many men enjoyed the prestige of having a beautiful wife. "men."


  • 虽然缺少自由,但找到了工作目标

    Despite the lack of freedom, Barada nonetheless found purpose in working for the Hutt.


  • 后来安迪名字刻在自己屋子的墙上(在影片出现两次),这里出现过。

    Later in the film while Andy carves his name into his cell wall (seen twice in the film), Darabont's hands are used as well in the insert shot.


  • 这部电影献给帮助弗兰克·起步前任经纪人的。

    The movie is dedicated to Frank Darabont's former agent who helped him get started.


  • 目前尚清楚是否确实阿波罗尼斯访问可以确定洛斯特拉·图斯使用一份文件载有可靠信息印度

    It is not clear whether Apollonius did indeed visit Gandara, but it is certain that Philostratus used a document that contained reliable information about India.


  • 集中寻找格里多过程帮助帕帕诺依男爵提列克舞女没有名字,不过在剧本演职员表称为·巴雷

    The Twi 'lek dancer who AIDS Baron Papanoida in finding Greedo is unnamed in the episode, though she is identified as Trella Bare 'ah in the script and credits.


  • 架飞机来自前往盖尼特拉摩洛哥首都以外

    The plane came from Dakhla and was heading towards Kinitra, a town right outside Morocco's capital Rabat.


  • 认真考虑雷恩给出的价格但是最后还是决定自己导演这部影片。

    Darabont seriously considered Reiner's offer but ultimately decided that it was his "chance to do something really great" by directing the movie himself.


  • 认真考虑雷恩给出的价格但是最后还是决定自己导演这部影片。

    Darabont seriously considered Reiner's offer but ultimately decided that it was his "chance to do something really great" by directing the movie himself.


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