• 统计操作员曲线图搜索运算法则为基础一个局限物体追踪方式异种感应器一起本土化一队机械手呈现

    A localization and object tracking approach based on statistical operators and graph searching algorithms is presented for a team of robots localized with heterogeneous sensors.


  • 有反应趋向追踪移动物体不是狩猎

    Wolves react to blood and tend to follow moving objects but it's not hunting.


  • 这些照片综合起来呈现了这一地区三维景象因此诸如鸟类碎片这一类移动物体发现追踪

    Combining the pictures gives a three-dimensional view of the region, so moving objects like birds and bricks can be found and followed.


  • 通过投射房间中的网格状红外光点追踪光点如何反弹并与两个摄像头获得的信息关联计算物体移动轨迹

    The movements are calculated by projecting a grid of infrared light spots into a room, tracking how light bounces back, and correlating this with information from the stereo cameras.


  • 有人高速物体击中,而它们的来源永远无法追踪

    But some people were hit by high velocity rounds whose sources were never traced.


  • 这个模型追踪海王星轨道无数个微小物体运行轨迹,可以帮助天文学家计算其他星系尘埃盘行星特性

    The new model, which tracks thousands of tiny particles beyond the orbit of Neptune, could help astronomers work out the properties of planets in other stars' dust disks.


  • 需要追踪物体六个灰色正方形它们被有规律放置志愿者视野范围内

    The objects were six grey squares placed strategically throughout the volunteer's field of vision.


  • 尤其是运用最新渲染纹理贴图光线追踪光能传递技术可以使一个物体像是大理石或者橡胶或者凡是所想到物体所制成的。

    Especially with the latest techniques in rendering, texture mapping, ray tracing and radiosity, you can make an object look just like it's made of marble or rubber or whatever you wish.


  • 在我们之前没有人知道如何所有这些物体进行追踪

    Nobody before had figured out how to keep track of all that stuff.


  • 这项测试要求志愿者双眼追踪不同物体视野范围物体一个物体进行快速

    The volunteers were asked to track different objects with their eyes, which would require them to make rapid eye movements from one object to the next within their field of vision.


  • 研究人员依然能够分析几乎滴水、每一瓦特阳光,能够追踪流量以及监测每一种生物体

    Researchers can still account for nearly every drop of water and watt of sunlight, track parts-per-billion flows of carbon and oxygen, and monitor every organism.


  • 随后医生可以进行简单检查例如观察婴儿眼睛追踪移动物体能力

    Then the doctor could perform tests as simple as observing the baby's ability to follow a moving object with its eyes.


  • 同样可以受理的申请还有将他们的器官取出用以移植。如果病人能够表现意识状态例如依照指令眨眼或者眼球追踪一个运动物体,那么根据定义他们就不是植物人就能过此劫。

    Patients who do show signs of awareness—those who are able to obey a command to blink or track a moving object with their eyes, for example—are by definition not vegetative and are spared this fate.


  • 方法利用物体空间包围算法减少追踪光线数量加快绘制速度

    The method applied space objects bounding box tracking algorithm to reduce the amount of light, and improved ray casting algorithm to speed up the rendering speed.


  • 杀伤卫星追踪其他地球轨道上飞行物体将其摧毁

    A killer satellite is one which can home in on other objects in earth orbit and destroy them.


  • “2014模式识别图像处理夏令营包含主题1视觉监控物件追踪2基于Kinect物体识别;3影像处理分析。我们为每个主题设计了一整天的活动,包括讲授与实验课程。

    "Pattern recognition and image processing summer camp" consists of three main themes: 1 Visual Surveillance and Object Tracking 2 Kinect-based Object recognition 3 image processing and Analysis.


  • 该文介绍了一种在光线追踪算法基础实现物体表面重建方法

    In this paper, we introduce a kind of surface rendering method based on ray tracing algorithm.


  • 提出一种基于相位追踪光线追算法测量水中物体形貌方法

    A new method based on phase tracking algorithm and ray tracing algorithm is proposed for measuring the three-dimensional (3-d) shape of object in water.


  • 的眼光毫无松懈地追踪这个物体直到逐渐消失

    With unwearied diligence, his eyes pursued the object till it gradually disappeared.


  • 这些物体放在压缩气体填满封闭检查,并在罩内松散易爆物颗粒然后常规追踪探测器识别

    The objects under examination are placed in a sealed enclosure that fills with compressed air, loosening particles of explosive materials, which can then be sensed by a conventional trace detector.


  • 由于视野宽广, 与以前探测装置相比SBSS系统可以通过控制器更快更精准的定位追踪外层太空轨道 上的物体

    With its wide field-of-view, the SBSS will give controllers the ability to find and track objects in deep space more quickly and accurately than previous sensors.


  • 由于视野宽广, 与以前探测装置相比SBSS系统可以通过控制器更快更精准的定位追踪外层太空轨道 上的物体

    With its wide field-of-view, the SBSS will give controllers the ability to find and track objects in deep space more quickly and accurately than previous sensors.


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