• 我们如何阅读给定文本一定程度上取决于我们是否特别兴趣阅读

    How we read a given text also depends to some extent on our particular interest in reading it.


  • 美味的食品比如说爆米花一杯特别香草使女儿更加期待阅读时光

    Make something yummy, like popcorn or a cup of special herb tea, to make reading time something your daughter looks forward to.


  • 一个特别令人悲哀抱怨却是:从来没有时间阅读

    But one specific complaint is made especially mournfully: there's never any time to read.


  • 一个具体的特别令人悲哀抱怨:从来没有时间阅读

    One specific complaint is made especially mournfully: There's never any time to read.


  • 阅读有关电影制片厂特别感兴趣主题题目行业期刊

    Read trade journals for themes and topics that are of particular interest to studios.


  • 尔特说:“读者网络引出自己文本每一这样的文本都属于某位读者特别阅读过程。”

    "The reader calls forth his or her own text out of the network, and each such text belongs to one reader and one particular act of reading," says Bolter.


  • 昨晚阅读时,发现书提到特别观念科恩想法符合——人的行为主观客观上来说可取的,而我们应该关注行为背后动机

    A particular idea mentioned in the novel in last night's reading coincided with an idea from Cohen - we should care about the motives behind conduct that is subjectively and objectively desirable.


  • 因为对于阅读代码来说它们明显的,这种类型的对于特定实现隐式耦合特别有害。

    Those types of implicit coupling to a specific implementation are particularly pernicious because they aren't obvious to a reader of your code.


  • 他们可提供可靠资源并且推荐特别帮助学会阅读

    They've got resources available, and can recommend special books, to help you help a friend learn to read.


  • 曾经各种会议宴会,网络上阅读以及听说过这些不满。——特别有人试图雇用毕业的大学生网页设计师开发人员时候

    I've heard these complaints at conferences, over dinner, and have read them online-especially when someone tries to hire a recent graduate as a web designer or developer.


  • 早期教教育可以非常有益的,我见一个特别聪明男孩进入学校能流畅地阅读了。

    Such schooling may be very beneficial: one extraordinarily talented little boy I met had learned to read fluently even before entering school.


  • 阅读过程中划出关键单词词组,并且特别关注问题中的关键词

    Underline key words and phrases when you read as well as paying attention to key words in the questions.


  • 开始走上正轨需要只是愿意阅读一点东西,甚至需要特别擅长数学

    All it takes to get started on the right path is the willingness to do a little reading - you don't even need to be particularly good at math.


  • 攻击可以用电子邮件给受害者发送特别处理过文件如果受害者用vim阅读或者编辑,受害者就可能会去运行攻击者想要运行的任何程序

    An attacker could E-mail a specially rigged file to the victim, and if the victim used vim to read or edit it, the victim would run whatever program the attacker wanted. Oops.


  • 以下童话故事注释版本本人建议读者,特别如果要是最近没有阅读这个故事,请先读完整个故事然后探究注释

    The following is an annotated version of the fairy tale. I recommend reading the entire story before exploring the annotations, especially if you have not read the tale recently.


  • 大多数孩子应该要求每天阅读特别被要求为了乐趣而阅读

    Most children should not be REQUIRED to read each day, especially if it's forced reading for pleasure.


  • 广告告诉你们现代主义伟大经典,在于让你们如男人一样勇敢地投入阅读不一定非得成为特别出众的阅读

    So this advertisement tells you that the great classic of modernism is something you stride into like a man, but you don't have to be a particularly extraordinary man to do so.


  • 顾客从不或者说很少页面全部信息阅读特别页面上许多内容的情况下。

    Customers never, or hardly ever read everything you put on the page especially when there is a lot of content!


  • 很多人容易纠结这些并且他们回家的时候,感觉不够特别阅读杂志博客的时候,这种感觉很强烈。

    It can be so easy to get drawn into this and feel the not good enoughs when it comes to home, especially if you throw in magazine reading and even blog reading.


  • 柏拉图《理想》各位我们继续阅读中,自发现一种特别的理想国。

    Plato's republic is, we will discover as you read, it is a republic of a very special kind.


  • 阅读一种很安静活动特别阅读工作文件或者阅读的内容很枯燥时,仰卧姿势容易使人入睡

    Reading is a quiet activity and it will often induce sleep in the supine position. Especially if it's a dreary textbook or work paper.


  • 将字母全部大写常用强调方式实际上使得文本更难阅读特别这种方式过多使用。

    Using all capital letters, a method commonly used for emphasis, actually makes the copy more difficult to read, especially if the technique is overused.


  • 而当面对电子屏幕时(特别网上),我会马上手头找到相关问题信息打断阅读的进程,特别在读小说时,也破坏了想象力

    With a screen (especially online) I will instantly access the information and look into the question at hand, which disrupts my reading and especially with fiction, my imagination.


  • 特别阅读灵性受到如此强大挑战之时文学就是自由

    Especially in a time in which the values of reading and inwardness are so strenuously challenged, literature is freedom.


  • 更好地了解这些内容,可以阅读系列文章部分教程,特别第1部分第2部分。

    Read the first five tutorials in this series, especially Part 1 and Part 2, for the best understanding.


  • 特别幻灯片或者其他诸如此类的,实际上用作人手一册阅读的分发稿。

    This particular slide, and others like it, were used as a handout for one-to-one reading.


  • 特别我们拥有形式后阅读控制可以状态信息缓冲客户端。

    In particular, by owning the form, the viewer control is able to cache its state to the client side.


  • 如果特定书籍兴趣,不是特别忠诚于某特定电子书阅读器,那么寻找便宜——甚至是否有存货——的电子书是一个乏味单调的过程。

    If you are more interested in a particular title than in your loyalty to a particular eReader, looking for the cheapest version - or even an available version - of a book can be pretty tedious.


  • 部分参议员众议院特别情报委员会成员被认为限制阅读这些报告

    Some members of the Senate and Houseintelligence-oversight committees are also believed to have had limited accessto the report.


  • 部分参议员众议院特别情报委员会成员被认为限制阅读这些报告

    Some members of the Senate and Houseintelligence-oversight committees are also believed to have had limited accessto the report.


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