• 通过分析相应特征方程性质给出系统稳定一个充分条件

    By studying the properties of roots for the corresponding characteristic equation, the sufficient conditions under which the equation is stable are given.


  • 本文利用特征方程性质,研究开口圆柱壳精确微分方程特征方程近解。

    Using the root of the characteristic equation, this paper studies the asymptotic solution of the characteristic equation of the open circular cylindrical thin shells.


  • 首先,通过对系统线性方程特征方程的分布分析,给出了滞量对系统稳定性影响的具体结论公式。

    First locally linearizing nonlinear system at equilibrium to investigate show stability of system, obtain some practicability conclusions and formulas.


  • 特征方程决定系统稳定性以及各种输入响应特性

    The roots of the characteristic equation determine the stability of the system and the general nature of the transient response to any input.


  • 文中提出了利用分划曲线判定系统特征方程具有全部方法

    Methods of using the D-decomposition curves to judge whether all the roots of the characteristic equation possess a negative real part are also discussed.


  • 利用轨迹分析了特征方程

    Using the root locus method, the characteristic equations are analyzed.


  • 众所周知时滞系统特征方程某一固定时滞来说无穷多个并且这些也是很难解出的。

    As everyone knows that the characteristic equations of the delay systems have infinite roots for a fixed delay and it is hard to solve for them.


  • 该文还阐明了对称量成立关于特征方程重向的一些结论对非对称二阶张量不一定成立。

    The paper illustrates the conclusions about the multiple root of characteristic equation and characteristic vector which fit symmetric tensor of rank two may unfit unsymmetric tensor.


  • 特征方程利用系数关系,导出了一个计算简便公式结合实例说明有一定的实用价值。

    A simple formula for finding basic frequency is derived by use of relation of root and coefficient, and an example is enumerated to illustrate its application.


  • 总体稳定性判据闭环系统稳定所有特征方程负面真正部分

    According to the General Stability Criterion, a closed loop system will be stable if and only if all the roots of the characterized equation have negative real parts.


  • 维有限元列式只需对扇形区域角度方向离散最后的总体方程一个特征方程

    Discretization in angular coordinate is needed only and the global equation is a second order characteristic matrix equation.


  • 特征方程称为本征特征

    The roots? Of the characteristic equations are known as eigenvalues, or characteristic values.


  • 进一步即使可以精确地得到特征方程我们依然无法有限精度限制下去计算方程

    Furthermore, even if the exact characteristic equation can be obtained, we could not compute the roots of the equation in the demanding precision.


  • 本文无阻尼系统出发,理论上分析了转子系统振动方程特征特征向量所具有特点。

    In this paper, the properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of rotor systems are discussed. The derivation shows that eigenvalues are imaginary in non-damping systems, and eigenspaces are complete.


  • 利用常数变易求解具有实特征常系数非齐次线性微分方程无需求其特及基本解组的情况下给出其通解公式,并举例验证公式适用性。

    Demonstrated in this paper is how the Constant-transform method, the typical method for solving differential equations of order one, is used in solving linear differential equations of order three.


  • 理论显示,对于特征方程系数幅度扰动即可导致大幅度变化。

    Perturbation theory indicates that small perturbation of the coefficients could lead to the big perturbation of the root.


  • 考虑阻尼后,结构特征方程应有复数,因而通常用于求解多项式方程实数二分法不再适用。

    The consideration of damping force leads to a fact that there exist complex roots to the characteristic equation for the structures.


  • 本文指出了弱粘弹性材料结构特征有理分式多项式方程,并给出了关于这些有理分式多项式方程根一个定理

    It is pointed out that the eigenvalues of these structures are the roots of a series of rational fraction polynomial equations. A theorem about the roots of these equations is proved in the paper.


  • 采用降阶特征欧拉方法 ,给出一类三维二阶系数微分方程组的通解公式通过算例拉氏变换法进行了比较。

    With the variable replacement method, general solution formulae were given to the linear differential systems with complex constant coefficients and that with a class of complex variable coefficients.


  • 给出一种简便曲面简化方程基本定理,特别给出二重特征二次曲面简化方程的定理。

    This paper presents a basic law of the simplified equation of surface of degree 2, especially the law of the simplified equation of surface of degree 2 with two equal zero roots.


  • 研究Poincaré差分方程渐近性质。这种差分方程对应的常系数线性差分方程特征方程

    We studied the asymptotic behavior of solutions to third order Poincaré difference equation whose characteristic equation has multiple roots.


  • 研究Poincaré差分方程渐近性质。这种差分方程对应的常系数线性差分方程特征方程

    We studied the asymptotic behavior of solutions to third order Poincaré difference equation whose characteristic equation has multiple roots.


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