• 这个安排显示了一个客户机部署其中全部表示一些应用程序逻辑映射到了客户机物理层

    This arrangement shows a thick client deployment in which all the presentation and some of the application logic are mapped to the client physical tier.


  • 使得管理员可以虚拟而不用机器物理层部署迁移应用服务器

    This lets administrators deploy and move application servers at a virtualization layer level instead of at the physical machine level.


  • 物理层上,传统软件视角差异相当明显的,因为传统上语言位于信息前端而不是扮演着访问信息的便利角色

    This is very different from the traditional view of software at the physical level where languages sit in front of information instead of playing a facilitating role for information.


  • 采用物理层技术设计系统通常依赖驻留架构不同层次上的可变对象

    Systems designed with physical level technologies usually rely on mutable objects residing at various levels of an architecture.


  • 从概念上讲逻辑位于应用程序物理层之间

    Conceptually, the logical volume layer sits between the application and physical layers.


  • 是否意味着我们系统工程学方法——要求逻辑层物理层分离——缺陷呢?

    Does this mean that our approach to systems engineeringwhich calls for the separation of logical and physical perspectivesis flawed?


  • 我们已经知道一个逻辑URI地址如何被解析物理层端点以及开始处理如何绑定的。

    We have seen how a logical level URI address is resolved to a physical level endpoint and bound to it for the time it takes to process.


  • 逻辑层系统灵活性相比物理层面向对象系统显得有些脆弱

    When compared to the flexibility of a logical system, physical level object-oriented systems appear brittle.


  • 达到一目的,需要尽量保持数据库/物理层简洁

    To achieve this, keep the database/physical layer as clean as possible.


  • 物理层实际磁盘组成。

    The physical layer consists of the actual disk.


  • 但是架构需要了解物理层避免网络瓶颈安全暴露

    Architects, however, need to understand the physical layer in order to avoid network bottlenecks and security exposures.


  • EDA内部,可以soa各个分段(包括物理层架构虚拟层)传输事件这样系统可以有效地作出响应

    Within an EDA, you can transmit events across all segments of an SOA, including physical tiers and an architecture's virtual layers, so that systems respond and act effectively.


  • 计算多种分层要素组成基本物理层存储服务器基础架构开始,以及应用层网络

    Cloud computing is made up of a variety of layered elements, starting at the most basic physical layer of storage and server infrastructure and working up through the application and network layers.


  • 12分别物理层数据链接层,通过以太网实现

    Layers 1 and 2 are the physical and data link layers, respectively, fulfilled by the Ethernet network.


  • 然而逻辑代码并不知道物理层类型

    However, at the logical level, code is not aware of physical level types.


  • 通过物理层之上逻辑定义路由可以相同网络结构实现许多重叠拓扑

    With routing defined in a logical layer above the physical network, it is possible to have many overlapping topologies implemented on the same network fabric.


  • 下面我们回到物理层仔细看看访问器

    Next we switch back to the physical level and take a closer look at accessors.


  • 如果需要新的物理层能力比如新的资源模型,那么必要访问器、transreptors等等就会构建起来

    If any new physical level capabilities are required, such as a new resource model, the necessary accessors, transreptors, etc. are constructed.


  • 结果ProjectExplorer看起来是一样的,但是log4j.jar文件小小的图标表明这个资源工作空间以外链接一个物理层的资源。

    The resulting Project Explorer looks the same, but a small icon on the log4j .jar file indicates that the resource is linked to a physical file outside the workspace.


  • NetKernel逻辑模型集中信息处理而且通过一个内核将逻辑模型与物理层对象API干净地分离

    NetKernel's logical model is focused on information processing and is cleanly separated from the physical level of objects and APIs by a microkernel.


  • NuCrypt公司专有的“AlphaEta”量子噪声随机物理层加密技术代表了超安全数据速率光通信模式

    NuCrypt's proprietary "AlphaEta" quantum-noise randomized, physical-layer encryption technology represents a new paradigm in ultra-secure, high data-rate optical communications.


  • 由于RPR二层基于MAC的技术,所以多个物理层上工作,包括SONET

    Because RPR is a layer 2 MAC-based technology, it can operate over multiple physical layers, including SONET.


  • Transreptors通过逻辑隐藏了物理层细节,来降低复杂性以此开发者精力集中在重要的东西—信息

    Transreptors help reduce complexity by hiding physical level details from the logical level allowing developers to focus on what's important - information.


  • 了解位于应用程序物理层之间应该可以帮助理解为什么很可能所有重要一层。

    Understanding that it sits between the application layer and the physical layer should help you understand why it is arguably the most important of all the layers.


  • 第一次设置系统时,对于磁盘配置,可以最底层(物理层)开始然后是设备逻辑文件系统、文件应用程序

    When first setting up your systems, start from the bottom (the physical layer) as you configure your disk, the device layer, its logical volumes, file systems, and the files and application.


  • 本文示例中,更改物理层实现消息路由假设做法向上移动到了逻辑中,并在那里集群进行管理。

    In this example, you changed the assumption and practice of implementing message routing at the physical layer and moved it up into a logical layer where it is managed by the cluster.


  • 甚至物理本身也是逻辑一部分因为物理层包含实际磁盘设备驱动程序任何可能配置阵列

    Even your physical volumes themselves are part of the logical layer, as the physical layer only encompasses the actual disks, device drivers, and any arrays that you might have already configured.


  • 逻辑可以物理层并且可以多个甚至所有分配一个物理层

    Logical tiers may span physical tiers, and one or more or all the tiers may be allocated to one physical tier.


  • 链路提供物理层访问设备驱动程序可以各种介质例如串口链路以太网设备

    The link layer refers to the device drivers providing access to the physical layer, which could be numerous mediums, such as serial links or Ethernet devices.


  • 链路提供物理层访问设备驱动程序可以各种介质例如串口链路以太网设备

    The link layer refers to the device drivers providing access to the physical layer, which could be numerous mediums, such as serial links or Ethernet devices.


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