• 阐述基于特征设计制造技术,以及设计特征向加工特征转换技术

    Design and manufacture technologies based on features are introduced. Extraction technology of machining features from design features is studied.


  • 部分中继续使用注释但是应用程序添加多功能,以便了解EJB 3.0一些其他特征

    In this section, you will continue to use annotations, but will add more functionality to the application to see some other features of EJB 3.0.


  • 可靠性立场来看RAID - 0模式线性模式具有同样特征——阵列中添加的驱动器越多故障概率高。

    From a reliability standpoint, RAID-0 has the same characteristics as linear modethe more drives you add to the array, the higher the probability of volume failure.


  • 强烈推荐我们产品具备所想要全部特征而且同等日本产品便宜20%。

    As our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper compared with that Japanese made, I strongly recommended to you.


  • 但是哪种具有四肢近亲及其特征导致了无四肢的的进化呢?

    But which four-legged relatives and their family traits led the transition for legless snakes?


  • 曲线不仅具有美学特征,它的拱门更是水流水坝的下方

    The curve is more than just an aesthetic feature - the arch forces the water to press downwards against the dam.


  • 其中一个该项目的核心特征世人展示电动车能力成为人们一刻所期待普通汽车

    'One of the core features of the project is to show that an electric vehicle does have the range and capacity to be a lot more like a normal driving vehicle than people expect at the moment,' he said.


  • 密斯凯维吉是个个儿、身材匀称肌肉发达棕色头发特征鲜明,他聚集在一起的山达基信徒宣告过去年里哈伯德一直在钻研新的更高OT层次。

    Short, trim, and muscular, with brown hair and sharp features, Miscavige announced to the assembled Scientologists that, for the past six years, Hubbard had been investigating new, higher o.t..


  • 经济学建议建议的税收体系具备特征:一定是累进税,也就是说将富裕阶层征更多的税;征税不应因收入方式不同而加以区别;税收体系趋简单化。

    The economists propose a tax system with three main features.


  • 由于两个不同路由通常具有不同的特征所以最好二者分离开

    Since the two different inbound routes are often different in character, it is better to keep them separate.


  • 零售巨头数千其它企业出售信息,以便其利用消费者特征进行广告制作人口研究

    The retail giant also sell this information to thousands of other businesses, who use consumer profiles for advertising and demographic research.


  • 注意这个测试并不意味着这些JAX - RS框架之间正式基准测试只是为了提供它们的相对性能特征一般认识

    Note that this test is in no way meant to be a formal benchmark of JAX-RS frameworks and was only done to give you a general idea of their relative performance characteristics.


  • 然而据我们预测,2011- 2021年第一燃料纤维素燃料海藻等第代燃料转变特征

    However, the forecast period 2011-2021 will be characterized by the shift from the first generation to the third generation biofuels like cellulosic biofuels and algae oil.


  • 专家协商以及全球疫苗安全咨询委员会提供数据显示乙基动学特征甲基汞存有实质性区别

    Expert consultation and data presented to GACVS indicate that the pharmacokinetic profile of ethyl mercury is substantially different to that of methyl mercury.


  • 为了使3解释传播特征必要回顾一下前一论述

    Least Fig. 3 be interpreted as the signature of zonally propagating waves, it is worth recalling what is said in the preceding chapter.


  • 他们很少打开生物特征辨识护照或者检查细节问题防止带入违禁物品

    They did not always open biometric passport chips or check details against a list of undesirables.


  • 其他特征还有,疼痛呈辐射状大腿腿部发散,或者越过关节腹腔内部发散。

    Other signs include pain radiating into the hip socket, or down the outside of the leg, or deep inside the belly over the anterior surface of the S-I joint.


  • 容器特征扩展方法为了

    The approach for extending container to cloud is to.


  • 但是良好开始并且展示了,不多XQuery代码,可以得到基本的描述文档文本内容特征的关键词。

    But it's a good start and shows you that with a small amount of XQuery, it's possible to get a basic set of keywords characterizing a document's textual content.


  • 目的观察大鼠前庭神经动眼神经投射纤维特征

    AIM: to observe the characteristics of projection fibers from vestibular nucleus to oculomotor nucleus OMN in rats.


  • 胡风现实主义主张,是以高扬主观战斗精神客观现实博击从而达到客观真实深层次结合特征的。

    Hu Feng's realism is characterized by combating objective reality with high subjective combat spirit which combines with the depth of objective truthfulness.


  • 很多经历深蓝水晶转变发现,自己有非常强烈疲惫困乏之感他们转变的两个显著特征

    Many people who are going through the Indigo to Crystal shift find that intense fatigue and tiredness are two of the predominant symptoms of their shift.


  • 然后检察长新闻界简述法案第二特征

    Then the Attorney General briefed the press on the second features of the bill.


  • 中央阳台特征,它们彼此对立倾斜在外立面上呈现窗帘外观

    The central balconies feature brick screens that slope in opposing directions to each other, creating the appearance of curtains drawn across the facade.


  • 本文通过介绍品牌共同体定义特征意义,从而企业提出创建品牌共同体建议。

    This article provides Suggestions of creating brand community for companies through introducing the definition, feature and meaning of brand community.


  • 本文主要研究了品牌作为企业市场信号,将如何消费者传递产品的相关特征从而降低市场中的信息不对称程度

    This paper mainly reveals how to express the relevant characteristics of products to the purchaser, when regarding brand as market signal, to reduce information asymmetry in the market.


  • 这些特征温度dsc升温速率增大不断高温区偏移,其中晶化行为这种动力学效应玻璃转变的更为显著。

    The characteristic temperatures are gradually tended to high temperature zones with DSC heating rate increase, where the dynamic effect of crystallization is much higher that of glass transition.


  • 简短的言语客人表达每日特征答复客人菜单任何疑问能够提供倡议

    Relay daily specials with brief descriptions; answer all questions on menu selections accurately and offer suggestions.


  • 服务区许多旅客介绍他们熟悉地区以及这些地区独特的文化审美特征

    Rest areas introduce many travelers to unfamiliar regions and their unique cultural and aesthetic qualities.


  • 服务区许多旅客介绍他们熟悉地区以及这些地区独特的文化审美特征

    Rest areas introduce many travelers to unfamiliar regions and their unique cultural and aesthetic qualities.


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