• 开斯俱乐部酒廊-一独俱乐部酒廊为客人提供精美经验提高泰国酒店

    The Lancaster Club Lounge - This distinctive club lounge offers guests an exquisite experience elevated by Thai hospitality.


  • 雷维索意大利俱乐部橄榄球改进状况一个有效展示。

    The Treviso team was an effective advertisement for the improving state of Italian club rugby.


  • 1965年,军事历史学家业余潜水员亚历山大·麦基英国潜水俱乐部合作,发起了一个名为索伦”的项目

    In 1965, military historian and amateur diver Alexander McKee, in conjunction with the British Sub-Aqua Club, initiated a project called 'Solent Ships'.


  • 加入了一个爬山俱乐部

    Vincent has joined a mountain climbing club.


  • 5星期五俱乐部撤回了起诉,同意支付相关费用

    On Friday September 5, the club dropped the case and agreed to pay his costs.


  • 5日星期五俱乐部撤回了起诉,同意支付相关费用

    On Friday 5th, the club dropped the case and agreed to pay his costs.


  • 书虫酒友俱乐部圣诞礼!

    The Bookworm Wine Club: a Christmas special!


  • 迈克尔·杰克逊世界粉丝俱乐部·布兰告诉BBC一些英国粉丝直到周一早晨四点仍没收到门票

    Matt Blank from the Michael Jackson World Network fan club told the BBC that some UK fans had not found out about their tickets until four o 'clock on Monday morning.


  • 在这样现金时代债务可是个大麻烦年轻内阁部长——雷斯曼勋爵警告说,全体英格兰俱乐部贷款总计已经达到四十三亿美元。

    In an era where cash is king and debt is big trouble, a junior government minister, Lord Triesman, has warned that the entire stable of English clubs was carrying loans of $4.3 billion.


  • 残酷一年没有过去,出现了一个受害者17岁罗伯·斯考·琼斯12月28日上午发现吊死布里真德的一家网球俱乐部附近处。

    And before the grim year ended, there was yet another victim, 17-year-old Robert Scott Jones, found hung in a lot near a tennis club in Bridgend town on the morning of December 28.


  • 俱乐部买了维斯不会产生足够现金流由于新的电视渠道更多商业方法---建立粉丝基地,使收入已经过去增加很多。

    The club may not have produced enough cash for Mr Tevez, but it has a lot more money than it used to, thanks to a new television deal and a more commercial approach to its vast fan base.


  • 大卫·费伊,是威斯敏斯狗狗俱乐部主办人承认参与演出狗们有些被切除声带。

    David Frei, the longtime co-host of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, acknowledged that some show dogs have had the operation.


  • 庞恰雷恩南部游艇俱乐部国内第二历史最悠久俱乐部

    The Southern Yacht Club, on Lake Pontchartrain, is the second oldest in the country.


  • 随着曼奇尼披露俱乐部正在追求前锋线上明星多诺万和利,曼城转会盛宴看来还远结束

    Manchester City's transfer spree shows no sign of ending as Roberto Mancini revealed the club are looking at front men Landon Donovan and Mario Balotelli.


  • 马里奥·巴洛坚称自己曼城过的开心,并且相信俱乐部能够赢得赛季英超奖杯

    Mario Balotelli insists he is enjoying his time at Manchester City and believes the club can win the Premier League title this season.


  • 阿森纳前途无限法国年轻左后卫阿曼德·劳雷枪手主教练阿瑟·温格暗示愿意名球员租借出去之后,引起好几俱乐部的兴趣。

    Arsenal's promising young French left-back, Armand Traore, was wanted by several clubs when Gunners' boss Arsene Wenger indicated that he was willing to send the player out on loan.


  • 奖杯捐赠奖杯俱乐部爱尔兰著名球场-都柏林兰斯俱乐部命名,由爱尔兰福德水晶公司铸造。

    The Cup (and the club that donated it) is named after Ireland's most famous rugby stadium, Lansdowne Road in Dublin, and was crafted by Irish firm Waterford Crystal.


  • 2007年英国足球俱乐部阿森纳对阵雷丁正式比赛海报上打出的人物是西奥.沃尔一个速度闻名的年轻边锋

    WHEN Arsenal, an English football club, took on Reading in 2007, the cover of the official programme featured Theo Walcott, a stripling winger known for his speed.


  • 朴茨茅斯主教练哈里·雷德克纳普表示为了能够阿森纳租借阿曼德·劳雷不得不与几俱乐部竞争

    Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp has revealed that he had to beat off competition from a number of rival clubs in order to sign Armand Traore on loan from Arsenal.


  • 其他主要足球俱乐部曼切斯足球队阿斯顿维拉足球队,最近几年转让给外国人掌控

    Other major clubs, such as Manchester City and Aston Villa, have also passed into foreign hands in recent years.


  • 不惜牺牲中场人数卡佩罗将在俱乐部习惯于在中场单打独斗的加布里埃尔-阿邦拉霍推上锋线,看·克劳奇组合的情况。

    Sacrificing midfield Numbers Fabio Capello gave Gabriel Agbonlahor, who often ploughs a lone central furrow at club level, an opportunity to find out if he can combine with Peter Crouch.


  • 最近一系列事情中,巴利已经处于水深火热之中,之前就因为俱乐部青年队队员飞镖处罚了一个星期薪水

    Balotelli has been in hot water for a number of incidents recently, being fined one week's wages for throwing darts at Manchester City youth team players.


  • 曼城前锋卡洛斯·维斯处理完女儿早产私人问题后,回归俱乐部请战。

    There is also the return for City of Carlos Tevez, after his well-documented personal problems concerning the premature birth of his daughter.


  • 电视真人明星尼·卡尔达30完孩子,自己个喷气式飞机俱乐部女孩重新标榜为一个细心成熟的第一次妈妈

    When reality television star Kourtney Kardashian gave birth at age 30, she rebranded herself from a jet-setting party girl to a thoughtful first-time mom.


  • 沃尔热尔维尼组合范佩西进球狂潮中,多次输送炮弹。 沃尔科表示,热鸟将会证明俱乐部重要

    Walcott and Gervinho have helped provide ammunition for Robin van Persie’s incredible goalscoring run - and the England man says his new team-mate will prove to be a big asset for the team.


  • 随着省钱俱乐部信息电子邮件优惠券网络发布打折其他促销措施越来越少的按照标价买东西的。

    With savings clubs, E-mail deals, coupons, Internet discount codes, and other incentives, fewer and fewer people are paying full price.


  • 卡洛斯·维斯转会的一事因为科林蒂安指责曼城私自更改转会协议而再度生变曼城俱乐部方面则对此感到十分困惑。

    Manchester City have reacted with bemusement and frustration after Corinthians accused the Premier League club of moving the goalposts over Carlos Tevez.


  • 卡洛斯·维斯转会的一事因为科林蒂安指责曼城私自更改转会协议而再度生变曼城俱乐部方面则对此感到十分困惑。

    Manchester City have reacted with bemusement and frustration after Corinthians accused the Premier League club of moving the goalposts over Carlos Tevez.


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