• 古代石器时代人类化石文物人为动物物质非常丰富

    The material of human fossil, culture relic and zoolite in the Old Stone Age are very abundant.


  • 他们父母不同,代人成长一个财富增的时代,他们物质成功期望也是与日俱增。

    Unlike their parents, this generation is coming of age in an era of exploding wealth and rising expectations for material success.


  • 20世纪人类创造物质精神财富超过了以往任何一时代

    N the 20th century, mankind has created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history.


  • 作为生于20世纪60年代反文化时代孩子推崇物质主义居住布置简陋的房屋之中(部分原因家具选择很挑剔)。

    A child of the 1960s counterculture, he abhorred materialism and lived in simply furnished houses (in part because he was too picky to decide on furniture).


  • 这些女性形象一个我们这个消费时代象征符号,”杨纳解释道,“(这些女人)被这种贪婪以及过度物质生活方式所包围,她们看上去就是如此。”

    "These women are a symbol of our era of consumption," Yang explains. "Enveloped in a lifestyle of greed and excessive materialism, these girls look alike."


  • 近年来有一种新型科学名叫新陈代谢研究分子普通新陈代谢中如何释放化学物质的科学,此次研究对于新陈代谢学来说跨时代成功

    The study is a landmark success for a new field of science called metabolomics, which looks at how cells release chemicals during normal metabolism.


  • 人人追求物质时代真实情感那般一触即溃。

    In an age of people pursuit of material, to be backed by real emotions.


  • 资源短缺计划经济时代离我们远去,物质满足过后精神的满足将成为消费者选购商品的第一决定要素

    A shortage of resources plan economy era are gone after material satisfaction, spiritual satisfaction will be consumers choose and buy the first decision factors.


  • 一个正在回归物质层上时代

    This is a time that love is returning to the physical plane.


  • 这些常见材料用于部分连在一起加强了建筑的构想时代风格不同却都来自相同物质

    These common materials serve to bind the two parts together, reinforcing the idea that both old and new, so different in era and style, are borne of the same substance.


  • 从广义来讲,青铜文化主要青铜时代人们所创造物质文化和精神文化。

    Broadingly speaking, bronze culture mainly refers to the matter culture and spirit culture created by the people of the bronze Age.


  • 大街欣赏自己杰作引领时代潮流心中的那份欣喜自豪任何物质诱惑取代了的。

    Walking in the street watching the masterpiece of your own to lead the trend of the Times, in the heart of the joy and pride is the temptation of any material also cannot replace.


  • 真正的提升正是进入以太物质结构有很多人进入到开悟时代中。

    This is real ascension and it is into semi etheric physical structures that many shall move into within the era of enlightenment.


  • 信息时代高科技人们物质精神生活有着高参与性深广影响

    In information age, high-tech has a very deep and broad impact in both material and spiritual life of people.


  • 知识经济时代人力资本超越物质资本成为重要生产要素成为人类财富增长、经济进步源泉

    In the knowledge economy era, as the most important manufacture factor, human capital has become the source of the wealth increase and economy progress which overcome material capital.


  • 网络文化信息时代一种新型文化,当代人们物质生活精神生活中起着越来越重要作用

    Network culture is a new type of culture in the information age, which plays increasingly important role in people's material and spiritual life.


  • 知识经济时代企业竞争物质资源的竞争转向对知识资源的竞争。

    In the knowledge economy ages, the competition among enterprises has changed from the competition based on the physical resources to the competition based on the knowledge resources.


  • 物质时代趋势设计产生了质的影响,使艺术纯艺术进一步靠拢。

    The trend of the immaterial era has affected design greatly and pushed it from non pure arts towards pure arts.


  • 前方进化时代直到意识生物体物质许多物种可能选择长的睡眠时间。

    In The Times of evolution ahead and until full conscious biology is brought into physicality, many species may choose to sleep longer periods.


  • 前方净化时代将会净化所有没有相关血脉物质形态

    The Times of cleansing ahead shall clear out all physical form that has not the associated genealogy.


  • 信用资本物质资本、人力资本知识经济时代三大主要资本,它与一个地区经济增长密切相关。

    In the age of knowledge economy, there are three key capitals: credit capital, physical capital and manpower capital that are relate to economical growth of an area.


  • 一旦我们物质代替智慧变得呆滞迟钝,白痴一样。那个时代,智慧不见了,人有益的

    And once we substitute things for wisdom, then people will grow up blank, like idiots. Wisdom will become outmoded. People will no longer serve any useful function.


  • 家具作为物质文化不同民族,不同时代以及不同生活方式反映

    As a kind of physical culture, furniture is a reflection of different nationalities and times.


  • 这个时代不再传统经济物质资源、生产资料为主,而是以知识智力资本信息技术为主经济运行模式。

    In the age of new economy, the economy operation mode is mainly knowledge, intelligence capital and the information technique, not material resources like traditional economy.


  • 我们处于这样新的时代物质精神属于种延伸体现持续性过程

    We are in a new era in which matter and spirit belong to an ongoing process of continuous embodiment.


  • 现今科技物质文明都这么发达时代里,我们好好想一想问问自己,可是适于人居的好时候?

    In this era, when technology and materialism flourish, we want to take a careful look at the thinking of The Times and ask ourselves whether or not this is a good age to live in.


  • 我们这个时代真正的精神也不在那些装饰好的物质上,它们轻浮太相似,太造作,还是太人性

    Neither does the world soul rest in the gorgeously-decorated things, for they are all almost the same, volatile, artificial, which are just a projection of the depraved man itself.


  • 我们这个时代真正的精神也不在那些装饰好的物质上,它们轻浮太相似,太造作,还是太人性

    Neither does the world soul rest in the gorgeously-decorated things, for they are all almost the same, volatile, artificial, which are just a projection of the depraved man itself.


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