• 然后特征窗口划分一定大小小块,以每块的灰度平均值分解窗口参量

    Then the feature window is divided into a number of location and the average value of each location is calculatied as the parameter in the feature window .


  • 采用基于特征窗口匹配的网格节点运动估计方法,有效避免了匹配法产生的块效应

    A mesh node motion estimation method based on feature window matching was presented to overcome block artifacts produced by block matching.


  • 这精简的想法最终造就了几个主要特征包括一个窗口模式东西设计小组几个的时间。

    His desire to strip back and simplify put an end to several major features, including a single-window mode that the design team had worked on for many months.


  • 窗口右边更好的,因为提供了一个更严格束缚图像特征

    The window on the right is better, because it provides a tighter bound around the image feature.


  • 跟踪窗口调整所以整齐地围绕图像特征

    The tracking window should be adjusted so it neatly surrounds the image feature.


  • Ajax生成弹出窗口输入组件特征然后单击OK完成过程

    In the Ajax-powered pop-up window, you enter characteristics for the new component and then click OK to finalize the process.


  • 观察跟踪器窗口不是最好方法,跟踪器有时注意的情况下跳到一个看似类似特征点上。

    Using the tracker window is not always the best way as it could jump to a similar looking feature which you won't notice.


  • 值边缘图像中应用双窗口分别选定目标去除噪声,在窗口中采用双向扫描提取目标特征

    Choose the target and the noise that will be removed in two Windows, then extract target with dual-direction scan in each window.


  • 根据人面部器官所遵循比例关系,将人脸划分为若干个窗口窗口面部特征进行检测

    We segment the face image into several "Windows" according to the prOportion relationship of organs and detect the feature points in each window.


  • 实验结果表明如果搜索窗口存在较丰富特征算法可以获得满意的结果。

    The experiment shows that the algorithm mentioned above can acquire satisfactory results if there are full features within the search Windows.


  • 本文以金融市场微观结构理论为基础,通过时间窗口缩小来研究中国股市交易量收益率收益率波动的变化特征

    Based on the market microstructure theory, this paper studies on the character of trading volume return and return volatility in China stock market through narrowing the time window.


  • 滑动窗口算法实现突发通信信号检测基础,利用前导特征对该算法进行改进

    The paper proposes an improved double sliding window algorithm to detect burst signal based on the feature of preamble sequence.


  • 算法首先分析并提出幅图像中相应特征邻域窗口之间的单应映射可以仿变换模型近似

    Since it was proved that the homography between two windows of corresponding feature can be geometrically approximated by an affine transformation model.


  • 基于纹理分类算法的基础上,提出了逐特征加权活动窗口算法,使小波纹理分析能够用于高分辨率遥感影像的分类。

    This paper discusses the shortage of conventional algorithms of texture classification based on wavelet transform, presents two improved approaches of point feature weighting and smart windows.


  • 为了提高匹配速度,介绍了基于SIFT简化算法(SSIFT),采用基于圆形窗口12向量有效表示一个特征

    A simplified algorithm based on SIFT (SSIFT) is developed to express a feature point with only 12 dimensions based on a circular window to improve the efficiency of matching.


  • 还有其它一些高级特征标签式浏览可以禁止弹出式窗口

    It also has other advanced features such as tabbed browsing, you can block pop-up window.


  • 根据目标本身形态总体尺度范围特征设定滤波窗口好地实现了对目标的识别过程。

    The filter window is set up in accordance to the characteristic of target shape size.


  • PGF滤波方法主要思想找出滤波窗口中心像素距离特征相近邻域像素作为同组成员参加滤波。

    PGF filtering: This method is only to identify the main idea with the center pixel in filter window from the neighboring pixels with similar characteristics as members of the same group filtering.


  • 本文提出了确定气动窗口所需自由旋涡气动特性过程,讨论了特征线方法在非对称超音速喷管设计中的应用喷管被用来产生自由旋涡流动。

    In this article the procedures are described for determining free vortex segment properties. Characteristics method is used to design nozzle which produces free vortex segment.


  • 从多边形窗口线裁剪本质特征出发首次提出窗口顶点编码概念

    A new concept of the window's vertex encoding is proposed for the first time based on the essential characteristic of the line clipping against polygonal window.


  • 利用随机序列窗口特性,使被编码结构照明场景表面一个特征都具有唯一的代码,可以唯一地被辨识

    Structured light illumination with pseudo-random code is applied to the system. Each interest point on scene surface can be identified exclusively according to window property of pseudo-random array.


  • 城市天际线城市景观展示窗口可以展现最为完整独特不可替代的城市景观特征传递城市文化,展现城市空间韵律美

    City skyline is showcase of urban land scape, it can show the most complete, unique and irreplaceable urban landscape features, transfer urban culture, show the city's spatial rhythm.


  • 为了提高系统图像处理速度利用卡尔曼滤波器跟踪特征进行预测,并用窗口处理技术减小图像处理区域。

    In order to improve the speed of image processing, the Kalman filter is used to predict the next place of tracked point.


  • 基于累积方法中,利用图象中象素的窗口邻域具有相关性特点计算图象的阶累积量作为纹理的特征

    In these methods, the approach based-on high-order cumulants utilize the local window's correlation of image to compute the three-order cumulants as features.


  • 然后充分分析影像不同窗口纹理特征的基础上,提出应用组合纹理特征进行土地覆盖分类居民信息提取方法

    Then, land cover classification and residential areas extraction with combined texture feature was proposed by the sufficient analysis of the texture feature with different image window.


  • 记录下类型,如果使用波峰或者频率”的信号特征应该选择窗口类型

    Note that if you use the "chirp" or "Frequency flat chirp" signal types, you should select "None" for the window type.


  • 抓住了外国人热衷交流个性、渴望表达信息分享特征,正如窗口,一个充斥了个人琐碎的思索片段化的情感窗口

    It grasps foreigners'feature of craving for communication, expression and information sharing. It's like a window filled withpeople's trivial thoughts and fragments of emotion.


  • 方法SPOT5遥感影像进行纹理特征提取基础上,构建了结合窗口纹理SVM模型

    In this method, the SVM classification model combined with texture analysis is established on the basis of texture extraction from SPOT5 remote sensing image.


  • 方法SPOT5遥感影像进行纹理特征提取基础上,构建了结合窗口纹理SVM模型

    In this method, the SVM classification model combined with texture analysis is established on the basis of texture extraction from SPOT5 remote sensing image.


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