• 这些粒子包括大量西格斯玻色子所谓的超对称性搭档微粒”,即使欧洲粒子物理研究所的新型设备来说,这些“搭档微粒”的物理质量

    These could include Higgs bosons galore (see article) and so-called supersymmetric partner particles that are too massive even for the new collider at CERN.


  • 种微粒物理质量越大,就越需要更多能量来证实其存在.于是,物理学者们有了建造一套机器设备愿望,这套机器会费密研究所的加速器的功能还要强大.但是陈旧的重负荷机器的能量范围仍然会存在实际物理质量的西格斯介子.

    Hence the desire of physicists to build amore powerful machine than Fermilab's Tevatron. But a really light Higgs mightbe within the old workhorse's energy range.


  • 进一步证实中微子质量实验可以帮助物理学家确定这些理论一个(如果的话正确的。

    Further experiments to confirm that neutrinos have mass could help physicists determine which, if any, of these theories is correct.


  • 幸运是,一些天体物理学家提出了一种通过控制海洋质量来探测宇宙中微子方法

    Fortunately, a group of astrophysicists has proposed a means of detecting cosmic neutrinos by harnessing the mass of the ocean.


  • 只是发表了一篇粗糙陈述,声明空穴必须具有电子相同质量,而没有这份断言作出任何具有物理含义评论

    Weyl just published a blunt statement that the holes must have the same mass as the electrons and did not make any comments on the physical implications of this assertion.


  • 粒子物理终极追求——希格斯玻色子——认为是赋予其它粒子质量的粒子。

    The most sought after particle in particle physics - the Higgs boson - is believed to endow all other particles with mass.


  • 然而如果超新星残核大于三个太阳质量按常规物理法则来说,就成为黑洞

    However, if the supernova remnant exceeds three solar masses, conventional physics suggests a black hole should be left behind.


  • 这些物理系统测试依赖作用力质量能量守恒定律标准设计实践

    Design and testing of these physical systems rely on standard design practices that employ the laws of conservation of force, mass, and energy.


  • 这些工具有助于了解术语物理性质对于评估现有信息的质量非常有帮助

    These will help discover the physical characteristics of terms and can be very helpful in assessing the existing quality of the information.


  • 接受了外尔关于空穴质量电子相同结论面对着这个空穴并没有现实观测到这个物理现实。

    Oppenheimer accepted Weyl's conclusion that the holes had to have the same mass as the electrons and faced the physical reality that the holes were not observed in practice.


  • 部署观点用于描述系统物理特征资源是否满足功能需要,以及是否胜任服务质量目标的满足。

    The distribution viewpoint is used to address whether the system's physical characteristics and resources are adequate to host the functionality, and also to meet quality of service goals.


  • 目的证明:钟摆周期质量无关—那个以及在上面的那个物理教授的。

    The point: that a period of a pendulum is independent of the mass - the steel ball, plus one professor - hanging from it.


  • 希格斯玻色子一个假说中的粒子如果存在,我们知道了赋予粒子质量物理机制。

    The Higgs boson is a hypothesised particle which, if it exists, would give the mechanism by which particles acquire mass.


  • 物理动量矢量产生于,由粒子质量速度

    Well, in physics, momentum is a vector, and it is a product between the mass of a particle and its velocity.


  • 天文学家通过一种叫做引力透镜效应物理现象来测算星系暗物质质量

    Astronomers measure how much dark matter lies in galaxies by a fluke of physics called gravitational lensing.


  • 系统(结构)逻辑或者物理边界分区通常特定质量(策略)相关联

    Logical or physical boundaries of the system (structure), partitions are usually associated with specific qualities (policies).


  • 如果发现它了科学家们希望帮助他们理解粒子质量如何形成以及上世纪七十年代提出物理标准模型提供最终标志物

    If discovered, scientists hope it will help them understand how particles have mass and provide the final piece in the Standard Model of physics, which was proposed in the 1970s.


  • 2描述了WebSphereApplicationServer集群环境中的典型rac物理拓扑,在此环境中,同时支持故障转移负载平衡服务质量

    Figure 2 depicts a typical RAC physical topology in a WebSphere Application Server cluster environment, where both the failover and load balancing Qualities of Service are enabled.


  • 除非现有的粒子物理理论错误一个待发现格斯波色子(Higgs boson),理论作用是质量其他物质组成粒子。

    The next one, unless everyone’s theories are wrong, will be the Higgs boson, a theoretical construct required to give mass to the other particles of which matter is composed.


  • 这里m质量矗立在CERN/欧洲核能所的LHC/大型强子对撞机完成建造后,日内瓦的欧洲粒子物理实验室到那时能用它来产生以前想都不敢想的质量粒子

    When it is completed, the Large Hadron Collider, a machine being built at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva, will create particles with greater masses than have yet been seen.


  • 格斯粒子被预言存在作为机制一部分它被相信赋予粒子它们质量,它也只是遗留下来发现的粒子物理系经典模型一小部分。

    The Higgs particle is predicted to exist as part of the mechanism believed to give particles their mass, and is the only piece of the Standard Model of particle physics that remains to be discovered.


  • 这个发现关于质量关于物体怎么获得质量——物理研究者的长久的谜团和一个物理寻找最多答案的问题。

    The discovery is believed to relate to mass and how objects obtain it — a persistent riddle to experts and one of the most sought-after answers in all of physics.


  • 最新天体物理杂志》讲更详细的介绍关于M87特大质量黑洞这项研究。

    The study of M87?s supermassive black hole will be detailed in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.


  • 物理家必需从一段希格斯玻色子预计存在质量区间系统地搜索

    Physicists have to look for it by systematically searching a range of mass within which it is predicted to exist.


  • 创造提供质量上乘的产品并且访客一个充份

    Create or acquire the best quality products you can, and give your visitors compelling reasons to buy.


  • 上周物理家们聚集欧洲,用巨大强子对撞机开始寻找亚原子微粒的历程,他们声称质量起源

    Last week, physicists at a giant particle-collider in Europe began to search for a subatomic entity so fundamental, they claim it creates mass.


  • 已经讲过,长度时间质量它们被称为三个基本物理

    I already introduced, as you see there length, time and mass and we call these the three fundamental quantities in physics.


  • 建造大型强子对撞机目的寻找格斯色子,以解释物理家解释质量存在探索物理一个分支,即所谓的超对称性

    It is designed to find the Higgs boson, which is needed by physicists to explain the existence of mass, and to explore a branch of physics called supersymmetry. See article.


  • 建造大型强子对撞机目的寻找格斯色子,以解释物理家解释质量存在探索物理一个分支,即所谓的超对称性

    It is designed to find the Higgs boson, which is needed by physicists to explain the existence of mass, and to explore a branch of physics called supersymmetry. See article.


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